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It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 12:58 pm
by Roadglide
My wife and I started LDL in mid June.  So we've been doing well for almost 2 months.  I do not weigh myself at all.  I don't want to get discurraged.  So, I figured, when people started to say something about my weight loss, that was unsolicited, that would make my day.  Now, my pants are loose, and my wife has lost weight, but no one has said a word to either of us.  I can easily see my wife weight loss, even though she doesn't have alot to loose. And I encourage her often.  But low and behold, someone came up to me today, just to say, boy you've lost weight haven't you?  It's a GREAT FEELING.  Made my day. 

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 2:07 pm
by Glen M
Congratulations! That is a great feeling!  Makes you feel like your getting somewhere! Keep up the good work!


Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 2:37 pm
by heretotheend
It is wonderfurl when someone other than your spouse notices,  it really give you a boost...... good luck on your continued journey to Skinneytown...


Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 3:15 pm
by Shera
Terrific! What a good feeling huh?
Keep up the good eating and the encouragement for your wife. You are doing great!  :thumbsup:


Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 5:11 pm
by together4ever123


Isn't it an awsome feeling when someone else notices all your hard work?
Tell you wife I understand how she is feeling. For the longest time all I heard was "Wow your husband sure looks good!" People finally noticed I was looking good too.

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by MsHeirloom
Roadglide- What a wonderful feeling!!!  You both must be so happy with your successes!  Pam

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 9:34 pm
by julie409
Hey, that's awesome!  I am sure that more and more people will begin to notice esp when you begin to get into smaller clothes.  :thumbsup:

Julie  :rose:

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 11:40 pm
by t-rock
Fantastic! Congrats on your success!

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: August 12th, 2009, 1:18 pm
by Roadglide
Thanks for all the compliments.  It's so nice knowing what to eat, and when you can eat it.  I really like LDL.  It's so easy.  Can't wait to see results in 2 months.  And I always found summers to be tough to loose weight.  All the ice cream and cook outs.  When I was younger it was no problem, but not now.

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 1:45 pm
by Roadglide
Well we had friends over this past weekend.  My mom came up (she's 76), and noticed and actually said, that both my wife and I look good.  She's not the kind to give out very many compliments.  But by the end of the weekend, she said she wanted to try it.  She has so little stamina at a diet of any kind, but she wants badly to loose weight.  She read the book while she was here, so I'm really hoping she looses weight and then loves this way of life.  My other friends that were over notice and said that we have lost weight, but said this isn't for them.  They have to eat at night their big meal......whatever........  Not because of work or anything, it's because that's what they like.  Hey whatever.........  I can say, I've lost 2 inches off my belt, and I can fit into 34 waist.......but tight still.  But hey, I've haven't been able to do that in years!!!!  We started in mid June,  and it's as if we never went on any kind of diet.  I truly love eating this way.  And I always will.

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 3:20 pm
by crickadoodle
Roadglide -- I agree with you.  I love eating this way too.  I'm not feeling deprived at all.  It isn't a diet to me, it is a new lifestyle.  Your mom should do well on it too, because when the cravings are gone, you don't need to have "stamina" to stick to a diet!  It isn't a "grit your teeth and bear it until you lose the weight" kind of eating plan.  It is delicious and satisfying.  I still can't believe how easy it is for me.  I've lost lots of inches in my waist too.  My husband even is calling me skinny lately. 

As for your friends who said it's not for them.  There are just people who are creatures of habit and unwilling to try something new and different.  It so wasn't hard to start eating lighter at dinner.  You know, after you lose all your weight and maintain it happily, they just might come back and ask you about it with the intention of trying it too.

No one's been talking about this, but it hit me a couple of days ago that one thing I really like about this way of eating is how I'm not grumpy because I'm on a diet and I'm feeling deprived and like a martyr.  My mood is very level too because of how your blood sugar stays level.  I stay in a good mood.  Does that make sense???

Not too many people say anything about my weight loss.  Sometimes I bring it up, and they say they really noticed.  I think some people might feel it is personal and don't want to insinuate that you were too big before you lost the weight.  Everyone is different.  It doesn't mean that they don't notice and aren't happy for you.

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 3:56 pm
by mrsj
Roadglide wrote:We started in mid June,  and it's as if we never went on any kind of diet.  I truly love eating this way.  And I always will.
Roadglide, your success and enthusiasm for Let's Do Lunch is enjoyable to read.  Congratulations to you and your wife on the good job of losing weight and sharing this great plan with others.
It's nice to *meet* you!

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 6:01 pm
by Roadglide
It's nice to meet and exchange thoughts and ideas with people here that have the same interests.  It's interesting to read the comment on how people don't say anything about your weight loss.  I chose to think of it two ways, either I wasn't that fat before,lololololol,  or maybe I just don't look like I've lost that much if any to some people.  I don't weigh myself.  When I can get into my 34's comfortably, then I'm going to weigh myself.  Oh, by the way, I have ton's ( a whole closet full of 34's)  I refused to get rid of.  I just felt in my heart I would someday get back down in weight to get these on again.  Getting close, maybe by Thanksgiving.

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 10:07 pm
by Sweetpea
:thumbsup: Way to go Roadglide! I can't wait to see your progress as you keep going... you're doing awesome! Isn't it exciting to reach these goals... and to share them with others?

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 10:31 pm
by bamaluvr
Congrats Roadglide!  Sounds like you are well on your way to fitting those 34's. Keep up the great work. I know how great getting into a smaller size feels.

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 7th, 2009, 9:03 am
by Victoria
Way to go Roadglide!

My husband is also on LDL with me and he is so proud of himself that he has finally gotten into pants that haven't fit him in three years.  Of course, LDL has benefited me too; however, I have less weight to lose than my husband so it is coming off more slowly, but my inner thighs no longer shake hands with each other  :D

crickadoodle wrote:No one's been talking about this, but it hit me a couple of days ago that one thing I really like about this way of eating is how I'm not grumpy because I'm on a diet and I'm feeling deprived and like a martyr.  My mood is very level too because of how your blood sugar stays level.  I stay in a good mood.  Does that make sense???

Crickadoodle -- I couldn't agree more! Also, some very smart LDL member said "will power is built into LDL".  Isn't this the truth!

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 10:51 am
by Roadglide
Well I've been on LDL since mid June.  I have to tell you I have never weighted myself since I"ve been on this diet.  I do know what I weighted before I started though.  TODAY, I'm wearing pants that I have not had on for at least the last 4-5 years!  I'm not kidding.  They fit perfectly.  It's like unbelievable!  I have a whole closet full of pants, that are like new to me.  I'm so happy.  I just can't believe it.  It's easy too.  For anyone just thinking about trying LDL.............Just do it!  P.S.  my mom (74 yrs young)  has been on for 1 month now, and has lost 13 lbs!

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 4:56 pm
by mrsj
What a great report Roadglide! :thumbsup:  It's very encouraging for all of us!
I'm very happy for you and your family!  Way to go Roadglide's mom!!!
I'm doing the dance of joy for your success and enjoyment of LDL eating.  Woohoo!

Re: It Finally happened today!

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 12:31 am
by Ginny M.
Way To Go, Roadglide!! :D  :D  :D

I'm sure that now that you are in the 34 pants you will get more comments.  I think that when we wear the same "old -- bigger" clothes it's hard to tell the loss . . . they see the clothes which are big and figure you fill them out.  But with the smaller clothes, they Have to notice  :) 

Congrates to your Mom, too.  :D

Don't you just Love this woe?  *love*  :D
