Re: New To Our Boards?

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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by eejmom »

My husband and I are new to this.  I'm not even sure if this message will get to anyone because I've never been on a board before and I'm not quite sure if I'm using it right.  My husband has been reading the book and needs to lose about 80 lbs.  I am a vegetarian.  I read the book yesterday (took all day) and told him he could start it today.  So far so good.  He really liked day 1.  I really like all the vegetables, the fruits, the soup and salads, etc. that I can eat with him (although I eat grains, I am willing to stop if it will help him.)  He has tried every diet mentioned in the book and thensome, but can't stay with it - he cheats right from the beginning and I don't think it's his fault - it's biochemical or something.  At any rate, he agreed to eat only food I put in front of him for the next two weeks.  We'll see.  You can do anything for two weeks, right, as long as you know it's not forever.  The only problem I see is that there is too much food (he doesn't like leftovers).  My mother-in-law gave him the book, so I figure if we send my in-laws the leftovers, maybe they will become interested too, and although she doesn't cook much, I'm willing to cook for them!  I'm glad to see this website and I'm looking forward to checking out the recipes on the board after the first two weeks.  By the way, just to show you how totally ignorant I am, what's with all the faces above the message???
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by nyKath »

Welcome eejmom and family! (The little faces are to add some emotion to your postings, but I'm not sure of how to choose one!) ....I'm also a vegetarian who has been eating the no-grain way for quite some time now, even before LDL. I have no problem with it and for me, I find it the ideal way to shake off the last pounds that I need to. (I do cheat occasionally with a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, but it's still a very rare occurence and I load it up with fruit in place of a smoothie.) I'm well on my way for sure with very little grains at all! That said... if your hubs doesn't eat leftovers, will you? We all love to make huge batches of stuff and eat them over several days OR freeze the leftovers so you have something to pull out at a moment's notice when you're unprepared for lunch or dinner, need something to take to work the next day, and/or a craving hits. It's all part of the plan and very good advice! :) If your hubs eats until full - a very important part of the plan - he'll have no desire to go off plan with his tummy ready to burst! Keep lots of fruit around, lots of available snacks and popcorn, and lots of good soups, stews, and main dishes with BEANS in them, and you both should have a wonderful start doing LDL. Good luck and healthy eating to all! ........nyKath

Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by niki »

hi if i want to say that i'm happy that you and your husband now know about let's do lunch,i can click on the smiling face ;D to say that....if you put the mouse on each face,it'll tell you what each face says....
  let me tell you,i was the queen of junk food.......and i have been doing this for 8 months and am still going strong....i really feel that if I can do this,ANYONE can,if they're's a WONDERFUL way to eat....i'm NEVER hungry.....i have no cravings...i have a new lease on life that i wasn't even looking for.............
  make sure you guys eat until full...keep snacks handy........i wish you both success.......niki
ps..i can't believe your husband doesn't like dilemma IS what to do when there are no more leftovers.....not to mention the fact that the bean soups(and a lot of other foods)taste better the next day...............
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by eejmom »

Thanks both of you  -  I'm so excited my message actually went out!  It's great to hear from another vegetarian.  Thanks so much for the suggestions.  I think for the first two weeks, we'll do the recommended diet plan, because of the variety.  The freezing suggestions and next day suggestions are great, thanks!  I keep saying, "it's only been one day, it's only been one day," but I'm very encouraged and so is my husband.
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by eejmom »

Thanks Roger, I appreciate it more than you can know.  Today is day 2.  As I said yesterday, so far so good.  My husband loves anything that has intense taste or a lot of hot - things I avoid because I don't like them - so I think my cooking up til now (32 years' worth!) may not have been what he needs to maintain a good weight.  He was very happy with the first two days (he didn't cheat at all and that's such a good sign!).  I feel like I've been cooking all day for the last two days, but that's okay, I cook like that for me and a lot of the recipes can be used for both of us.  Thanks for your encouragement!  

Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by niki »

hi eejmom...just make sure to REALLY eat until daughter is on her third attempt to do let's do lunch and each time she's failed it's been because she doesn't eat until full...she acts like she's on a diet...she's doing it now....she told me this afternoon that for the last couple of weeks she was walking near the candy aisle in the store and it didn't phase her.....yesterday,she had a "chocolate thought"....i told her that she must have stopped eating until full...and sure enough when she told me what she ate yesterday,that's exactly what it was....she only had one piece of fruit yesterday because she was on the run.......i know it takes more planning but it is DEFINITELY worth it.....if she increases what she eats tomorrow,she'll be fine....let's see what she does...
  meanwhile,just be sure to do that and you'll be fine...the beans are REALLY important..and lentils are included with that category.....the bean/fruit combo really maintains those blood sugars to keep the cravings away and keep you feeling full...since you're cooking away,i'll hope that you're starting to experiment on the bean recipes...and i just remembered that your husband is the one who doesn't like leftovers.....well,maybe when he sees himself slim down and tastes how delicious the bean soups are the next day,he can be converted over.....i wish you both success........................niki
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by nyKath »

Hi EEJ! If your hubs doesn't do so already, he can add hot sauce or cayenne pepper to his servings to spice them up. Or have some fresh chili peppers around all the time so he can dice up a few bits into his soups, stews, etc. And some people love to add the canned Rotel tomatoes with the chilis in them to give a little kick to whatever they eat, too. And canned chipotle peppers don't have much heat to them, but add a nice smokey touch to things. Great in a white bean chili! It's easy for your hubs to spice up just his servings so you don't have to cook 2 batches of everything. My hubs does the same thing - likes his taste buds to tingle when he eats lunch and dinner! :) ....Good luck! nyKath
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by jak »

Hello - Just saw you today on New Morning and was intrigued by you and your wife's weight loss.  Also am very impressed that you do not profit from this.  God Bless!!
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by Lizzie »

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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by Ms Dee »

Hello everyone I'm new from Delaware...saw Troy and his wife on the morning show towards the end and they caught my eye and attention.  I sent away for the book right away and when it came in read the book right away in one day...haven't put the book down any trying to do my shopping list and go shopping so to start ...I've been on a number of diets and 4 yrs ago had the gastric bypass...last year I got sick had a pacemaker put in and 3 wks later a stint in my heart. Needless to say with all the meds and laying around I put on about 25 lbs...and sick of it.
I live alone so this really got my attention.  I want to say to everyone good luck and hope I can be putting positive thoughts on my own success as others has done.  I have one question...Troy you mentioed Orvilles popcorn gourmet Smrt Pop Microwave Popping Corn...I have found it in my store but it has butter already on it ....I'm sure that isn't the one...can you suggest .  I know the plain others have written in their text with Olive Oil spray I may choose that.....Wish me luck...I will be starting tomorrow

Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by niki »

hi dee....i cannot believe all the people that we've been hearing from that have had gastric bypass without resolving their weight makes me even more sure that let's do lunch is the ONLY way......let's do lunch will show you a VERY healthy way of eating that will keep you for the rest of your life........
  and WHEN you are successful,please post in our medical success boards under the topic gastric bypass surgery......
  make sure you REALLY eat until full...NEVER let yourself be hungry....with the absence of sugar/grains/nuts/seeds,your blood sugars stabilize and the cravings become a thing of the past....the beans and fruit maintain those stable blood sugars and keep you full and satisfied.................
  once you start,read the book again(roger recommends 3 times)...i've only read the book twice since it's so rare that it's not lent out to someone...i just ordered 2 more copies....i'll give my copy to the person who has it now,have a copy for myself and one extra copy to give away......................
  this program of eating has changed my life and i believe it has the potential to do that for EVERY PERSON who follows it.........welcome to our boards...........sincerely,niki
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by tcasola »

Hello and Welcome Ms. Dee:

On a recent post, some one suggested the Whirley-Pop Stovetop Popcorn Popper. I recently bought it, and I can't stop raving about it. The Whirly Popper uses only 2 tablespoons of oil, and it pops EVERY kernel.  The one I purchased cost around $20.00, and it has been worth every penny.

Another LDL family member, Carolyn, said she saw one at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I know in my area, BBB is always sending out coupons with 20% off purchase.

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me

Matthew 22:36-40

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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by hisruby »

Hey everyone.    Is Goya Ham artificial seasoning allowed?    It has no calories and no fat.   Thanks!

Also all I can find is Masa Multigrain crackers.  Can I use them instead of Rye?
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by nyKath »

Hi Ruby! Did you really mean Wasa instead of Masa for the cracker name or are Masa crackers something regional to your area? ...And for the Goya seasoning, it's allowable only if it doesn't have any kind of sugars or corn syrups, etc. in it. Can you post the ingredient list? Thx. ....NYKath
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Re: New To Our Boards?

Post by Rudi »

Yes I am new.....on the diet for one week now...and I think its pretty easy....I love the recipes and so far not hungry or craving ...I am a chocoholic!  Downfall coming this next week..going to visit my sister in Pa. ( where I grew up) and know I won't be able to hold back on the Pizza out there...its the best in the world....and I only have it when I visit...which is very few times.  Can I restart when I get back...or will it totally just blow it all .  I know I can do this diet...but with this trip will be very hard. ;D
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