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Posted: June 2nd, 2009, 7:25 pm
by rodie
Did I read somewhere on this board(almost think it was Roger) that they cut a banana slices and freeze them(for smoothies I think)? and if so do they get brown? I always used to have the good bananas,you know the kind ya make banana bread from? ;)but thats NOT gonna happen,well at least for awhile.I have a loaf in the freezer for my dh,just in case.
Last night I made meatloaf,it was very hard for me NOT to have some,it smelled so darn good,but I stayed strong and just cut enough for the hubby,I'll have it tomorrow with some vegies for lunch.

Rodie :)

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 2nd, 2009, 11:26 pm
by Sweet_Pea
Hi Rodie,

I freeze banana slices from time to time and they do not turn brown.  They make a nice creamy smoothie.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 2nd, 2009, 11:37 pm
by mom
and when I'm lazy, I freeze the whole banana, skin and all. :blush:  then just break it into the blender for my smoothie :D

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 3rd, 2009, 11:22 am
by LeslieB
Ha Ha, I just posted Mary's same idea on another' question.  Freezing things first on a baking sheet really helps.  I also never have a problem with the bananas turning brown in the freezer.

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 4th, 2009, 11:55 am
by dgi
OK, the cookie tray is definitely the Martha Stewart way of doing things, my hubby & I go the lazy route & just throw them into a bag. They do freeze together, but one good bang on the counter & they separate. Plus I've vented my frustration, plus I don't have a tray to wash. Hey, I didn't get to be this size by being high energy! :blush:

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 4th, 2009, 12:01 pm
by Jazmyn
dgi wrote:OK, the cookie tray is definitely the Martha Stewart way of doing things, my hubby & I go the lazy route & just throw them into a bag. They do freeze together, but one good bang on the counter & they separate. Plus I've vented my frustration, plus I don't have a tray to wash. Hey, I didn't get to be this size by being high energy! :blush:

ROFL!!! n :laughing:

I do the same thing. Yep works great...and I am all about no extra things to wash!

~Jazmyn  *love*

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 6th, 2009, 5:05 pm
by rodie
Thanks everyone for all the info. I just sliced then and put them on a paper plate,didn't take very long to freeze,then just thru them in a baggie,works slick for smoothie making.I would never get my bananas eaten up fast enough so always ended up doin the banana bread thing :stop:,can't do that anymore.I finally found some sliced frozen strawberries,so hopefully that will work better in my smoothies,always have chunks left after mixing and I hate that. What kind of blenders does everyone have?

Thanks again
Rodie :)

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 6th, 2009, 5:12 pm
by Eljayne
I just peel the banana, wrap in saran and freeze the whole thing. It doesn't discolor and I can slice a frozen banana with my bare hands...and a paring knife. :laughing: Eljayne

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 6th, 2009, 7:28 pm
by julie409
Since I am a child of the sixties, I will be the rebel here. I actually took banana slices and browned them in some ICBINB then added about 1/4 cup apple juice. I kept the heat on until it reduced. Boy was that yummy! Sometimes I just want to eat something warm. But thanks for all the great tips on the forzen bananas. I was just looking at Mary's recipe (I think) that said if you blend them after freezing, they taste like Banana ice cream. Can't wait to do that another day!  :drool:

Julie :rose:

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 6th, 2009, 7:39 pm
by julie409
Oh, I forgot, you can add cinnamon if you like as well.

Julie :rose:

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 6th, 2009, 8:21 pm
by Eljayne
You rebel you, now that does sound yummy! I like the warmth of comfort foods and this would likely hit the spot.  :thumbsup:

Re: Bananas?

Posted: June 6th, 2009, 10:41 pm
by julie409
OMG!  RU freakin' kidding me??? I froze a banana earlier and just pulsed it in the processor. That is the best thing I have ever eaten!! Why would I ever have ice cream again? I am so happy right now!  :D
Julie  :rose: