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testimony and a few questions (lenghty)

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 12:44 am
by chubbymonkey
Hello my wife and I are on our third day of LDL. Honestly i have found that i really enjoy eating the meals that my wife prepares from your 14 day plan. I have always been a big snacker with chocolates, ice cream, cookies, etc.., i love to eat Mexican food and i hardly ever drink water. Dr.pepper is my world. Not to mention that fruit was never in my vocabulary. I am overweight and have known i needed to do something about it for a long time but never liked the idea of changing my eating habits from the foods i love. My wife asked me to support her in doing this so i reluctantly agreed. To my amazement i have enjoyed it so far. I'm shocked that fruit is really sweet. I love the idea of eating until I'm full. Now i know this is lengthy but here's my questions. Question 1- I love to drink sweet (really sweet)tea, I've switched to green tea with artificial sweetener. Can i drink as much of that all day or is there a limit?. Question 2- For breakfast if i don't eat the omelet and i only have a smoothie can i have it at dinner or is that a no no? Question 3- My wife makes a salsa from Serrano peppers, tomatoes, and garlic (very hot and delicious). She bought me baked Tostitos. Can I still chow down on that? Question 4 - (last one for now) I am a big eater, i can put away pizza and tortillas until I'm stuffed. When you say eat until your full - do you mean until i feel as though I'm full or do i eat until i can't eat no more? The meals in your plan along with the salad and fruit( Ty's beef and bean, bean chili and jerry's easy beef stew) i enjoyed so much and ate until i was stuffed. Is that how we do this or did i do it wrong?  I'm sorry this is so lengthy but i read LDL once and to be honest i hate to read. so if the answers are in the book, my wife will eventually find them, but i need to know right away. So i figured it would be easier to ask and hope for answers. I have faith that this will work but i would hate to find out later that i was doing it all wrong. Pray for my wife and I - and we will do the same for you.
Excited frozen grape eater the chubster 

Re: testimony and a few questions (lenghty)

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 1:50 am
by Gwennaford
Hi there Monkey!  With the great start you have gotten, and excellent questions like these, you won't be chubby for long!

Question 1- Enjoy all the green tea you want for now, with Stevia or Splenda sweetener.  Please don’t use the pink or blue stuff – too many chemicals.  Eventually it’s a good idea to use less caffeine (maybe switch to decaf off & on) and less artificial sweetener.  I think you’ll find you’ll begin to use fewer sweeteners as your body starts to enjoy all the sweetest fruits & fruit smoothies.

Question 2- Eggs are not considered to be “heavy protein” (lean beef or skinless boneless chicken or turkey breast) and are fine for dinner once in a while, maybe switched out with some bean soups or veggies.  You just don’t want a lot of heavy food lying there clogging up your digestive tract all night.

Question 3- YAY for your wife’s excellent salsa, but sorry, nix on the baked Tostitos, because of the heavy processing that goes into making them.  Overly processed foods are what got our poor bodies into the terrible condition they are today.  The processing doesn’t leave any work for our digestive systems to do.  Instead, look for Original (flavor) Corn Thins.  Check the General Discussion Messages for a thread called “Corn Thins for $30.06”.  It has a link to Amazon groceries where many of us are buying these big pressed popcorn wafers by the case. ... seen 
Even if you don’t want to buy a case at first, at least you can see the picture.  For big snackers like us, these are DEFINITELY the plan.

Question 4 – You did absolutely right by eating until you were stuffed.  I’ll bet you found that that you weren’t hungry again before the next mealtime, too.  Right?  Even if you were, you can trust Roger Troy’s advice to eat all you want, whenever you’re hungry, of ALL the acceptable food groups.  Eventually your body will start to lose interest in gorging, because it's so full and satisfied all the time, and you will be amazed to discover you are eating less than you ever have in your life. 

I am sure others will want to "weigh in" with additional points of view on these questions.  You continue to have faith that this will work and you will not be disappointed.  Thanks for prayers.  We’re sending them out to all of you as well.


Re: testimony and a few questions (lenghty)

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 8:49 pm
by Gwennaford
sorry RT. . .  :blush:

I just want everyone to love Let's Do Lunch as much as I do.


Re: testimony and a few questions (lenghty)

Posted: May 8th, 2009, 12:08 am
by LovinLDL
Hey Chubbymonkey,

Do you think your wife would share her salsa recipe....sounds great?!  Welcome aboard the train to skinnytown.


Re: testimony and a few questions (lenghty)

Posted: May 8th, 2009, 1:26 pm
by Gwennaford
Roger, you are very gracious, but I'm sure people would prefer to hear it from YOU!    :rose:

The salsa does sound great, BTW!


Re: testimony and a few questions (lenghty)

Posted: May 8th, 2009, 4:50 pm
by Life4Now
:rose: Welcome Chubbymonkey and wife. So proud of you for supporting her......and yourself. Eating til full....ever hear the like....on a diet......and lose weight........You Will. Welcome aboard the train to SkinnyTown. And remember no question is too silly or to long...... :thumbsup:    *^_^* Karllita