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Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 30th, 2011, 11:13 pm
This recipe was posted on our local Health Food Center's site.
It contains Brown Sugar (sucanat) but I figure it may be healthier than the corn syrup or sugar that is in the store-bought brands.
Here is the link: ... up-finally


I think I’ve been working on a homemade ketchup recipe for about forty years.
(I have actually not reached the age of forty yet, but I am rather fond of exaggerating and I feel like I’ve been experimenting with ketchup for like totally forever.)

It’s taken quite a bit of trial and error to find a recipe that we think tastes good.  So many recipes just don’t quite taste ketchupy enough for me.  This recipe I’ve finally settled on is one I found and adapted from Happy in Dole Valley.  I’m happy to say that this is a very easy recipe to make.  Tastes good…healthy…and easy.  Yes, this is the kind of recipe I like to share with you.

During my experiments, one of the toughest challenges was to sweeten the ketchup in a way we liked.  I didn’t want it too sweet, but it did need to be a little bit sweet - and not too tomato-ee.  (I’d like to see the words ketchupy and tomato-ee become a part of the dictionary someday, wouldn’t you?)

I tried making ketchup with raw honey to sweeten it, and found that the taste was too strong.  Regular ol’ sucanat (dehydrated cane sugar juice) is a little crunchy in this recipe, so I finally figured out a great way to sweeten our homemade ketchup:  Grind the sucanat in the blender like you’re making this healthier, unprocessed powdered sugar…then add it to your ketchup ingredients.  Easy and perfect!

Healthy Homemade Ketchup

7 ounces of tomato paste
1/3 cup water
2 Tablespoons vinegar (I used distilled coconut vinegar)
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of cloves
pinch of allspice
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/8 cup sucanat (ground in the blender to make it less “crunchy”)

Whisk ingredients together until mixed well and smooth.

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 12:52 am
by JerrieH
Thanks for the recipe Linda.  Looks really good.  I'd like to give it a try with my liquid non-bitter stevia, to see how it turns out.  I enjoy seeing new recipes on these board and it doesn't seem like there have been very many recipes posted lately.  Thanks again.  Jerrie :)

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 5:24 am
by Scotsgal
Thanks Linda.  I also checked out the site.............some great info and recipes. I am making the sauce today.

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 8:30 am
by Joyful Friend
Linda, my mom canned catsup---but, I never ever thought I would ever use it.  I'm certain that she used raw honey or sorghum molasses for sweetener, because we always had both on our table.  We didn't get refrigeration until I was twelve, so both of these could set out, and they never ruined.  We always had them for the delicious homemade biscuits that she made.  We also had homemade butter--how my arms got exercise from making it!  We ate so many natural foods without additives, no wonder no one in the family had a weight problem then.  :thumbsup:  JF;

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 10:56 am
by mroszczak1
TY for this I always buy the sugar free one, but would rather make this! I will try using splenda in it.

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 10:15 pm
by JerrieH
JF - I remember when I was a kid, my mom never refrigrated her store bought catsup.  She also often left out store bought butter.  I never  hear of anyone doing that anymore, so I refrigerate mine.  Jerrie :)

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 11:09 pm
We always kept the ketchup in the fridg but I still leave the butter out.
Never has spoiled. Only leave a stick at a time out though.

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 11:28 pm
by JerrieH
How long can you leave butter out without it going bad?  Would that work for Smart Balance butter spread?  Jerrie :)

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: June 1st, 2011, 1:24 am
by tprouty
Hi Jerrie

Butter is pretty much pure fat, so it should last a long time at room temp without going bad. I've never seen it mold or anything. Might turn rancid if you left it out for weeks, but I've never had it around that long!  :tongue:

Smart Balance will start melting and separating if your house is warm enough. I usually leave it out except for summertime, so I can spread it more easily. It gets little puddles of melted spread on top, but does pretty well up into the low 70s. When the house gets warmer in the summer, I have to refrigerate. Otherwise it all melts into a big puddle and the water separates out to the bottom and it's never the same again. But I haven't actually had it go "bad" from sitting out, unless it gets bread crumbs or something in it. Those crumbs will mold eventually.

My friend leaves the salad dressings out all the time. I only choose a vinaigrette when I eat at her house!

Enjoy your experiments!


Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: June 1st, 2011, 6:01 pm
by JerrieH
Thanks Terri for all the info on butter and Smart Balance.  Jerrie :)

Re: Homemade Ketchup

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 2:30 pm
by crickadoodle
I never refrigerate the ketchup.  It doesn't say to on the label, at least the last time I checked it didn't say to.  I've been getting the kind without high fructose corn syrup and rarely use it myself -- but I want the healthiest I can find for my family that they will eat.  I know my step son would not try it if I made it, but if I ever feel I need some, I might try this recipe.

Terri, we get the Paul Newman Oil and Vinegar salad dressing and it says not to refrigerate, so we don't.  Maybe your friend has this kind??  I don't think all the varieties of it say this, though.  I guess vinaigrette is safe without refrigeration, so that's why it is on the label like that.

I didn't know about the butter, though.  I do leave it out when baking cookies at Christmas -- which I still do, even after LDL.  I make boxes to send to my husband's dealers.  It is a semi-healthy cookie, though!  :blush:  It has rolled oats and dried fruit and nuts, among other things.  They are way too good tasting and can be addictive.