major life adjustment

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major life adjustment

Post by mcmarth123 »

I just returned from mission service in an Asian country where I just naturally ate few processed foods (except I had a penchant for "Snickers"!), had my main meal at lunch, and ate a lot of fruit because that was what I could get at the bazaar's. I did eat a good bit of their unleavened bread. I was there for 6 months and lost 35 pounds without trying. BTW-I have NEVER succeeded at any "diet".

Now I am back in the states, have gained back 5 pounds and feel rotten from doing things like eating "the american way"! I still need to lose about 55 pounds.

I am starting the "Let's Do Lunch" plan because it makes sense. And I would appreciate prayer in adjusting back to living in the USA without buying back in to all it's excesses.

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Re: major life adjustment

Post by stl_viewer »

Hi, Martha,

Well, at least you know ahead of time that eating this way (or similar to this way) works, in terms of weight loss and "do-ability"! 

I've never succeeded at any "diet" either until this eating plan.  Been on it a little over a year now.  It works. Of course, it may seem a little strange to those around you--I think most folks cannot fathom going a day without wheat products of some kind. 

BTW, since you ate a lot of unleavened bread during your mission, I would suggest you substitute lots of beans/lentils/split pea soup in place of that.  (Chili is my "fallback" bean preparation.)

Best of luck, and keep looking through the boards here; they are a treasure trove of helpful information and support. :-)

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Re: major life adjustment

Post by MsHeirloom »

Welcome, Martha.  I'm glad you found us- an oasis of common sense eating in the midst of all the processed grains and Frankenfoods.  You know how you should be eating.  We will help you with support, recipes, and enthusiasm.  We love newbies and look forward to hearing all about your successes!  Pam
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Re: major life adjustment

Post by Sharolyn »

Welcome Martha! I have never found a better way to eat than LDL! And avoiding wheat products has never been easier!! Take a look at all of the recipes available on these message boards. At first, I thought I'd not like all of the beans........but, I DO!  ;D Don't be afraid to ask questions. Everyone here is so good with answers!

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Re: major life adjustment

Post by LINDA RN »

Welcome Martha,
So happy you found us.
You will loose all the weight you want on this plan effortlessly.
Most everyone here is failure at one or more "Diets".
This works and fortunately this WOE (way of eating) is catching on.
It will get easier.
Feel free to share more of your expeiences.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: major life adjustment

Post by tprouty »

Hi Martha.

I know exactly what you mean. After spending a month and then later almost 2 months in China, eating lots of vegetables and fruit (as well as some white rice and -- all made with white flour, of course -- noodles and Uighur bread -- I LOVE that bread!) I lost a significant amount of weight both times -- and gradually regained much of it when I came back to the USA. Honestly, I think a lot of the weight problem (besides what's in my head that I'm learning to deal with) is the processing. Almost everything here has preservatives and salt and who knows what. The fruit and vegetables I ate in China weren't canned -- they were fresh without additives, even though the veggies had to be necessarily fully cooked. The noodles and bread were just that -- freshly made with no additives. Add to that the fact that I was more active in China, catching buses and trains and walking a lot, whereas my job in the States is sitting in front of a computer all day. And the fact that our American lifestyle is excessive in sooooo many ways, not just in the availability and consumption of food. Coming home was hard on many different levels. We are "blessed" in America to the point that it is a curse in many ways! Unfortunately, many parts of the world are catching up with us.

Let's Do Lunch is so excellent, because it takes us back to eating food that is as nearly as possible in its whole and healthy state. Preservatives are greatly reduced, even if you use canned beans, which I do because of a busy schedule. So many other processed foods are eliminated! It really is one of the most painless ways to lose weight. And it is delicious, too. When I have guests at home, I always serve LDL recipes, and I have never once had a complaint! In fact, everyone loves the food.

I wish you well on your journey to improved health and a more slender body!
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