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Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 5th, 2007, 5:24 am
by margo
Egads.....I'm dying to pull out the scale, i have it stashed under little sofa in the sitting area of our husband told me yesterday that he wants to weigh himself this morning.....He doesn't seem to be losing weight and he's anxious to know if he's had any progress over the last two's been two weeks since we last weighed ourselves.  I'm afraid i won't be able to control myself and that i'll climb on the scale and it won't say that i've lost anything over the two week period!  Or worse, could it be that i have gained? (that darned olive oil???)  Ohhhhh the stress of it all!  Everyday i want to pull the scale out....the obsession to get on the scale is almost as strong as the compulsion to eat before i found LDL!  It's so strange.....

Have a great day of rest everyone!!
and, of course,  God Bless!!


Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 5th, 2007, 8:46 pm
by niki
hey margo, speaking from one flushing girl to another.....GET RID OF THE SCALE.........forget about it......use it to weigh your watermelons to see wether you got a good deal when you bought the pay one price friend, tom, says scales are for fish(are there scales on alligators?....i was just wondering).........get out clothes that don't fit you now....when you feel thin, try them on....ONE DAY they'll fit....THAT'S the day to get on the scale.....ISN'T LIFE TOUGH ENOUGH without having those numbers staring at you to make you feel like a loser?......although, here EVERYONE is a LOSER and proud of're a princess, girl.....YOUR heavenly father is the KING of the universe.......LET'S ALL try always to remember that........
  i grew up in flushing and i can tell you where to buy chick peas for the best price.....i'm the one who started that....greeks eat chick peas..i grew up on them....they were a treat when i was a kid......
  and if you live in flushing, you're not that far from jones beach...we could meet at field 6 anytime...i'm there at about 6 most days....let me know....ANYTIME............sincerely,niki

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 6th, 2007, 2:45 am
by margo
Hi Niki!!

Thanks for the kind and supportive and encouraging words....Well, i'll tell you that i DID get on that darned scale and there i was at the exact same weight from two weeks ago!!  I'll put it back under the sitting room sofa this morning!

I hardly get to the beach at all any more (cause i'm getting laser treatments on my face and am suppose to avoid the sun like the plague)....but hubby has been begggggggging to go dip in the water....and we would enjoy meeting up with you wherever there's some shade!  We get out that way every once in a while to visit a dear friend right off the Meadowbrook parkway..... Let's plan something...for sure.....ever go fishing? we love it although i'm not so sure about the quality of fish that comes out of those waters any more...

I've got a ton of chick peas...they sell them everywhere....

Thanks and God bless!

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 6th, 2007, 9:03 am
by Forever Young

Please, please, please...DO NOT GET on the scales!  They are tooo discouraging when you are doing LDL...except for once a month to check your progress.  THROW the scales in the garage...the basement...anywhere...just hide them and only use them ONCE a month!  OR even less.  Watch how your clothes begin to fit...and that will tell you the most about LDL.

Keep on keeping on...on LDL...and Niki...and Mary...and Roger...and others will be at or below our goal!



Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 6th, 2007, 4:39 pm
by niki
hi margo......when i go to the beach at like 6, the sun is starting to go down in the west(that's the direction i start out in) the time i'm done at like 7:30, there's really no sun left...that's when you should try going.....and there are still people on the beach itself, so he could go in the water....i don't know if it's a good idea for you to walk on the boardwalk unless it's pretty dark, because if it's even a little light, you might tan while you walk because you'll be sweating...   
  when i first mentioned roasted chick peas, everyone on the boards told me they couldn't find them....and you find them more commonly in queens than i find them on long island...they're generally more expensive out here.......i buy them in fairway which is a supermarket in plainview that sells a lot of specialty stuff and health foods and organic produce...that's where i buy corn thins.....i e-mailed them and asked them why they didn't sell chick peas and they told me they used to...because of my request, they told me they would start carrying them again..i asked them how much they used to sell them for and they wouldn't tell, i told them i payed $2.50/lb at the place in, when i saw them on their shelves, i noticed that they were the exact same i don't buy them when i go to queens.....i don't know if you get them for $2.50/lb and i don't know where in queens you live, but i used to get them for that price in a greek specialty store on northern blvd across from st nicholas greek orthodox church..i think that's bayside...when i used to go there i used to get great kalamata olives(although maybe you don't like olives)and the tin of extra virgin olive oil was like $17 which is a really good price....
  indians also eat chick peas..they call them chana...there are a number of indian nurses and nurse's aides at my job...when i take a bag out at work to snack, they ALL want some.....even one of the doctors at my job took some when he saw me eating them.....i can only get the salted ones at fairway...i think the next time i go to queens, i'm going to go there..........i also love their greek can buy it still on the branch..........niki         

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 6th, 2007, 6:00 pm
by margo
Huh Niki?  Roasted chick peas?  I'd like some...will start looking...there's a Indi/Pak store near me...i'm in Flushing two blocks from the botanical garden....and Bayside is just 7 or 8 minutes away...i ADOOORE Greek food...anything Egyptian ....Yummmmy.  I'll look for them tomorrow...

thanks everyone about the scale....

Taking the scale to Mom's house wouldn't work since i see her at least once a week...usually more....
i will go right now and put the scale back under the little sofa...

Wow 6:30 - 7:30 at night?  YIPES...Generally around 6PM I  request from my retired Army General hubby that i be "off duty" for the rest of the day and by 6:30- 7:30pm  i'm all bathed and tucked in between the air-conditioner-cooled sheets watching King of Queens (i love that guy...he's so sweet and funny -- although the wife is a bit demanding and rough!) with a bowl of frozen grapes... I'm usually up and going around 5 AM....but i do need to move my body more.....will DO something tomorrow morning about moving....

G'nite and sleep tight and God Bless!


Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 6th, 2007, 8:51 pm
by niki
so you're down the street from booth memorial hospital(it has a different name now), my first job as a nurse 35 years ago....
   you take the expressway east and make a left at utopia parkway.....make a right on northern blvd..i think you see the greek church on the right and the place is across the street on the's a greek specialty can't miss it...the chick peas are nice and fresh and that's a really good price($2.50/lb)....and that place has them salted and unsalted(they only have the salted ones at fairway)..they have the biggest and nicest kalamata olives i ever saw for like $4.50/lb and when you walk in, he always has a display of tins of olive oil that have been $17 for the longest time since i go there.....and for extra virgin, that's's all greek(OF COURSE)AND from kalamata olives(the oil)....
   yeah, i wanted to make sure you guys realized the difference....when you buy them roasted, they've already been cooked and THEN roasted....i always clarify this with people because putting the dried beans in a food processor would cause a catastrophe GREATER than a caracappa catastrophe.....there are a couple of recipes on the boards posted by people with different methods of cooking and roasting them because outside of new york i think they're hard to need an area with a lot of greeks or indians....and this particular place has better prices than any place in astoria...the guy's a good businessman...give all the greeks in queens a LITTLE better price than the places in astoria and they won't take that trip to astoria to buy all their staples...........
  my friend at work laughs when i take out chick peas....EVERYONE wants some....and they're not dieting...they just like them....
  you're not far from western mother used to go there years ago...but, then she started going to kissena farms instead......the back of my father's house is on the service road of the lie between main st and kissena.....i grew up in that house...i remember when there was a dirt road where the lie is and we used to cross it to get to the candy store across the street..............
  if you get up at 5, that's a whole other story...maybe when you're done with the treatments, i could meet you earlier.....i love walking there...and when i reach parts where noone can see me, i pray....
  thanks for the stroll down memory lane..................niki     

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 8:30 am
by Forever Young

I think you will find that the longer you are on LDL...the MORE you WANT to MOVE about.  I used to retreat to bed or the recliner very early in the evening.  Now I find I am staying up later...and am able to get a few things done in the evenings.

Last night I starched and iron our guest bath curtains that I had washed on Saturday.  I also washed some of our large hurricane lamps (we collect them) after fixing supper and doing up the hand wash dishes.  So, I was busy for a few hours...unlike pre-LDL.

Just my two cents worth this morning.


Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 9:45 am
by niki
AND you work full time......God bless you, jeanne.......niki

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 1:26 pm
by margo
Hey Niki!

Did you really say a "catastrophe GREATER than a caracappa catastrophe....."?  Is that possible?  I think of him every single morning when i'm preparing to turn on the blender....! ;D

Thanks, Roger Troy, for reminding me about how some folks don't lose as much in the beginning and then lose....i'll post what i am eating each day for a week or so the food police Captain and her deputies can make sure i'm not making some major blunders...

Thanks everyone for your responses...i sincerely appreciate them!

God bless!

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 1:35 pm
by Forever Young
We also have some of us who lose at first...and then plateau.  But I think our bodies have to make an adjustment at some point...thus the plateau.  If we just keep on keeping on...on LDL...we will get to our weight goals...or perhaps even lower.


Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 2:19 pm
by niki
margo wrote:Did you really say a "catastrophe GREATER than a caracappa catastrophe....."?  Is that possible?  I think of him every single morning when i'm preparing to turn on the blender....!

  haha....i know, hard to think it's possible.....

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 2:42 pm
by jerio
I have a terrible time staying away from that scale..but it really plays with my head when I get on it I gave that up......Hey..Niki...nice to see you..wanted to tell you that I have discovered stuff...

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 6:43 pm
by margo
Oregano is wonderful...i love to cook my chicken with loads of it....and garlic and onions too of course....


Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 7th, 2007, 10:04 pm
by niki
i have an oregano plant in my backyard(it's GREEK oregano...i don't know the difference..i think i had a choice betw greek oregano or italian oregano)...i LOVE's right next to my i'm looking for a fig tree..............niki

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 8th, 2007, 4:49 am
by margo
mmmmm...grape leaves stuffed with RT's hamburger mixture and typical stuffed leaves herbs!  WOW...i made this and my hubby went crazy! 

Next, i'm going to try a grapeleaf lasagna type thing using the leaves to replace the sheets of pasta....

I used grape leaves and chopped them up and stuffed peppers with them with the hamburger herb mixture...delish!

SOunds like you have a little "Greece" right in your back yard!  Call me when you get the lamb stuffed with garlic and lemons and herbs on the pit fire! Ohhh baby!


Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 8th, 2007, 10:45 am
by niki
hey are a VERY inventive are FAR more inventive than i am......i keep saying i'm going to do something with grape leaves and HAVEN' tell you the truth, i never really liked stuffed grape leaves......BUT, i think that should change.....i'm going to walk outside later and take a look at the condition of my leaves and see if they would be good to cook with...i think white cannelini beans would be good with the meat and i think i would use garlic instead of know, greeks make avgolemano sauce with grape leaves which is totally ldl friendly WITHOUT even any modifications....i posted a recipe for chicken soup with avgolemano(in fact, that's what i'm making today...but, i have asparagus in the freezer and i'm going to use that instead of carrots and it'll be like cream of asparagus soup with chicken in it)......try making it with avgolemano sauce the next time you make fact, meet me at the beach to walk and i'll bring you some grape leaves from my vine....haha....a little incentive to exercise..................niki

Re: Cravings to get on the Scale before month's end!!

Posted: August 8th, 2007, 2:02 pm
by margo
Niki...we'll have to definitely meet up!  Let's do it before mid September or after middle October (that's Ramadan and hubby and i will be fasting  :-X  ;D)  It would be great to share an LDL lunch together somewhere!  i think i've only eaten out once since starting LDL and it was way manageable.

Speaking of grape leaves.....I purchased my dad a grape vine and he's training it in his i'll have plenty of leaves...Also, there are so many people near me that grow the grape plant and don't use the leaves....Picture me ringing door bells or approaching owners asking for leaves....No one has ever turned me down!!  Also, when i MUST have leaves and there are no fresh leaves around, i'm not too proud to buy a jar or two of the bottled ones from the Greek or Egyptian market...

I also make a mock cream of asparagus soup.  I boil some pumpkin (not much water at all) along with at least a couple of bunches of asparagus and one clove of garlic (don't like this dish too garlicky cause the pumpkin and asparagus flavors are so mild)....then, when tender and cooled down i put it in the blender and it turns all smooth...then i season it as i like and it's delicious!

I went out between appointments and got tons of vegetables for veggie soup with beans....but won't put that on until first thing tomorrow morning when it's cooler....It's so hot and muggy here today...YUCK....

Will you try to meet up with Roger Troy and Neets in OCtober?  Let's do....what a blast!  i can't wait!

Hope to see you soon....try not to get overheated...

thanks and God bless!