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Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 25th, 2007, 11:09 pm
by mrsj
;D That IS exciting Nancy!  Love moments like this! There's bound to be more like this yet to come.  ;D
How nice too that you maintain a relationship with your daughter-in-law to be able to celebrate with her and her new husband. It's a wonderful tribute to your son and to our Lord as well as a blessing, I'm sure, to you and your husband.
God bless,

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 26th, 2007, 9:13 am
by niki
it's wonderful when things like that start happening.....just wait and see, as you keep losing how your world continues to change....keep up the good work..........niki

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 26th, 2007, 11:46 am
by Bkkr123
I thought anyone who reads this might get a kick out of it.  In a dream last night, I was in a large room working with detectives on a case (I love court TV)  I had been picked up early that AM so I didn;t take food with me.  Late that evening someone offered to share his spaghetti with me but gave me no fork.  Sooo, I was sitting there eating spaghetti, one piece at a time, with my fingers, when all of a sudden a loud voice in my head said, "You can't do this. You're on LDL  !!"  I woke up immediately.  I was disgusted with myself until I realized it was a dream.  Uhmmm I wonder what that dream means....  haha

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 26th, 2007, 12:01 pm
by mrsj
How funny Nancy!  LDL is really ingrained (whole grain of course) in your mind.......certainly a good thing.

I always ask my family what they were feeling during their dream.  Whatever they were feeling........scared, happy, excited, puzzled for example........I ask them if there is anything going on in their life that makes them feel that way.
Sometimes there is a definite connection.

My strangest dream that makes me laugh everytime I think of it now was actually scary for me at the time.  I dreamt that my daughter, 4 yrs old then, was kidnapped.  Bert & Ernie and I traveled far and wide looking for her!.....yes, Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street.  :)

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 26th, 2007, 2:05 pm
by niki
mrsjudo wrote:LDL is really ingrained (whole grain of course) in your mind.. 

  it's funny that the subject of dreams has come up....often(before let's do lunch)when i would diet, i would dream i was eating the things i wasn't supposed to eat.....once i would dream that dream, i would know the diet was almost over.......not much time would pass before i went off...........once i was on let's do lunch for a few months(which is a longer period of time than ANY diet lasted), i started dreaming that i was dishing up my favorite things to OTHER people while in my dream, i, in the past, it was the feeling of deprivation i felt by being on a diet that made me dream i was eating the things i wasn't supposed to eat......on let's do lunch, those feeling of deprivation weren't there, EVEN IN MY DREAMS.......
  i posted on these boards asking if anyone else had ever had my experience....and now,you have.....
  now, mrsjudo, what your burt and ernie dream meant is a WHOLE other story.................niki 

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 26th, 2007, 3:11 pm
by mrsj
now, mrsjudo, what your burt and ernie dream meant is a WHOLE other story.................niki 

Lol, tell me about it!!
Niki, what you said about deprivation in your dreams made a lot of sense. 
Pretty amazing!

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 4:12 pm
by Bkkr123
I lost another 2 lbs......JUST THIS WEEK !! I usually weigh every 2 wks but I won't be home next Monday.  La La L a La, I'm so happy.. Gotta go.  swimming !!!!!!!

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 7:56 pm
by Bkkr123
Well, weigh-day came and went and I lost one more pound..... Kind slow right now.  That's OK, I just got back from a week vacation.  I did fudge a little. 

I did make bean medley, and pot roast (I'm the self-appointed crockpot queen.....LOL).  I brough all the leftovers home on ice and made "kitchen soup" (more like stew this time) and it was WONDERFUL !!!  Had family here to eat and it is all gone.....

Haven't been swimming for three days. Will go tomorrow.

Went to a produce mkt. in Crystal River.  They had "Dinasour Egg" plums.  They are a little bigger than the black plums and are a soft yellow with little red spots all over them. (must look like a DINASOUR EGG !!!!!).  Anyway, they are great.  Tastier than the red or black plums.  Anyone ever hear of them?  They are grown in USA but I forgot to ask where.

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 8:52 pm
by mrsj
Nancy, congratulations on losing another pound even while on vacation!
I have never heard of Dinosaur Egg plums......what a funny name?  Are they nice and sweet?

Shucks, I had never eaten a Fuji apple until about a year ago.
I used to think I like my apples tart and now I know it's because red delicious apples were sometimes sweet and sometimes too bland.......tart apples were never bland.
To me, Fuji apples are better than red sweet!  Have you eaten them?

Welcome back,

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 11th, 2007, 12:16 pm
by Bkkr123
Mrsjudo.... The DE plums are wonderful.  THey are sweet and jucy.  I had never heard of them before  Saturday.  We went back on Sun, on our way home to buy a dozen.  They were the same price as the black plums, which sometimes are pithy.  Also, I prefer the GALA apples.  They are sweet but not as hard as the red delicious.  They are shaped different but colored somewhat like the McIntosh apple.  We get them at Sam's club.  I have eaten a Fuji apple.  I love to try new fruits and Vegs.  I brought a mango home but haven't cut it yet.  I think they are great also.  I will let you know if I find the plums here.

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 11th, 2007, 7:42 pm
by CJ
Leaving one pound of you lost somewhere on vacation is a good thing! What a way to go. CONGRATULATIONS!

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 11th, 2007, 7:51 pm
by Bkkr123
I just looked up the Dinosaur Egg Plum..... It is a "PLUOT". 70% Plum, 30% apricot.  Grown in Calif. Is very sweet, full of vitamin C, low in fat, and sodium and cholesterol free. There are many varieties of pluots.  They are very good in smoothies (or so the source said".  Now to find them in the stores.

Your fruit trivia for the day.

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 12th, 2007, 1:15 am
by mrsj
I brought a mango home but haven't cut it yet.
I guess we're on the same wave length....I have a mango I haven't cut into as well.
However, where you think they are great, I'm giving them a try again to see if I will like them this time.
Growing up, I didn't eat mangoes even though my Mom and all her family loved, loved, loved, them.  I didn't see why.  It wasn' t until I tasted one while in Guam that I understood why they loved it.  It was the freshest, sweetest mango and so much better than any I had tried before.
Even so, I never gave the mango another thought since then.....until now. 

Maybe because my love for fruit didn't blossom until LDL is another reason I didn't try the mango.  My husband has always been the fruit lover.  The only one I loved was watermelon.......with the one exception being when I was pregnant and surprisingly craved fruit.

Today I had a wonderful huge bowl of watermelon, cantelope, and grapes.  I'm definitely a fruit lover now thanks to LDL setting me on the course to eat healthier.

Oh...and yes I've had a pluot too, only I thought it was plums I was buying.  I had not heard of them before and must not have had my reading glasses on to notice they were not plums.  I was glad they were good. 

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 11:31 am
by Bkkr123
I am in a bit of "?" these days.  I am hungry all the time again.  Is this the devil playing with me?  I want to eat all the time again.  I hate it.  I do for the fruit but it doesn't seem to satisfy as it did before.  WHat do I do?  Am I not getting enough protein?  I am not doing something right.  HElP, Help.    I feel as though I am missing some vitamin or mineral or something important.  I eat until I am full but it doesn't stay with me very long.  I have nto been eating as many veggies as before.  Maybe that is it. I am not craving anything, I just don't feel satisfied for long.  I had bloodwork done yesterday.  Maybe that will shed a clue on the situation, plus I am weaning myself off my 2nd "Happy" pill (lexapro) .  I would appreciate any ideas.  Thanks in advance.

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 1:44 pm
by Forever Young
Are you hungry all day or is there a specific time of day that it bothers you more?  If you have fruit at breakfast, eat POPCORN, and you could add one fried in OO egg until you become adjusted to LDL.  That is what I did to start.  Now I am contented with fruit and POPCORN.

If it is lunch add some more beans.  At first and now when I want something sweet, I eat fruit then too.  Yes, I am sure that veggies will help fill you up too.  For lunch now, I have a salad with veggies...and some sort of carb - corn/peas/black beans/garbanzos or something.

I guess I would just eat whatever I liked on the LDL allowable list and make sure that I was REALLY, really FULL.  If you snack when you first start, you should be able to stop doing that after your body becomes more adjusted to the plan.  POPCORN is always a good filler though.

Let us know if we can help further.  We really want to see you succeed on this plan too.  It does me!


Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 2:27 pm
by Bkkr123
Thanks Jeanne.  I am hungry all the time.  I will try an egg every couple of days and eat more corn and beans.  I hope cutting the lexapro isn't doing it.  I really want to get off the "happy" pills.  They put me on welbutrin after my mild heart attack in 2000 then added Lexapro after my son died in 2003.  I weaned myself off welbutrin and now am cutting back on the lexapro.  Had blood work yesterday.  Maybe that will tell us something.  I have been on LDL since May 21st.

Re: Late 60's and Losing !!!!!!

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 2:42 pm
by niki
hi nancy......i know that roger always tells people to resolve cravings for sweets with fruit and beans,corn and peas for starchy cravings.....i KNOW that everyone laughs at my saying that beans are the solution to EVERYTHING....OK, if you make a paste out of beans and apply it to a wart, it WILL not heal got me there....but, if i get cravings, they're NEVER for starches...they're for sweets....and that can happen no matter HOW much fruit i eat.......BEANS....BEANS...BEANS....THAT'S what ALWAYS does it for me....  
  a LOT of things affect your blood sugars......when you go off let's do lunch....when you have added stress in your your case, your blood sugars could be affected if you're stressed at trying to wean yourself off lexapro(which is a WONDERFUL thing that you're doing)......sometimes, we get comfortable on let's do lunch and don't eat as much at meals and end up snacking.....snacking EVEN on allowable foods can cause your blood sugars to flucuate if you snack too often...
  start from scratch....make a point of eating really good meals the way you did in the beginning.....this way, without any effort, you'll snack less.....and i'm not kidding...EAT MORE a big bowl of bean soup at the main meal and have a bowl for dinner.....i guarantee you that that'll help.....
                                       very sincerely,
                                    the bean queen