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Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 8:20 am
by Gwennaford
Earlier this week I realized the date for refilling my pain meds had passed & made a frantic dash to my stash -- only to discover -- you won't believe it -- -- --

-- THE BOTTLE WAS STILL HALF FULL !! !! !!    :o    ;D    ???    :o    ;D         

This is the same Rx for which I had been setting my alarm clock to ensure I didn't miss a dose because of the terrible withdrawal symptoms.  I have been terrified to run out due to length of time & hurdles you have to jump to get each month's supply.  Have been in discussion with my doctors for months re my SERIOUS concerns about my dependence on this Rx, but they keep reminding me this is the only med we found, in two years of trials, that consistently helps relieve the constant arthritis pain.  You can't imagine my astonishment and jubilation upon discovering that ALMIGHTY GOD has not only freed me from addiction to a strong narcotic, but HE took away the pain that required the drug in the first place !! !! !!

Even though I didn't do anything wrong and it was not my fault, the enemy has still been trying to make me feel bad and guilty about this dependence for a long time.  NOW I feel so clean -- it's like being baptised again.


Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 9:35 am
by robnveronica
whoo hooo and after only a MONTH?!?! wow :o so glad you joined us Gwennie

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 9:10 pm
by Queenie

This is such wonderful news, and so encouraging!  Imagine!  An eating program that allows you to EAT until full, LOSE weight, and has the added benefit of having your pain lessen and/or go away!!!  Am I using a lot of exclamation points?  YES, I am!!  I am so excited and happy for you.


Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 12th, 2008, 11:23 pm
by mshortman
That is wonderful and amazing, Mona

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 3:54 pm
by Gwennaford
A long long ... L O N G ... time ago I read an article claiming that pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, etc. was because of allergies to foods such as wheat, corn, potatoes and tomatoes, among others.  They recommended an elimination diet that you could do to help you track down foods that caused pain to flare when you ate them.  They recommended a modified juice fast for a while, then starting, a couple foods at a time, adding back foods known for causing low incidence of allergic reactions.  Then you just kept adding back foods until you hit on one that caused a significant pain flare.  One BIG problem with doing the diet is that while you were purging your system on the juice fast you had to totally eliminate ALL pain relieving drugs, except Alka-Seltzer Gold, I think because it had some buffered aspirin in it.  So I'm reading this diet, really tempted to try it, because I'm sure ya'll understand, people suffering from chronic pain will try anything to get relief.  But wisdom prevailed & I didn't do it.


But I still wondered if all those allergenic foods could have been contributing to my pain level all these years.  Now that I've been faithfully doing LDL since the middle of January and have eliminated wheat, sugar, chocolate, potatoes, and a large percentage of the PAIN...hmmm... d'ya think there could be a connection? 

Something else I've noticed is that -- OK, you know how I've been whining about loving microwave popcorn, but it making my feet & legs swell up, presumably because of the salt?  Well, I started making popcorn on the stove & using just a tiny bit of kosher or sea salt.  While the swelling was better, it was still noticeable. I'm thinking, could it actually be the CORN?  I didn't eat corn in any form for the first three weeks, because I didn't have any.  A couple weeks ago DD#2 helped me get stocked up on LDL groceries & I started adding frozen corn to soups & de-lettuced salads.  So... the past week or so my knees have really starting bothering me again.  Hmmm... I attributed the pain flare to the cold fronts & rainy weather we've been having, but d'ya think it could be the corn

I'm going to take corn off my food list for a couple weeks & see what happens with the pain.  It won't be easy to prove because the weather's supposed to be gorgeous for the foreseeable future, so I won't really know if it was the weather or the corn causing the achy joints.  But I'll keep you "posted" in case anyone is interested. ;)

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 6:30 pm
by CJ

Stupid question about to come your way.......

What do you mean by de-lettuced salad?

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 7:10 pm
by Gwennaford
Carla wrote:
What do you mean by de-lettuced salad?

Roger's recipe, recently updated by DEBBIEWEBE.  Look for De-Lettuced and Blue-Cheesed Salad on the salad recipe board.  they're both yummy. 

If I had to guess, I would venture that Roger had to eat out a lot for business reasons and he invented this salad by combining all the yummy LDL acceptable salad bar "toppings" (skipping the boring lettuce) adding some blue cheese crumbles for a creamy & tangy mouth feel.

Hey Roger -- Did I guess right?

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 7:44 pm
by CJ
Thanks. I'll have to take a look.

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 9:34 pm
by Queenie
Gwennaford wrote:A long long ... L O N G ... ..........................................  They recommended an elimination diet that you could do to help you track down foods that caused pain to flare when you ate them.  ..............................  Then you just kept adding back foods until you hit on one that caused a significant pain flare.  ............................... I'm thinking, could it actually be the CORN?  ................................................ but d'ya think it could be the corn

Gwen - INDEED, it could be the corn!  Years and years ago I put myself on an elimination diet - eliminating the "sinister seven" - wheat, corn, dairy, eggs, sugar, soy, and yeast.  For several weeks, I ate none of these.  Then I added them back one at a time.  If there was no reaction (this wasn't for pain, but I JUST didn't feel good), then back to the elimination and then a couple of days later, another food was added.  This is how I found out that I had a dairy allergy.  The day that I added the dairy, within 30 minutes, I had a horrible headache, my pulse raised 13 beats per minute, my nose TOTALLY stuffed up, and I was so disoriented that it felt like I'd been drinking. 

I ended up not eating any dairy for a year and a half.... just an interesting little side note - Non-Dairy CreamerIt has DAIRY in it!  Non-Dairy Whipped Topping (aka Cool Whip)? - Contains DIARY!  That was when I became a meticulious label reader.  My allergy was triggered by anything dairy - and there is something called sodium caseinate - this is a dairy product!!  It is a milk derivitive - a milk protein... At that point in time, not only would this ingredient give me an allergic reaction, but if I ate too much beef, I also had a reaction ("google" it in - it's true!!)

It was also during this period that I discovered sheep's milk products - Pecorino Romano - MARVELOUS - I used this in place of parmesean - in fact, I still do.  Also, I ate sheep's milk feta cheese - DELICIOUS!  A bit milder than cow's milk feta, but I LOVED it...  After being off milk products for that extended period of time, I was gradually able to add dairy back into my diet.  But to this day, I never have dairy more than one time during the day.... it's the "half glass" theory...  If I keep the glass under 1/2 full, I can tolerate the mild symptoms.  If I had (back in the day) cereal with milk for breakfast, a slice of pizza for lunch and lasagna for dinner - I would be a MESS!  I would run red lights - HORRIBLE!!

Another benefit during that year and a half - no big black circles under my eyes!  :-)

Anyway - Corn allergies are EXTREMELY common!  And regardless of the weather, if you have a corn allergy and it's causing your symptoms, you'll have them.

And YES, I am interested in hearing about what happens!


Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 9:57 pm
by Gwennaford
:o  WOW -- COOL!  I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakthrough!!!  YAY

Of the sinister 7 (love that) I was eating dairy, eggs and (probably) soy but no corn at the beginning when I started feeling so wonderful.  When I added corn and dropped milk, I started feeling not so wonderful.

I'm printing this out.  My book is getting BIG! 

Love you -- Gwen

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 10:02 pm
by niki
Queenie wrote:It was also during this period that I discovered sheep's milk products - Pecorino Romano - MARVELOUS - I used this in place of parmesean - in fact, I still do.  Also, I ate sheep's milk feta cheese - DELICIOUS!  A bit milder than cow's milk feta, but I LOVED it...

  carolyn, on the ranch, we'll ONLY have goat's milk and goat cheese.....we'll get the milk from brunhilda the goat.........

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 10:06 pm
by Queenie
That'll work for me BQ!!


Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 10:57 pm
by EnJae
NO! Goat products taste 'funny' to me!
I'm willing to try the sheep cheese but not willing to do without my Horizon's Organic Fat-Free Milk unless we come up with a palatable substitute!

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 11:23 pm
by Gwennaford
Oh, yeah, babe!  I'm really into trying foods from many cultures.  I won't say "all" because some of that stuff I see peole eating on TV is horrifying.  But sheep & goat milk cheeses are pretty tame stuff. 

We'll have to have an "exotic" foods menu at the ranch for the more adventurous palates.  I wouldn't hesitate to try milk & cheese from other mammals or meat other than typical American garden variety livestock & poultry.  I'd like to try ostrich & all different kinds of game, as long as they are clean & wholesome, you know? 

That would require a whole new elimination diet cycle, wouldn't it?

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 25th, 2008, 2:31 am
by Gwennaford
Back on topic.....

I told you I would report back on the benefits of LDL when I had substantive proof from the doctor.......and here it is!  Last Friday (March 21) I went in for a regularly scheduled chemotherapy infusion for the rheumatoid arthritis.  The doctor reviewed with me the results of my February 15 blood test (after I had been on LDL for about a month):

Sed. rate (inflammation measurement) was DOWN
C-Reactive Protein (inflammation measurement) was DOWN
Blood glucose was DOWN
Blood pressure was DOWN
Pulse rate was DOWN
Potassium was a little low from losing all those retained fluids (was eating mostly grapefruit that month, now adding 2-3 bananas/day)
I had maintained my 34 pound weight loss, my feet & ankles were still skinny without diuretic meds, and joint flexibility had VASTLY improved.  She laughed as I easily flexed my feet & knees, shoulders & hands, saying she remembered I could barely move my legs in February!

In February, the doctor was guarded when I explained about my new way of eating (eliminating wheat flour, sugar, potatoes or rice, seeds and grains that spike your blood sugar, cause cravings, and make you fat).  She demanded, "Then where are you getting your CARBS?"  Joyfully, I told her, "From all the other healthy fruits & vegetables, and beans, beans, and more beans.  Plus I still eat fish and lean animal protein several times a week."  She just raised her eyebrow with a "We'll see" look and told me to take a multivitamin and a calcium+D supplement. 

This time, as she reviewed my test results & completed the exam, she was as enthusiastic about Let's Do Lunch as I am!  THEN I showed her that I STILL HAVE pills left in my 30-day FEB. 5 pain med. prescription.  She jumped up & gave me a big hug, congratulated me & told me to keep up the good work.  I can't wait to get the results of this month's blood test.

All Praise, Glory and Honor to Almighty GOD and MANY MANY MANY thanks to Roger Troy Wilson for sharing this ministry with us!

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 25th, 2008, 9:06 am
by Forever Young
  :)  :)  :)

As Always says, "Ain't God GOOD!!!"  All Praise, Honor, Glory to HIM for giving us LDL through Roger Troy!!!


Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 25th, 2008, 9:26 am
by Vernswifevickie AWESOME is that report!!!? Congratulations!!!

Re: Freedom from arthritis pain

Posted: March 25th, 2008, 9:37 am
by patsyfay
As a fellow RAer I am so happy for your success!!!  What a blessing.  I really believe that God meant for us to stay healthy and strong by eating all the wonderful things that He has created for us. Congratulations on your good report and thanks for the encouragement.
