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Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 12th, 2006, 12:46 am
by niki
just checking............

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 14th, 2006, 12:52 pm
by dragracergirl
HI I just joined the club to help me start lossing weight i want to loss at least 20 pounds and my husband wants to loss 30 I'm going to purchase the book today and when it gets here start the plan to a new healthy life style. So I'm going to need some support from you guys for helpful hints thanks dragracergirl :)

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 14th, 2006, 3:52 pm
by niki
hey're going to love this....and that's great that you and your husband are going to do it the book and save whatever questions you have....
  this is a GREAT way of has REALLY changed my life.....just make sure that you eat until're NOT on a diet......and expecially in the beginning,NEVER BE HUNGRY.......welcome to our boards...................niki

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 20th, 2006, 3:53 pm
by vacoder

I am new to the board but have been on the program for almost one month. I will weigh in tomorrow and I am sure I have done well so far. Everyone keeps telling me that I look like I lost lots of weight. Being on diets from "BIRTH", I am always on the scale - this was a problem in the beginning but when I saw I gained 6 lbs the first day, I decided to follow the advice in the book and weigh myself at the one month mark. I feel really good on this plan and I am not giving it up! Will keep you posted and thanks for this great plan!

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 1:52 pm
by dragracergirl
Thanks Rodger I'm still waiting for my book but I'm still reading the boards everyday and doing my best without the book. Cant wait to be fully started and knowing I'm doing it right all I know is I feel really good and have lots of energy. Thanks and I'll keep you posted God Bless Dragracergirl

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 11:02 pm
by julie
Today is day 2 for me on Lets Do Lunch...I hope I'm doing it correctly.  I've eliminated breads and potatoes, I'm eating fruit for 1 meal and either fruit or veggies for a second meal with my third meal (shooting for lunch) including protein.  Is this the basic plan?  I guess I'm confused about being able to substitute fruit with the Wasa bread and fat free cheese or a hard pretzel with fat free cheese for I reading that right...and if I decide to go that way do I need to replace the fruit with it or can you have both?  I fixed Neeta's meatloaf tonight and thought it was awesome!

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 23rd, 2006, 8:39 am
by niki
hi julie......the pretzels are meant to be an occasional treat...i've been on this program for 7 months and have yet to eat one.......if you follow the program correctly and don't have cravings,why eat any of that extra stuff?...the wasa crisps or fat free cheese...that should be occasional stuff too...although when i see roger list the snacks you can have on let's do lunch,he lists all that stuff.....personally,i would recommend to anyone that they start the program and start losing first before they add stuff to the basic CAN have corn thins and soy cheese(that's different)...........
  eat loads of fruit in the morning especially to really get your metabolism going...and eat all the allowable foods until the cravings are gone and then fine tune to conform to the format set down in the book......
  welcome...i wish you success...................niki 

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 23rd, 2006, 2:36 pm
by julie
Thanks Roger Troy and Niki; I appreciate your feedback.  So it's basically fruits and smoothies for breakfast AND dinner with protein at lunch...that other stuff (pretzels, popcorn, wasa crackers soy nuts, etc.) is for snacks ONLY if necessary?  And are the snacks to be limited to at night rather that between meals?

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 24th, 2006, 11:38 am
by julie
What are corn thins?  Are corn nuts bad if they're the plain ones?

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 24th, 2006, 1:03 pm
by niki
hi julie...i still haven't bought them but they're like rice cakes made out of popcorn(somebody correct me if i'm wrong).......
  look for the info on the boards for corn nuts....we went back and forth on that, too..i think the conclusion was pretty much that they weren't a good idea....i thought it was richard(i might be wrong about that)who said he tried them and he stopped losing......niki 

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 24th, 2006, 1:31 pm
by julie
thanks again niki...I appreciate your feedback...I'm excited about the program and just want to make sure I'm doing it correctly

Re: New To Our Boards?

Posted: August 28th, 2006, 8:49 am
by julie
Niki was saying that corn nuts stopped someone's weight loss; I didn't know what corn thins were or where to find them.  Also I found roasted soy nuts but it doesn't say dry there a difference?