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Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 10:54 am
by Forever Young
I would appreciate all prayers as I am teaching LDL tonight at our Bible study.

I have made Taco Soup and LDL Baked Beans.  I will rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me as I do it.  Many of our members have health issues and I feel like this plan will help them to become healthier and perhaps reduce to even eliminate at least some of their meds.

Thanks LDL family and God bless!


Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 12:32 pm
by TNangela
That's great Jeanne and I will keep you and the group in prayer....God will bless your endeavours!! The menu sounds great!!

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 4th, 2006, 10:15 am
by Queenie
Jeanne - How did it go?  I wasn't on the boards (other than a few minutes) yesterday & am just getting to this...


Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 11:47 am
by Forever Young
Hi All,

Friday nite I taught LDL to those who attended the supper.  The general response was, I don't think I can do without bread...or biscuits...or something.  SO, now we will just keep them in prayer and let them WATCH as the pounds continue to drop from me!!!

I fixed Taco soup and LDL baked beans.  They all thought the recipes were delicious!  Some times it just takes time and the Holy Spirit to let people know that they need to try this plan.  Some plant, some water, and then we reap the harvest.  I was not discouraged by their lack of response that night.  It is typical of anything new that is presented.  Some people respond the first time to the Gospel...and others take time.  Some of them had questions...but none that I could NOT answer.  Praise God for that!

I know that I have lost another 2 pounds.  Someone yesterday told me that I really looked nice.  Yes, I did I will have to admit.  My skirt I wore (my favorite purple one) is getting TOOOOO large and will soon look even sillier on me.  Jim said the back was all "wrinkled" looking from...being TOOOOOOO large!  Wow!  Do I ever love that!!!

Anyway, they will NOT discourage me from staying the course.  I will Keep on keeping on as I know that I am on the right track.  One of these days, they will have a SKINNY pastors wife!

Sorry I didn't get this posted over the weekend.  We were gone most of the day Saturday, and yesterday I had to do my Avon order on line...and then I had chills and went to sleep about 5 P.M. and slept watching TV until 9 P.M. and went to bed.  At 5:30 A.M. I got up and I feel much better today.

God bless & thanks for the prayers!


Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 7:54 pm
by TNangela
I love your attitude about it all!!  You are correct...all you can do is plant that seed and you know when they get tired of struggling with weight and health issues they may come around.  This isnt a popular time to diet with the upcoming holidays...the new year will bring many!!  I am glad that you were eager to share with them knowing new things can be met with reluctance.  Keep us posted!

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 8:01 pm
by Grammasuz
I know what you're saying.  I feel like I keep scattering some seeds along the way about LDL but other then Veronica, none of the others have sprouted (YET).  So I'll just keep letting folks know how great I think it is and when they see the new thinner me waving from that cruise ship in February maybe they'll be more interested.

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 8:09 pm
by TNangela
Yep grammasuz its a lot like Jeanne compared it to sharing the Gospel...people may know they need it but until they are willing to accept it all we can do is patiently wait and pray.  Maybe we need to write a southern gospel song about it!! My hubby actually has written I better stick to singing it only!!

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 8:38 pm
by Mike
Jeanne, You deserve a great big hand for doing what you did without any help.  You are absolutely right, it just takes time for people to see what LDL can do.  At some point someone will come to you as an individual and start asking you questions, and that will be your opportunity to get the word out even more.  When people start to investigate something on their own and get a favorable impression, they will help you in your effort. They will start talking to others and before long, lots of people will be saying, "Jeanne was right all along". Good job, keep up the good work... Mike

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 7th, 2006, 6:30 am
by Queenie
Mike wrote:"Jeanne was right all along". Good job, keep up the good work... Mike

Won't this just be wonderful?  And Jeanne, I didn't know (or didn't remember!) you are a pastor's wife!  Soon to be a SKINNY pastor's wife!


Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 7th, 2006, 8:47 am
by tcasola
Seems many of us can relate to trying to get others to join LDL, and nothing happens. As I mentioned a few weeks ago - I spoke to a very close friend (whom I consider a brother) about LDL. I gave him the books, he seemed like he wanted to do it, all week he bought what was needed, and come the day he was going to start he decided it wasn’t for him. While I am disappointed he didn’t start, I still love him the same. Even the folks at work who have complemented my lost won’t try it. Maybe when I start showing better results they will all come around.

Seems that everyone feels they cannot do without their breads, pasta, rice and other fatting carbs. It’s terrible to see how this country is so dependent (addicted) to carbs. It's also sad to see most folks aren't willing to at least try.

I can kinda imagine how Jesus and the Apostles felt when they tried to spread the good news and were rejected. I can also imagine how Roger Troy must feel knowing his trials and tribulations are sometimes rebuffed or scoffed. I know I need to remain the walking testament of both.

I can only hope over time folks will see the positive affects that occurs, and then they will reexamine their path. With God’s grace, they hopefully will then join LDL.

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 7th, 2006, 7:22 pm
by LittlePrincess
Hi Guys,

You know, this is all so very true.  I shared this program with my mom and her response was, "I can't live on something that stringent."  I said, "But mom it's not that stringent and you won't crave things....Honest!"  She said, "I have to live my life and you have to live yours."  I knew she was right so I dropped the subject......and prayed.

A couple of weeks ago she came to visit.  I just handed her my book while I was doing some paperwork and she started reading.  When she got ready to leave she asked if she could take the book.  I replied, "YES!  Take it and keep it as long as you like."   Two days ago I got a phone call..."I'm just calling to tell you I am addicted to frozen grapes!"

She isn't completely following the plan yet, but she HAS replaced her desserts and high sugar foods with the grapes.  PRAISE GOD!  She's a type 2 diabetic and this is an answer to prayer. 

So I guess the point I am making here, is similar to what has already been said by so many of you...all we can do is be an example by sight.  We can't force this program on anyone.  Hopefully though, God will do such a mighty work in our lives through the LDL program that people will naturally just WANT to do this.  Until they see it, all we can do is pray for them and with them if they ask.

That being said, I have to admit that the first time I tried LDL I didn't succeed because I wasn't ready to believe.  Thank God I know today that I don't have to live without carbs...I can have all the healthy carbs I want and still lose the weight.  I'm so proud of each and every one of you and I just know in my heart of hearts that God is smiling on each of your efforts.  Blessing and love to you all.

(In Faith)  Little Princess

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 12th, 2006, 12:14 pm
by niki
hi guys..i was looking for jeanne's post on how her class on let's do lunch went and happened upon this discussion..this is exactly the response i got at my job and at church person after reading the book and trying it for one day,came to work and said,"you've been on this 8 months?....God bless you,niki"...people at my church told me they prefer to stay the way they are or lose weight other ways rather than give up bread and pasta...this type of reasoning is hard for me to understand because i KNOW that NOONE loved sweets and unhealthy carbs more than i did....NOW they mean NOTHING to's REALLY amazing how this happens,when you think about it.....
  what you said,ang,was an excellent point that i hadn't even thought about...i started here in mid january...EVEN I had a new year's resolution "planned"...well,i didn't even try..i hadn't even tried to diet in a few years..then after knowing i didn't even feel like trying,happened upon let's do lunch and now i'm thinner than i've been in MANY years.....MANY,MANY years....last night,my daughter was mortified when i comfortably fit into a pair of her size 10 pants...there's NOTHING i would exchange that for...not any bowl of ice cream or unhealthy carbs that used to leave me feeling fat,bloated and UGLY.....
  by the new year,i'll have been doing this for a year...i'm going to REALLY pray that people seriously give let's do lunch a chance..there are SO many overweight believers that need to put food in it's proper place..christians that write books on losing weight or preachers that speak on the subject are really shooting blanks without a plan that can make that happen:let's do lunch...
  and now that i think about it,it's the time i'll probably be doing a workshop at a local christian coffee house..the owner had told me she didn't have room in her schedule until 2007...i didn't realize how PERFECT that would be...
  have a blessed day,all..............................niki 

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 12th, 2006, 12:41 pm
by nyKath
Hi, Niki. We all know that change is scary to some people, almost paralyzing, even. The thought of giving up so many things that one enjoys, that signals comfort, family, friendship, love, etc. is unthinkable to many people, no matter how large and unhappy they've become. The time will come one day, though, when they will have had enough of being obese, tired, sick, and diseased and they will know that a change must be made to improve their lives, and their longevity.

Good luck with getting that class started next year, girl. Start working out a program now (hand outs, etc.) so you'll be ready and able when they say that a certain time slot is yours. Wishing you continued success in maintaining your loss and showing others the way. ....NYKath

Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 12th, 2006, 1:49 pm
by Queenie
niki wrote:....last night,my daughter was mortified when i comfortably fit into a pair of her size 10 pants...there's NOTHING i would exchange that for...

..christians that write books on losing weight or preachers that speak on the subject are really shooting blanks without a plan that can make that happen:let's do lunch...
and now that i think about it,it's the time i'll probably be doing a workshop at a local christian coffee house..the owner had told me she didn't have room in her schedule until 2007...i didn't realize how PERFECT that would be...
  have a blessed day,all..............................niki 

Niki - the above three things on your post really popped out at me - I can't WAIT until I can slip comfortably into a size 10 slacks... and to see my daughter's face when I do it!!  My daughter is 5'8" and probably weighs 140 pounds - she is a size 5/6... I have NEVER worn a 5/6.  My wedding dress (I always say that I'm going to sell it with an ad that says, "worn only once, by mistake!!") was tiny and it was a 7...

The second thing that popped out was where you said, "preachers that speak on the subject are really shooting blanks without a plan that can make that happen" - what a great saying! 

And the third thing - "the owner had told me she didn't have room in her schedule until 2007...i didn't realize how PERFECT that would be..."  There's a reason for everything, isn't there??  I forget the saying that one LDL'r said about there being no coincidences... but that fits perfectly!


Re: Teaching LDL tonight

Posted: November 12th, 2006, 4:39 pm
by niki
hi WILL be your ideal weight before you know it...i had so much fun last night...first i found my son and his girlfriend out on the front deck and asked them how they liked my new son heard that they were my daughter's and went inside with new ammunition to tease her.....i found her in the shower and said,"peek out,jessica and look at my pants"....the look on her face was hysterical as she said "OHMYGOSH"'re gonna love that...and it won't be long.........
  i see so many books written by christians telling them in essence to eat to live and not to live to eat....i watched a VERY well known tv preacher spend entire sermons on food...."don't allow food to be your idol"...i would never have sat and even listened to that before let's do lunch...i didn't need to be reminded of my deficiencies.....MEANWHILE,it was the sugar and unhealthy carbs that did that to me...i was a victim of all that garbage food(haha..i like portraying myself as the victim),i'm glad you liked that thing about the blanks......
  it was richard hernandez that said that with God there is no such thing as coincidence..he used to grace us with a lot of unforgetable's a major blessing to see God's signature in the things that happen around us....i hope that that workshop really happens....i just REALLY want to see as many people as possible receive this blessing..........sincerely,niki