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Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 6:25 pm
by pmilburn
I wanted to share my favorite side dish with you all.  Sometimes I just make a plate of this when hungry and eat it for a snack.  Buy fresh brussel sprouts (when you can get them - they are around now here in Arkansas), fresh turnips, and carrots.  Cut stems from brussel sprouts and slice in half.  Peel and slice turnips and carrots.  Put all three veggies in fry pan (sometimes I put the sprouts in first especially if they are large) cover bottom of pan with water.  Sprinkle with splenda to remove any bitterness, and salt and pepper.  Cook until dry, add more water if veggies are still pretty hard, when veggies are starting to soften, add a bit of oil to brown.  Eat immediately and enjoy.  Don't decide you don't like brussel sprouts unless you have tried this - even my grandkids eat it.  Don't overcook veggies - they are good aldente (or however you spell that!!)

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 1st, 2010, 7:13 pm
by barrypaxton
OMGoodness, You have just made me hungry for fried turnips. Think I'll head down to the farmers' market tomorrow morning to see if they have any turnips.


Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 2:53 am
by MsHeirloom
Thanks for sharing the great recipe.  Welcome to LDL; you are going to do great.  Pam

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 7:56 am
by pmilburn
Thanks for the welcome - I hope you can find ingredients Ollie - this is a staple at my house - my daughter came i yesterday and said "oh, your'e making my favorite!!! Pretty good for healthy veggies!!!! You can keep the raw cut up ingredients ina tupperware bowl in the fridge for a week or more and it goes well with so many entrees - the turnips make you not miss the potatoes so much.  I hope you aren't leaving out the brussel sprouts, honest, cooked right w/a little sweetner they are great.

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 3:23 pm
Lots of fresh brussel sprous in the store and wanted a way to fix them that would make them tastier than sauteed just by themselves. I think I will use your recipe and add sliced okra at the time of browning.
Thanks and welcome pmilburn

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 4:01 pm
by barrypaxton
OH POOOOH!!! No turnips at the market. Was looking forward to this dish!!


Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 5:23 pm
by lrainbow2006
Ok...I'm embarrassed..but I have never eaten a turnip in my life and I'm not quite sure what they even look like  :shocked:  But I love brussel sprouts and carrots so I would love to try this recipe.  I think I better head to the store tomorrow...

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 6:52 pm
by pmilburn
Irainbow- I am still laughing- never seen a turnip?????  They are about like a round potato the size of a baseball only they are white with some purple- you have to peel them with a potatoe peeler - hope you like it.  They make me not miss potatoes.  Mom and I were thinking they might mix well with pureed cauliflower for alternative potatoes.

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 7:01 pm
by pmilburn
Irainbow - I got to thinking maybe I should not laugh at my new's just that I feel I know you folks

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 7:05 pm
by lrainbow2006
Don't worry...I think it is kind of funny myself!  I live in a rural farm country with veggie stands all over, well, not anymore since it's late in the season.  I guess I just never paid attention.  I have heard people make "potato salad" out of them so I really am interested.  I will definitely keep you posted if I do attempt them.  :)  Lisa

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 7:41 pm
I grew up in Ohio and never ate a turnip till I married an Okie. Only ate them sliced and boiled, then served with butter, salt & pepper. I LOVED them. They have a sweet taste and I'm thinking if you have turnips that turn out to be sweet, and use the sweet baby carrots, you would not need splenda in this dish.

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 11:40 pm
by debbiewetzel
Just bought turnips today.  This sounds so good, and we have carrots.  Just need to pickup brussels sprouts tomorrow and am going to try this...Thanks for the idea and recipe.


Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 8:12 am
by pmilburn
I'm sure the splenda is a matter of taste - sometimes there is a bitterness w/o it - I only use about a teaspoon - I think it may help the browning too - but I do tend to have a sweet tooth so I'm sure it is a matter of taste.

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 12:03 pm
by crickadoodle
or for those who don't want to use artificial sweetner like Splenda, you probably could use a little stevia instead.

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 12:56 pm
I am waiting to try Stevia in the Raw. Not in stores here yet, though.

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 3:03 pm
by pmilburn
S... I'm going to get stevia too when my splenda runs out

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 5:24 pm
by barrypaxton

I got my turnips today and can you believe it....right next to the turnips were brussel sprouts. I'd never noticed them in the produce dept before. It's almost like it was meant to be.

Now, P, tell me how you clean brussel sprouts.  :shock:


Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 7:42 pm
by pmilburn
Ollie - just wash them and cut off the stems, and slice in half from stem end to top, throw away any leafs that fall off.  I begin by cooking them cut side down - you can decide how much to "steam" them and how much to saute depending on how "grilled" you like them.  I used to just grill them, but the water seemed to help them get done quicker and with less oil.  I think they are just as good.  Good luck

Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 4:59 pm
by barrypaxton

I just tried this recipe. Talk about delicious!!!!  *love* it!!!


Re: Brussel sprouts, carrots and turnips

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 9:45 pm
OK, I am fixing this dish tonight. After steaming, I added diced onions, sweet red, yellow and orange peppers and one diced jalepeno (seeded).
Served it with cod for DH. I will stick to just veggies tonight.

Before steaming.
Took picture before adding one more turnip
Added the peppers and onion and sauted in EVOO.
Himalayan Salt and McCormic Peppercorn Medley to top it off!