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Dh's reflux gone and Everyone Healthier

Posted: April 4th, 2008, 5:22 pm
by BradyBunchMom
I have always hesitated posting here because my dh doesn't go the the Dr. regularly and, in general, the pediatrician hasn't really noticed or recommended any dietary change.  We did ok LDL for the kids and he said that it sounded VERY good.

I hope it encourages someone to know that after just a few weeks on LDL, my dh's reflux was virtually gone.  I say virtually because if he does eat poorly for a few days, it is back.  But, having eaten this way for over a year, it has been such a blessing for us that he no longer throws up 2-3 times/week and we don't have to keep Tums/Rolaids on hand for a frequent upset stomach.

Our entire family, which included my 85 year old Grandmother for about six months, has been much healthier.  We don't have as many colds/flu type bugs, the kids don't struggle with acne, and we all have MUCH more energy.  We even noticed behavior changes that I am certain resulted from less sugar/artificial color/other ingredients.

I post this in hopes it will encourage others to try LDL with their entire family.....the benefits are great!

Lovin LDL,