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Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 2:20 pm
by aaa
Gem, I left you a TTapp message on Kathie's Cafe.

Beth, I left you one too.

Love and prayers, Annamaria

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 2:25 pm
by isthis4me
ok, I aint read this whole dern thread yet, so lemme go back and read but it looks like I will hafta get back into this  :blush:

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 2:31 pm
by turkkm
Isthisforme.....let me know what you decide, but we would love to have you on board with us.  :D  pray on it a spell and try some of the moves at the website.  It may not be fore everyone, but it just might be for you!

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 4:01 pm
by GEM
Finished 17 days before they finished me :shock: :shock: :shock: not expecting much--I've whined about my remedial T-Tapping the entire time, ad nauseaum--just proud that I completed the original 14 day commitment.  But surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Chest (No bust  :sad:)  Down 3"

Waist: Down 4"

Hips:   Down 4 inches

Straight from the dryer in unstretched condition :tongue: jeans size:  Down from Size 24 to a comfortable Size 20, since May 20, 2009.

It's the LDL/T-Tapp "It's All Good!" TKO**, one-two sucker punch straight to the fat.  Feels fine...hit me again!!! *woot* *woot* *woot*


**Therapeutic "Two-Fer" Knock Out

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 4:11 pm
by aaa
Dear Gem, WOOHOO FOR YOU!!! Let me shout it from the rooftops...WOOHOO FOR YOU!!! I left you a post asking questions about your TTapping, as I am considering trying it.  I am so out of shape and was wondering if I would be able to do it.  Also I had a question about form???  If form isn't the greatest, does it still work???  You are my "HEROESS" (I just made up that word...this situation called for something really special...) So tell me exactly what were you following.  These succes stories on TTapping are really, really, really getting me interested and motivated to try... Wish I could post a "Happy Dance" icon.   Again, Congratulations to you!!! Love and prayers, Annamaria  P.S. My other TTapp message is on Kathie's Kafe...

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 4:44 pm
by turkkm
Annamarie, are you getting convinced yet?!?  Gem thought she was too uncoordinated to do the moves and put herself in remedial ttapp as she called it and look at the fantastic results she got, woo hoo, this stuff works!  Theresa says its in the trying to do the moves correctly that gets the results.  You don't have to have perfect form in the beginning...just start moving is all!  I personally have terrible balance and wobble a lot during hoe downs.  Who cares, it still worked!

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 5:43 pm
by GEM
mrsjudo wrote:
GEM wrote:
turkkm wrote:psssst....oh gem dear.....spit those watermelon seeds out, get your apron off, and and go on over to the ttapp thread ... ic=5647.90

Took me a bit to get there Kathie, 'cause I was a chasin' my poor naked tail round and round my bedroom, a tryin' to lasso it with the measurin' tape outta my sewin' box, so I could take me an accountin' of if I done lost any inches by a addin' T-Tappin', to LDL.  This mornin' I finished 17 days before they finished me :shock: :shock: :shock: not expecting much--I done whined 'bout my remedial T-Tapping the entire time, ad nauseaum--jus' proud that I completed the original 14 day commitment.  But surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Chest (No bust  :sad:)  Down 3"

Waist: Down 4"

Hips:   Down 4 inches

Straight from the dryer in unstretched condition :tongue: jeans size:  Down from Size 24 to a comfortable Size 20, since May 20, 2009.

It's the LDL/T-Tapp "It's All Good!" TKO**, one-two sucker punch straight to the fat.  Feels fine...hit me again!!! *woot* *woot* *woot*


**Therapeutic "Two-Fer" Knock Out

Oh, I have just been exercising my inner stomach muscles from your post Gem, making me laugh out loud.

Oh yeah, how could I forget!  Congratulations on the inches lost and the pants sizes gone down!  Woohoo!!

Glad I could help you out with some spontaneous cardio, you'll be a T-Tappin' with the girls.  I see's a chorus line of us, all in our leotards, stretched across the Front Porch, a stoppin' traffic, whilst we struts our stuff, groovin' an' a movin', the T-Tapp way.  I see a big black limo a pullin' up in front of the hourse, an' an Agent type guy with a cigar clamped 'tween his teeth, comin' up the steps, flashin' contracts all around, a wantin' to make us stars.  I see Rockerfeller Center come Christmas time, an' them poor, scrawny little Rockettes, jus' a sittin', an' a sobbin' in the wings, cause the LDL T-Tappers done took over they's stage, front and center, and the crowd's a goin' wild, a throwin' roses, an' a screamin our names!  I sees...


Gots to go, Mrsj...I needs to see 'bout puttin' us a deposit on our tour bus, an' then they's the marketin' rights to all us as action dolls with Matel to nail down, an' course, I gots to talk to the folks at Danskin 'bout licensin' our own lycra line, an'...  I know we got some marketing pros out, PLEASE!



Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 6:00 pm
by Jazmyn
okokokOK! You have my attention....I also have not read the entire thread. Someone help me out and tell me which DVD I need to get? I quickly glanced at the website and got confuzzled! Thanks are doing great..I want to be a T-tapper too!!!

~Jaz  *love*

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 6:16 pm
by turkkm
I am doing something called the "Basic Workout Plus".  There is an instructional part of it and some wonderful testimonials of those who have gained success with ttapp.  Then there is a part that has just the basic 20 minute workout, without lengthy instructions to use once you have the workout down pat.  This workout claims you will lose 2 dress sizes in 1 month.  I put the dvd right into my computer and do the workout in my family room, but of course you can use a dvd player too.  You might want to go back and read this thread too because i think others might be doing something different, that may be better for you. 

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 7:00 pm
by GEM
turkkm wrote:I am doing something called the "Basic Workout Plus".  There is an instructional part of it and some wonderful testimonials of those who have gained success with ttapp.  Then there is a part that has just the basic 20 minute workout, without lengthy instructions to use once you have the workout down pat.  This workout claims you will lose 2 dress sizes in 1 month.  I put the dvd right into my computer and do the workout in my family room, but of course you can use a dvd player too.  You might want to go back and read this thread too because i think others might be doing something different, that may be better for you. 

That's what I'm using, Kathie and Jaz...  I also have the book ($12 at Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes, which includes a DVD.  I bought the book, first, because it was an inexpensive way to "test drive" T-Tapp, before investing in the "Basic Workout Plus" DVD.  I also like the book because of the pictures.  When I am having difficulty, I can isolate the parts of the move, and practice getting them to sequence properly, for me, by seeing them broken down into picture components.

Y'all also have to remember that I am 62, and have "nurses' joints," as a result of 20 years of working 12 hour shifts, on concrete floors, in busy ERs, moving stretchers, pushing wheelchairs, and physically lifting and moving patients.  Not to mention, I have lugged around 100+ pounds of extra weight most of my adult life.  So if my abused body can successfully and painlessly adapt to the moves, I suspect most anyone's can.

Another big plus to this program, for me, is that it is self generating in that it increases in intensity based on your performance level, so that you never reach a set point where you are just going through the motions.  Also, it takes just 15 minutes daily, and once you've achieved the results you're after, you need only do the exercises every other day.  And, very important for some of us with space constraints, the entire program can be done in an area only 3 feet square.


Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 7:15 pm
by isthis4me
OoooooooooooOOOoooooooooooo Gemala, you go WOMAN  *hug*  :rose:

k, Im in, but I hafta do the try before by videos awhile cos the Hubs took away my spendin privi's cos I got plastic so hot it melted :blush: and school has taken almost all my unemp checks lately and my cobra insurance takes the rest  :'(

so I will post tomorrow what I will do
but I KNOW it will be hoe downs and thread the needle fer sure

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 7:25 pm
by bethp
GEM wrote:Finished 17 days before they finished me :shock: :shock: :shock: not expecting much--I've whined about my remedial T-Tapping the entire time, ad nauseaum--just proud that I completed the original 14 day commitment.  But surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Chest (No bust  :sad:)  Down 3"

Waist: Down 4"

Hips:   Down 4 inches

Straight from the dryer in unstretched condition :tongue: jeans size:  Down from Size 24 to a comfortable Size 20, since May 20, 2009.

It's the LDL/T-Tapp "It's All Good!" TKO**, one-two sucker punch straight to the fat.  Feels fine...hit me again!!! *woot* *woot* *woot*


**Therapeutic "Two-Fer" Knock Out


Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 7:40 pm
by bethp
I had to order the  basic workout plus dvd because I just didn't get it by reading the book!!!   :wacko: After 7 days of the DVD I finally figured out the T-tapp stretch with a twist.....all on one side first, then next set is the other side lol!!!   :'(

MzGem, I am so proud. I was waiting in anticipation of Kathie's good number, and lo and behold, you blew me away with this post....all that naysaying, negative, remedial t-tappin routine. Right!! Good job, you two! I am proud! I didn't measure cuz I am not buying into the numbers on this one either.....but I do have a certain pair of red pants that will be a pretty good assessment!!


Ok, t-tappin LDLers!!! Keep up the good work!! Yay! :rose: :rose: :rose:

Good job, ladies!!


Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 8:26 pm
by julie409

Good for you!  I am so happy to hear that!  :D  Are you noticing any difference in your arms (more specifically under your arms)?  I have a real trouble spot there.

Julie :rose:

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 10:15 pm
by turkkm
Gem, I ordered the book recently and am waiting for it to come.  I already had the workout, but wanted more information about why it works and what health problems it helps too.  What is on the free dvd you get with the book?

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 14th, 2009, 10:36 am
by isthis4me
m'kay so Im in
youtubed this am for 15mins
did hoe downs, thread the needle, arms( I also did the one I recall that your twist your arms so thumbs are down and bring em roun back ta try n touch yer thumbs) and the twist

Hopefully next month I can try and get a dvd  :thumbsup:
I did measure before this am so I have an accurate of before Ttapp and excercise I am already down since my last measurement of 7/1/09 without excercise a total of 5 1/4 total inches so we shall see what this and my small amounts of excercise get me at the end of the month
IF ANYONE has suggestions to what else to do, I can try and find the vid's on youtube or the printouts and even share what I find  *love*

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 14th, 2009, 11:43 am
by turkkm
Trish I saw some video on you tube too.  I am not sure if they are the same ones as you found.  I will search around and let you know what I find.  Yippee, you are ttapping too!

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 14th, 2009, 2:14 pm
by greenheron
OK, you've all got me curious enough that I'm going to look into this.  :sideways:  I've got a beautiful treadmill that doesn't get nearly enough use, but it would be nice to have something else to try, too.  I've been measuring every 4 four sets as of yesterday, and my waist isn't going away very quickly, even though I've lost about 25 pounds.

I did get some pleasure, however, holding the tape measure at my FIRST measurement, and seeing just what those three inches or so looked like!

As for the youtube videos, I just wanted to mention that if you've got a pretty new tv, like a plasma or lcd, there's a video input that takes a pretty simple wire you can run from your computer (obviously a laptop is easiest...portable) and watch anything you want on the big tv screen.  I know I'd have a hard time following my little laptop screen doing exercises...get that nice teenage boy you know to help just have to switch the video input on the tv, just like you would watching a dvd or playing a game console.  It's also nice for watching episodes of tv shows you missed, but clicking past the commercials is a bit of a pain, since the mouse is 8 feet away....lazy, lazy me.

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 14th, 2009, 4:34 pm
by turkkm
Here are the ttapp links on you tube.  You can exercise right along with them!  They also give lots of information.

For hoe downs-

Why it is the workout that works-

Why it is the workout that works, part 2-

Cute lady, just a beginner, telling why ttapp is for her-


Ttapp twist- ... eplies=117

Thread the needle-

Arm sequence-

Transformation of one lady in pictures- sort of long but she is so proud of her accomplishment

Balancing sequence-

Re: Does Anyone Here T-Tapp for Exercise?

Posted: July 14th, 2009, 6:14 pm
by Rhea Joyce
Hey all... I'd forgotten about this thread till Gem posted her results, and OH MAN!!  You guys are all having just astounding results, so I need to get with the program.  I just ordered the book and workout DVD and skin brush with directions for using.  Hoping this will help not just my overall shape, but also the swelling in my legs and shortness of breath.  I'll probably be quite a sight trying to exercise with my over-300 bod, but gotta start somewhere, eh?

Don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not, but if you buy the book from the T-Tapp website, she gives you a free TappCore DVD, PLUS she gives you 30% off anything else you buy!  Don't know if you get the same deal via Amazon or not.