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What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 1:48 am
by mrbigshot51
If you excercise daily, is there a little more room for  error as far as an occasional snack that is not part of the lets do lunch eating plan?

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 9:29 am
by mrbigshot51
I was actually talking mainly about whole grain bread.  I guess after I play nine whole of golf, bike five miles and lift, it gets hard to eat enough to compensate.  Im losing weight way too fast.

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 10:02 am
by niki
hi mrbigshot..........if you're losing weight too quickly,that's a whole other that case,i would ask you how much you want to lose and how much you've lost already....most people plateau at a certain might just be at a losing phase...........niki 

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 12:53 pm
by mrbigshot51
Thanks Roger!  I'm at 260 lbs right now...  How long should it take me to hit 215?  How long did it take you to lose 45 lbs when you were at 260?  Thanks a lot for your help...

I also wanted to let you know that I am now a born again Christian!  As soon as I found Jesus, I knew this was the plan for me.  It's almost like he spoke to me and told me to get in better shape!!!  I can't stop now! ;D

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 1:22 pm
by niki
hey mrbigshot..i'm not a new christian,but i know exactly what you mean..when food has so much control over us,God is not as glorified...that's why i thank God for finding this program,roger troy wilson and mary simmons....tell me,how long have you been on ldl and how much weight have you lost so far? said that you felt you were losing too fast.....i would say it shouldn't take you that long to lose 45 pounds(tell me how tall you are also) .....but for me,the beauty of this way of eating,is that i really don't care how long it takes....i will eat this way Him....niki

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 1:41 pm
by mrbigshot51
i have only been at it two weeks and i have dropped 13 lbs...  i am 5'10 with a strong build

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 3:13 pm
by niki
that's a really good loss...but i wouldn't consider it excessive...a lot of people lose well in the beginning,but i think it gives them the false impression that they'll continue to lose that way throughout...and so they get discouraged when they don't.....metabolically speaking,a person can't lose more than a pound a day when eating more than 600 calories a day(anything more than that is fluid loss) ...the metabolism of someone who eats less than 600 calories a day will slow down as a matter of self preservation...i would offhand say that people lose weight really nicely in the beginning on ldl because they're not eating all those sugars and grains that cause them to retain fluid...i know most people know that salt in their diet makes them retain they know that sugar and all those unhealthy complex carbs,have that same effect?it does.......
  when i was on orientation at my last job,i met this nurse who was almost 6' tall and was model thin....but,she had to eat 2 breakfasts because she was always hungry(when she was pregnant,she looked like she swallowed a basketball) ....i told her that if she and i were stranded on a desert island,i would survive longer,because if she didn't eat like a horse,she would disappear..............THANK GOD that with ldl,I TOO can be as thin as i want to be................................
  so meanwhile,there are a number of things that people do add...the corn thins that roger mentioned....soynut butter(without sugar)........i haven't added any of that stuff because i have a problem with my thyroid and i don't lose i follow the diet as it is outlined in the book......another of a long list of wonderful things about ldl,is that if you keep eating this way,you'll find that your body will be contoured to just the right size for might end up losing more weight than you planned....roger and his family attest to that and if you look for mary simmons' success story,you'll see the same God bless you in your endeavors as you bless Him with your life...............................niki 

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 4:18 pm
by ConB113
mrbigshot, Praise God that you found our Lord and Savior!!

I really think you are doing great on LDL. I wish I could say that I had lost 13 Lbs. in 2 weeks but it hasn't happened for me yet! I am just going to keep plugging along and I know that with Gods help I'll reach my goal someday.
I look forward to seeing your progress, keep us posted.

God Bless,
Connie (Jacksonville)

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 8:29 pm
by ConB113
Roger, I have sent you my food diary for Monday-Wednesday of this week and will send you Thursdays in the morning. If you didn't get them please let me know.

Thanks and May God Bless,

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 1st, 2006, 11:58 pm
by mrbigshot51
Mary, it's funny because even though I am losing weight, my mind is trying to convince me that it's a fluke!  Deep down I know this diet is the real deal, but on the surface I battle with the fact that I can eat ALL the fruit I want. 

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 2nd, 2006, 8:38 am
by niki
yeah....isn't it great?.......and meanwhile,you're steadily losing weight...i eat pineapple and watermelon and frozen grapes and you name what else....i never tire of saying how wonderful it is to eat things that you like and to have no's just one more of God's blessings on my life...there are so many......often,when i pray,i list them...when you really examine your life for
God's blessings,the list is so long.........have a blessed day.............niki

Re: What about those who excercise?

Posted: June 6th, 2006, 12:34 pm
by Tori
First of all, welcome to the Family! (God's family, our family :)) I am always thrilled when I hear about people giving their hearts to the Lord, and I love seeing your excitement! There are many wonderful people here, and even though I haven't been here that long, I have to say that God has truly blessed me with the friends I have made here. Yay!!  ;D

Secondly, congrats on your weight loss! I lost 9 pounds in the first 10 days I was on LDL. Unfortunately, I went off LDL during some times of family crisis, but am back now, and looking forward to getting things moving again. Amazingly enough, I have kept off the 9 pounds, even during this time.

I'm hoping that the next time my family is all together down south, it will be for a much happier reason, and they will see a much smaller me! hehe!