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is this for real

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:39 pm
by vmanning
new to ldl.
can someone tell me if it is really possible to loose weight eating like this?

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:48 pm
by julie409

This is so for real, it will astound you.  :angel:  Have you received your book yet?  Are you just getting started? Along with a fabulously healthy way of eating you now have a community of caring people right here, able and willing to help.  Just ask whatever questions you may have, clear out the old non ldl foods and the old beliefs that may have held you back.  Follow the program - it works!  :thumbsup:

Julie :rose:

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 10:35 pm
by Joyful Friend
It is for real.  I still have to pinch myself to see if I have been dreaming about the 50lb loss and down a whole bunch of sizes.  Embrace the plan, it works.  You aren't dreaming.  It is such a healthy way of eating. Glad you're with us . WELCOME, Joyful Friend

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 10:51 pm
by wendysgoodnews
Welcome to LDL, you really will love this way of eating.  I have been on since Nov. and have lost 52 lbs and a lot of inches.  It is a miracle the way the food not only makes you lose weight but causes your body to become healthy and gives you lots of energy.  Just try it and you will be so surprised how easy it is.  There are a lot of recipes on the boards to try that are some of the best tasting I have ever tried. 

Ask lots of questions, there are people on the boards that will come and answer and help you.  I am happy you are willing to give this a go, you won't be disappointed.

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 2:16 am
by jaydensmommy
It sure is.  I've been doing LDL since January 11th and have lost 25 pounds without being hungry and enjoying what I have been eating.

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 8:37 am
by vmanning
thanks for all the encouragement. I have a  4 year old son, and I own it to him to stay healthy and active. which i am finding it harder and harder to do each day.  I love beans, can you have beans all throughout the day, or only at lunch? how long does it talk for the hunger and cravings to go away?

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 9:15 am
by abbys mom
I agree with everyone.  I never thought I would see the day that I PREFER these recipes to those you get when you go out to eat.  These are much better tasting, help you lose weight and you know what the ingredients are!

Abby's mom

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 10:30 am
by Deborah D.
vmanning you can have beans for breakfast, lunch, dinner and several snacks when you first get started, after you been on LDL for a while and not so hungry you can have them just at meal times....same for fresh the fruit and beans until you can stand to eat another bite, and then see the weight come off.

Deborah D.

Re: is this for real

Posted: March 14th, 2010, 10:50 am
by VickiLynn
vmanning wrote:how long does it talk for the hunger and cravings to go away?

The hunger goes away almost at once because you MUST eat, eat, eat until full/stuffed!  Your sweet cravings will go away with the more fresh fruit you eat -- eat until you can't eat another bite!!  Your starch cravings go away by eating tons of beans, corn, peas, and fresh or frozen veggies.  There are so many great recipes on the recipe boards that you won't get bored with eating the same thing day in and day out like a lot of other "diets".  Please think of this as a new way of eating that lets you eat all the foods that are good tasting and good for you -- not only to lose weight but to gain better health.  For the sake of your son, I hope you give LDL a chance to change your life -- it will  *hug*


Re: is this for real

Posted: April 5th, 2010, 11:34 am
by Bethann
Though I have tried hard to do LDL perfectly I haven't been able to but in spite of that I have lost over 20 lbs. and so encouraged! :-)
When I have slipped I get right back into the program (or as soon as possible)!
Believe me it works and is a wonderful way of eating!  :rose:I have been amazed! ....and so thankful!  :rose:

Re: is this for real

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 2:00 pm
by JEM
I too strive to do LDL perfectly, but more often than not, I fail.  I don't eat bread or pasta or rice anymore nor do I crave it (thank God!).  Sometimes though I might sneak in a fried chicken or breaded shrimp or even a bite of (Egads!) chocolate, but it was never a full blown eating event, unlike before I re-discovered LDL.  This is my second round of doing LDL.  The first round was last year, and I got side tracked trying to do other WOE (vegetarian, eat everything but never past 6 pm, etc).  This time around, I know to stick with LDL  because it works and I am truly never hungry.  I used to eat a lot of rice with my lunch and or dinner and now with LDL, I find myself getting so full very quickly it makes me wonder where did I ever put the rice I ate with my meals then?  I don't know how much I lost since restarting 3 weeks ago, but I am starting to swim in my clothes ;)

Re: is this for real

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 2:15 pm
Yea, JEM!
You are quite a testimony for LDL
Anxiously waiting your "Losses" in lbs, inches or clothes size!

Re: is this for real

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 6:26 pm
by julie409

So glad to hear you are doing so well.  :thumbsup:  Good for you!

VM - where are you?  Come out and let us know how things are going. OK?

Julie :rose:

Re: is this for real

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 10:12 pm
by Joyful Friend
Good for you, JEM.  I bet you will stay with LDL foods now.  It's a great way to eat.  :thumbsup: JF

Re: is this for real

Posted: July 28th, 2010, 11:38 am
by JEM
Joyful, I try my best to remember to eat only LDL foods, even if i'm "pigging out".  I once craved a burger so I ordered a delivery.  Before it came, I decided I will eat something LDL approved (it was a Corn Thin with Egg on top) so by the time the burger came I was already too full to even want to taste it.  I just looked at it and unfortunately ended up wasting my money and the burger. But it felt great to know I could order it just because I wanted it and realize I didn't want it.