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Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 10:55 pm
by mamavan
Hi All,
Sorry I haven't been posting, been terribly busy. So here's my question. This morning, drying off after my shower, I noticed or maybe I should say I didn't notice, the cellulite on my upper legs. I "pinched" my skin so I could see those ripples of "dimples" .... no dimples. Okay so I thought I imagined it. So when I got home....I dropped the drawers in front of a mirror and the skin on me upper legs is "dimple - less". I cannot pinch cellulite on my arms either. Has LDL been "flushing" cellulite out of my body? Must be. I actually figured that even if I lost more weight than I expected to that I would always have cellulite. LDL you rock.

Now my journey began back in March when I had to fly to NC for my niece's wedding. I weighed 191 lbs. on my 5'1" frame. I'm not going to tell you how uncomfortable it was to try and buckle my seat belt on the plane or how depressed I was trying to find a nice pant suit to wear...finally found one that fit...a size 18 (and mind you I had to hold my stomach in and not breathe much to get the pants to zip up - and believe me I did not get up to dance or mingle for fear that I would pop that zipper). I knew I had to lose weight and did start prior to finding LDL back in the June issue of First. I am down to 163 lbs. and several inches gone!(My bust measured 45" it's down to 41", my waist has gone from 40" to 36" and hips 42" to 39-1/2").  I finally had to break down and go buy new jeans as I could no longer keep mine up. :thumbsup: So I ran off to my friendly neighborhood Walmart where I always buy my elastic waist jeans. But....low and behold...there were none. Now I am forced to look at regular zip up, button jeans. Yeah right. Well after trying on several pairs ... I found some that fit ... a size 12. I haven't worn a pair of regular jeans in ten years! What a feeling! It is exciting when you put something on and YOU can see how great you are looking.  Thanks, Roger and LDL for a great WOE. I look forward to watvching more cellulite being "flushed" down and out of my body.


Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 11:22 pm
by Ginny M.

I'm jealous.  Oh, for the day my cellulite may be gone.  :drool:  Do I dare hope?

Keep up the good work.  :D



Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 4:44 am
by hopefull
:thumbsup:Thanks for the encouragement! Way to go!

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 5:22 am
by rodie
Thats is the best when you can go clothes shopping and not leave the store depressed,NOW if they could do something with those mirrors :laughing:
Have a great day!
Rodie :)

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 12:11 pm
by mrsj
Thanks for sharing your story Cheryl!  So interesting!
You are doing great.  Congratulations!!!

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 12:43 pm
by crickadoodle
I would say mine is diminished, but not totally gone.  Thanks for something to look forward to.

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 2:28 pm
by Clown Lady
Way to go.  Can't wait for mind to vanish.  Poof

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 3:20 pm
by julie409
Hey mama,

Thanks so much for posting this. Today you have given hope to many.  :angel:

Now I need someone to come on and tell me that everything just lifted up overnight - gosh - I would never - ever - ever - ever deviate from the LDL plan.  :laughing:

Seriously though, that is incredible. You are doing Awesome - and are an inspiration! Good to hear from you!

Julie :rose:

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 7:58 pm
by mamavan
Thanks to all of you for the encouraging words. It is such a reward each time one of us hits a milestone or something special isn't it!

And "hi" Julie! Good to hear from you! Wouldn't it be great if LDL reversed the effects that gravity has taken on our bodies!!! I'm excited that I actually fit into a regular pair of jeans and my cellulite is disappearing. I still continue doing my weight training video. It has helped too I'm sure. I would split my gut if all this weight training actually, some day, does show give me that  V tapered waist I hear about :laughing: I'm not expecting miracles, but do expect myself to continue on this healthy lifestyle. I don't know why I allowed myself to get so out of shape and unhealthy, but sure am glad I found LDL to put me on the right track back! I hope to start walking my dogs again now that the weather is getting cooler. Boston's don't fair well in the heat or the cold....sort of a short window for walks!  :D But at least I have my weight training/cardio video. Seriously, I just can't believe that my cellulite is actually going away. You know....I checked it out again today...sure's disappearing! It's really something when your clothes start to get too big on you and you can actually see cellulite going away. I just can't believe it, but am oh so grateful. Well I have a three day weekend! Which will be spent doing fall cleaning!!!! Talk to you soon.

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 8:57 pm
by Eljayne
Cheryl,  thanks for posting this and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I too think I'm a bit less cellulite laden. As I walked past my full length mirror yesterday I did a double take and backed up thinking, that looks a little better. Couldn't quite believe it but now I think I'll take another look - savoring the moments and looking forward to continued LDL success.  :thumbsup: Lynda

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 9:17 pm
by julie409
HI Cheryl, we can dream can't we?  In the meantime, you are more than halfway to your goal! Fabulous!  :thumbsup:

The weight training will transform your body. I did it before but I haven't been able to muster up the energy to do it right now.  I'm glad you like the video. That's really great and I would say that it is somewhat responsible for the cellulite banishment. Paired with LDL, you can't lose --- I mean you will lose - er - you can't miss!  :D  I will have to think of you for inspiration.

Try to get out a little to enjoy the fall if you can!  :kissed:

Julie :rose:

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 25th, 2009, 10:36 pm
by preachwife
Cheryl, Thanks for sharing your success...I am going to check out my legs right now!!!I just wish the loose skin on my stomach didn't look like one of those dogs on He HAW, where the skin stretched over his head...HA!  It's probably from giving birth to twins 32 years ago..They were huge... 7lbs 8oz. the other 6lbs 15oz...No diet in the world will fix that....Ha!! Thank God for Spanx!!!!!!

God Bless

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 8:03 am
by mamavan
Hi Preachwife...
TWINS! How exciting. And they were born the size of an average single birth. There are twins in my family too and also in my son's wife's family. Her mom and I want twins so we can each have one to spoil -  :laughing: My first was 3 weeks early and weighed in at 6lbs. 3 oz.

I hate the stomach overhang too. I'm hoping the weight training will help alleviate at least some of it. So far the reverse stomach crunches are tightening up the lower stomach  and around the waistline I do see some changes but I think it's going to be quite awhile before anything significant will be seen. I've lost 5 inches around my stomach alone so that is encouraging. I am blown away with the  cellulite disappearing though. I will admit...I keep going to the mirror checking it out to make sure I'm not dreaming...I'm's gone away.

We just have to remember that these things take time and not to get discouraged. Four years ago I went on WW so I could lose weight for my son's wedding. I actually weighed less four years ago than I am right now, but w/weight training and LDL...I'm actually thinner even though I'm heavier! Between building muscle and flushing out all the fat even I can see that I actually look much better.

I hope everyone has a great fall weekend!

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 9:02 am
by julie409
mamavan wrote:I hate the stomach overhang too. I'm hoping the weight training will help alleviate at least some of it. So far the reverse stomach crunches are tightening up the lower stomach  and around the waistline I do see some changes but I think it's going to be quite awhile before anything significant will be seen. I've lost 5 inches around my stomach alone so that is encouraging. I actually weighed less four years ago than I am right now, but w/weight training and LDL...I'm actually thinner even though I'm heavier! Between building muscle and flushing out all the fat even I can see that I actually look much better.


Hi Cheryl, YES!  That is exactly what weight training will do for you. (Other exercise will do this as well though not as effectively.)  It pulls you in from the inside because you are building a good muscle base. I found the same thing when I weight train. You could be a smaller size but at a higher weight than you may have been in the past (to fit into the same size)  OY! It's early - did that come out right? :blink:  :sleep:  :yawn:  :laughing:

No matter how heavy I have been in my life, I have always exercised. I believe that this kept me in smaller sizes than I would have been in without it.  :thumbsup: I also believe that it has kept me from developing any of the big diseases that could have easily happened bc of all the extra weight and eating habits.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

SO happy for you!  And for you too PW. I would say if you are still losing weight, your body is just not done. How are you feeling?  If you and your doctor get concerned, I would just add more protein, maybe in the evening meal. (I'm sure Roger would have an opinion on that!) It's a good problem to have.

Julie :rose:

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 9:14 am
by preachwife
I am still losing... down one more pound ...My goal was 133 but now I weigh 130...I am tall...5'7" but I think I look good...You know the saying...Never too many shoes or too skinny...HA!!!!!I am going to buy some corn thins today to see if they might stall me a little...I really don't want to lose anymore (I never thought those words would come out of this mouth!) but I will not eat unhealthy food...I do feel Great and my skin really shows it too... I am 58 but my skin doesn't look it...most people think I am in my 40's so this way of eating really will turn back the clock for you guys...Thanks for you comments....

God Bless All MY LDL Freinds Today

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 4:24 pm
by RB Kayaking
There are always so many cool comments here. 

Cheryl, I had purchased a size 12 shorts before I was a 12 and those lovely lumpy bumpie things showed through.  I figured that even when they fit I wouldn't wear them because the material must be too thin.  Ha, the shorts fit and no lumpy bumpies!  Who'd a thought that you only had to eat right and they'd disappear.  And I didn't realize that they were gone until I read this post--I was just too thrilled to be in 12's.

The reason I haven't posted a weight loss ticker is that I really don't know what is possible.  I'm only 5'5" and it depends on what weight chart/age that I look at as to what I think I should weigh.  Then someone says they are 5'7" and 130 pounds and four years older than me.  So what size shorts is that?

Dah?  The inches are coming off and the cellulite is gone along with my sugar habit.  Life is good here at LDL.

RB Kayaking

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 5:17 pm
by crickadoodle
Preachwife, don't worry about the weight loss being too much.  I'm also 5'7" and the BMI chart has a very wide range of normal.  It goes as low as 118 lbs. as still being normal weight.  The top of normal range is 159 lbs.  That is a big range.  I've been in the 120s before and because I'm small boned, I think it really looks healthy and fit.  I think eating LDL is pretty safe.  You are eating and you are not anorexic.  Your body just hasn't found it's weight yet.  Remember Little Mary had that happen to her too.  I'm curious to see where my weight will land.

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 7:58 pm
by mamavan
Hey RB - at least we're in the same boat. I am 57 years old and 5'1" tall. About 15 years ago I weighed 103 lbs. and now according to the charts for my age I could weigh 140 and be healthy. I would love to get down to 110 but will see. I am certain that eating LDL has made a huge difference...that would be obvious since we all seem to be losing those ugly "bumpies". I still can't believe it! How great is this for all of us!

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 8:34 pm
by preachwife
crickadoodle...118lbs.sounds good to me...WE'll see what happensI... feel great and I am not anorexic but I think some poeple think I am....

Kayaking...I wear size 2-4 in pants and 6 jeans..

Thanks for your comments... If you have any questions just ask....

God Bless and Have a Great Day Sunday

Re: Where did the cellulite go?

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 10:05 pm
by crickadoodle
Preachwife --I don't think I'd wear that low of a size if I was 130 lbs.  Isn't that funny, since we are the same height?  I'm small boned in my wrists, but maybe not so small in the hips!  :D  I have worn a 4 before, but I was in the lower 120s.