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~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 7:41 pm
by jsprik
This is so good, you'll think you're being naughty, but you're not!!!  ;D

Strawberry Salad Dressing

1/4 c. cider vinegar
1 T. minced onion
3/4 t. paprika
3/4 t. Worcestershire sauce
3/4 c. splenda
1 1/4 c. fresh strawberries, cut up
1 to 1 1/4 c. light tasting EVOO

In a blender combine all ingredients except oil.  Once blended well, add oil slowly, a little at a time, blending well after each addition til all oil is added.  Blend well. Will keep in refrigerator for about a month, but this is so good, I doubt it will last that long!  :drool:

I serve this on spring greens with grilled chicken, fresh sliced strawberries and blueberries!!! It's Yummy!!

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 7:44 am
Thinking I may try this today. Just washed up my ninja so am good to go!
Don't have strawberries on hand and would like to substitute something else for the splenda....
Think I will try it with frozen blueberries.
If not sweet enough, have some Crystal Light Pure that has stevia in it that tastes good.
The berry blend might be good.....
Endless possibilities.....

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 12:49 pm
by jsprik
you could totally up the fresh fruit in this and have a great result! i wouldn't increase the vinegar without increasing the fruit though, it's already pretty tangy!

you could also use stevia instead of splenda if you aren't big on splenda...honey might work, too!

you can work this any way you want guys!! make it work for you!!

i figure the way i eat, i don't get a lot of fat from anything else in my diet, so i don't worry about what i get from oils, since i don't consume a lot of them!


Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 4:57 pm
OK so I tried it the way Roger said. Did the half cup of vinegar and 1/8 cup oil with a cup and a half of blueberries.
Used a full packet of the rasberry lemonade crystal light. The taste was awesome but much too sweet so I added more vnegar and a little oil and more berries.
Not smart. Too much vinegar.

I think next time I would go with 1/3 cup vinegar, a 1/2 cup oil and 1 1/2 cups fruit, and only half packed of Crystal Light Pure.
The rest of the ingredients the same.

In spite of messing it up, I LOVE the fruity-tart taste on my salad!
Thanks for sharing Jo.
The possibilites are endless so I plan to make my own dressing from now on.

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 10:03 pm
by jsprik
you're welcome....glad you enjoyed it! i will try it the new way as well !! though, like i said...i eat so low fat otherwise, i'm not real worried about it!!  :thumbsup:

i ate mine on spring greens today with grilled chicken and fresh strawberries and blueberries!!! it was amazing!


Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 24th, 2011, 12:11 am
by JerrieH
Linda - I didn't know any of the Crystal Light drink mixes had stevia in them.  I'm glad you mentioned that.  I will have to look for that.  Years ago it had nutra sweet in it so I never bought it.  Thanks for the info.  Jerrie

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 24th, 2011, 1:15 am
Years ago I LOVED the Crystal Light Lemon/Lime drink. Bought a ton of it.
But they quit making it and we never liked the plain lemonade as well.
Then I had a reaction to the nutrasweet so I have been steering clear of all the artificial stuff.
The powdered drinks are right across the isle from the Culligan Water Filter so I was checking them out one day and noticed the Crystal Light Pure had stevia in it.
WalMart has a generic with Stevia also. It is really sweet so you may want to use less than recommended.

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 27th, 2011, 11:22 pm
by JerrieH
Hey Jo - I tried your dressing with some oil modifications (as I don't need so much oil in mine)  Instead of the 1 1/4 c. oil, I used 1/3 c. oil and 1/4 c. water.  It was really good.  Surprisingly, the strawberry and onion flavors taste really good together.  Thanks for sharing the recipe.  Jerrie

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 27th, 2011, 11:26 pm
by JerrieH
Linda - I found the Crystal Light Pure with stevia in it at Walgreens.  I didn't know until I got home that it was grape flavored.  I was thinking it would be lemon flavored.  It was good, but I thought it was kinda expensive $3.99 for the small amount in the box.  I think I'll look for it at Walmart.  It should be cheaper there.  Thanks.  Jerrie

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 28th, 2011, 1:12 am
by jsprik
next time i make it i am using only 1/2 c. oil and 1 1/2 c. berries and 1/2 water or maybe even apple juice to see if i can eliminate some of the oil... we will see how that goes...i might also try balsamic vinegar in a batch and see how i like it... i bought some today for the first time....  :blink:


Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 28th, 2011, 9:40 am
by MsHeirloom
Try the dressing I published a while back for the Very Berry Salad.

One jar all-fruit raspberry jelly
1/3 c. olive oil
1/3 c. Balsamic vinegar
1/3 c. apple cider vinegar
2 T. honey

Blend all together in blender

I think this would be great with many different flavors of all-fruit preserves.

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: July 28th, 2011, 3:07 pm
by JerrieH
Pam - thanks for posting that.  I'll have to try that recipe too, with maybe a little stevia in place of the honey.  Like you said, Polaner AllFruit jelly comes in so many flavors (and I have many in my fridge now), that you could make that dressing in so many flavors.  Thanks again.

Jo -  I forgot that when I made your Strawberry Dressing recipe (with oil modifications), I accidently used 1 Tablespoon or worchestershire sauce, instead of 1 teaspoon, but it was really good with the 1 Tablespoon.


Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 2:04 am
by anora
Its really very nice..
Thank you for sharing here. I like this very much...

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 1:32 pm
by jsprik
you're welcome...i have tried adjusting it as roger suggested but didn't like it very i will eat it as is and enjoy it! :) 

like i said before, i don't get a lot of fat from anything else i eat, so i am not worried about what i will get from the oil in this...


Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 1:45 pm
by crickadoodle
Well, Joanna, we really do need good fat for our bodies to remain healthy and just so you aren't overdoing it elsewhere.  I try to use only olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil in everything.  Some oils, like canola, are touted as "healthy" but I've read that they really aren't as healthy as they've tried to make them out to be.  Is regular extra virgin olive oil too strong for this to taste right?

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 2:01 pm
by jsprik
i have not tried it with olive oil yet...i only tried it with less canola oil and tried adding apple juice, and didn't like it, i could try the "light tasting" evoo and see if it works or coconut oil, the coconut oil might be really nice with the strawberries!! :)

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 6:39 pm
In the summer with a warm room temp salad, the EVCO may work, but EVCO will solidify under something like 78 or 80 degrees. Works great in the misto spraying on hot popcorn in the summer, but you will have to warm it up this winter, LOL. Light Olive Oil is healthier for salads.

Re: ~*~*Strawberry Salad Dressing*~*~

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 7:46 pm
by jsprik
so, you wouldn't be able to refrigerate it, then? that might be a problem... lol