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Cereal Question

Posted: June 14th, 2009, 9:38 am
by mtngirl
I love oatmeal and used to eat it every morning.  If I have oatmeal or shredded wheat once a week, like as a Sunday Morning treat, is that allowed and do you think it would halt my weight loss?  I do not have my book yet so don't know exactly what I can eat?


Re: Cereal Question

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 7:58 pm
by pbrooks57
I've gotta have my Kellogs corn flakes too every morning. I eat one cup,dry-no milk, as a snack. I eat them for the vitamins, 45% daily recommended of Iron and other vitamins too buy mostly for the iron.


Re: Cereal Question

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 8:14 pm
by niki
pbrooks57 wrote:I've gotta have my Kellogs corn flakes too every morning. I eat one cup,dry-no milk, as a snack. I eat them for the vitamins, 45% daily recommended of Iron and other vitamins too buy mostly for the iron.

noone was more of a junk food freak than i was...i couldn't live without candy and DON'T touch my pizza.....but, even though i like to look at them, once i'm craving free on let's do lunch, they're NOT ending up in my mouth.....
i realize that kellogg's corn flakes is not junk food, per say, but this is all about changing the way you eat.....
if you want to try eating this way without giving up eating kellogg's corn flakes, that's up to you....i don't know if you'll be satisfied with the could find some whole grain substitute, as roger suggested...although, roger was trying to work with you and if you ate even a healthy whole grain cereal regularly, i believe that would affect your results as well....
your choice.................

Re: Cereal Question

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 2:44 am
by grambonnie5
Corn Flakes happen to be one of the highest glycemic cereals. When I think about the way they raise blood sugar and cause cravings it is pretty easy to stay away from them. Try snacking on Corn Thins.

Re: Cereal Question

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 7:06 am
by pbrooks57
I will take all your comments into consideration. 1 cup of corn flakes only has 2g of sugar. 1 cup also has 2g of protein and 1g of fiber. I don't see how eating one cup of dry corn flakes can make a big difference.

I also want to add, that per the book he says to use fat free or low fat milk. I don't use any milk because my lowfat milk (1%) has 12g sugar.

Milk, that's another challenge because I love milk, I could drink 3 cups at a meal but because of the high sugar content, though it is lowfat, I only limit myself to one cup a day. So I don't waste that one cup in my cereal, I hate soggy cereal anyway. I rather drink it with a meal.

I had a hard time giving up soda but I finally did. It just didn't taste good anymore, now I drink diet Peach or Raspberry instant Lipton tea. 5 calories per glass.

Another challenge I have is giving up butterfingers. I'm working on it, instead of every day eating 2 snack size bars, I wait until the weekend and maybe eat 1 on Saturday, 1 on Sunday.

I also walk a mile everyday on the treadmill or ride my stationery bike so any sugar I may consume, I walk those calories away.

I'm working on finding suitable replacements for my favorite foods. I'm a newbie so I'm learning and the information everyone shares has been very helpful. I also love fruit and am eating more fruit than I used to.
