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Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 21st, 2010, 10:55 pm
by cameron
Julie you are right, there could be many lurkers out there and they need to come out and get onboard. i know I just read the boards from December to March when I signed on. I get so much more benefit from the boards now that i can ask questions & get feedback from my posts.

When i signed on and was moaning about slow weight loss, I got straighted right out! i could never do as well without participating I don't think .

Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 21st, 2010, 11:38 pm
by lpomlove
I am one who just reads most of the time, and very comfortable with that.  Love the help, and info everyone gives.  DON'T stop ANYONE.  Please....

Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 12:31 am
by witheraway1
I love all the helpful posts on these boards. Helps me to stay on tract. And there are a lot of wonder people here to help when you need it. I think everyone that wants to should post. We would love to get to know you.    Thats our chance to become better friends, and to make new friends a long the way. I know I have some GOOD friends here that I would not have met if not for posting. Please join us.......... *love*  to all my friends  wither

Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 6:33 am
by VickiLynn
Brandon... Having met you at the SA convention where you were already quite slim I was amazed at seeing your "before" picture.  LDL has sure been kind to you  :thumbsup: .

Kathy (Abbys Mom)... It is sure nice to hear from you again and I must say your "after" picture shows how happy and healthy you are now after finding this great way of eating.  Looking forward to seeing your "before" picture  *hug*

Wanda (Joyful Friend)... Please pass along my congratulations to your daughter, Country Girl (Lou Ann), for her size 10 achievement since the convention.  I am happy that you both continue to enjoy the benefits of LDL.  I admire you getting into that size 4 too!

Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 8:14 am
by Clown Lady
When the world slapped me in the face with my DH illness I went negive.  I pulled back from posting and went more in the dumps.  San Antonio was a big help as we got to meet the LDL'ers in person but then more negtive hit.  I have found out that it was not good for me and really not good for my DH.  I have come back a little stronger on the boards and slowed down on my nagging to my DH.  He knows he has a problem and just don't want to hear it all the time.  I am cooking correctly for him and sometimes remind him to read the chart.  That way he is thinking.  I have not gained thru this time but I also have not lost.  I am working hard on not taking that first bite of wrongness.  I am back on my popcorn and will be chugging along again.  Crickadoodle and Coding Queen are great sourse of info where we use it or not.  I have learned alot from CQ.
Clown Lady

Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 12:43 pm
by w8Less
Niki - great response.  Maybe you'll convince CQ to not move on!

JF, Pam, Crick, and VickiLynn - thanks!

Julie - Yes! I have sent Roger my photos.  In fact, I took my after photos last week at his insistence. :)

SweetRose - To answer your questions from yesterday, I generally follow LDL by the book, literally, except I almost always do "lunch" around 5pm due to the way my wife works.  What Roger has in there, just works.  I do VERY occasionally enjoy a non-LDL meal, usually for special family occasions such as Easter, New Year's, or July 4th, and don't feel guilty about it.  Although this is rare enough that I don't gain weight or alter my metabolism, I notice the carb and sweet cravings return (without fail) about 2 days later and last for a day or two.  I believe this is where a lot of people get into trouble, since they give in to those cravings "just one time" and it starts a domino effect all the way back to Fatville.  For this reason, I don't ever recommend eating ANY non-LDL foods if possible, especially before reaching your goal!

As far as the flushes, I started doing those about two months after I started LDL, and continue to do them about once per week.  I also have lost all of my weight without an exercise program which people find hard to believe.  Although I plan to incorporate an exercise program into my routine starting next month, it was a personal choice to prove to myself that I could reach my goal without any cardio or weight training.  That being said, I have no doubt I could have lost faster, as well as have even more energy and endurance, if I had done LDL in conjunction with a moderate exercise program.  Hope that helps!


Re: boards have changed...........

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 3:06 pm
by SweetRose
Thanks Brandon!

You know, you said it best when you said that if you deviate from the program with sweets and fatty treats... you set up a domino effect when the cravings start coming back. I think that's the thing to remember. If it was just a matter of going off the program for just one probably wouldn't make us gain that much...but what it does is start the cravings, and well, it makes it more difficult to get back to LDL without some "suffering". :'(

You are doing so great. I'm so happy for you~ :thumbsup:

SweetRose :rose: