Shuless Journal

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Shuless Journal

Post by shuless »

Basically my days are all the same.

Breakfast----1 orange, 1 apple

Lunch---------1 can of corn (all natural with nothing added) or 1 can of Bush's pinto beans (rinsed).
Sometimes both depending on how hungry I am. 1 Palm sized serving of Super lean meat, and
1 can of Rotella tomatoes (HOT)

Dinner-------- Orville's (94% fat free) popcorn,1/2 bag and 1 can of Campbells tomato juice

No snacking.I've gained back the 2 lbs I lost and added an additional 3 more.

Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Saved4Life »

If you're just starting out...I don't think you are eating enough...but I'll let the other experts comment on that further.

Hang in there...LDL works...if it's working for me, it'll work for any one!

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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Oh, Shuless - you sound so discouraged!  I tend to agree with Doreen.  You know, for lunch you could easily have BOTH the corn and beans and a much larger serving of boneless skinless chicken or turkey, (breast meat only), fish, very very lean beef, all visible fat removed before cooking.  I like to combine them into hearty soups, too.  With soups, you are adding more fluid your body needs to digest and eliminate.

Also, I have a feeling that Roger is going to jump in here & advise you to avoid the OR Smart Pop 94% fat free, in favor of dry air-popped popcorn with olive oil or ICBINB spray, sprinkled w/sea salt.  The quantity in one bag is about right for a single serving, but the fat & preservatives used are not good for us.  The Smart Pop would be for an emergency when you got caught out without some fruit or other LDL food to eat & you were starving. 

I happen to use kosher salt because it's easier to grind to a powder in my spice grinder (I can use less that way) and I think it's just as pure as sea salt.  If you don't have an air popper or micro popper, you can get one for under $20.  People are also starting to experiment with dry popping 2-3 tablespoons of popcorn in a lunch-size brown paper bag with the top turned down a couple times.  BUT YOU MUST STAND THERE & WATCH IT EVERY SECOND until you know how long it takes to pop in your particular micro.  I tried it & only scorced it a little bit the first time  :cool:

The tomato juice is good, but you must continue to read the cans to make sure they haven't started adding sugar.  It is usually very high in sodium, though, so if you enjoy drinking your dinner  ;) you could occasionally switch it out for a fruit or vegetable smoothie with a few beans added, or some nice vegetarian bean soups. 

All you have to do to make soup is open a few cans of beans, (no sugar added), drain them, throw in some frozen veggies & broth or water, a can of tomato juice, Ro-Tel or regular tomatoes (no sugar added), a handful of herbs & spices (read the labels on those too).  In 10 minutes, you've got soup!  If you like it creamier, just smash up & stir in some of the beans with a fork while heating.  Save the leftovers for the next day, or freeze them in zip top bags.

WHOA - I didn't mean to write a novel to you!  Sorry.  Don't worry about how much you are losing in the beginning, and please don't weight more than once every couple of months.  Just keep on staying faithful and the scale WILL catch up.  You have so much less to lose than many of us here, it stands to reason that it would come off more slowly.  Roger says it repeatedly - the scale LIES to you and can fluctuate 10 pounds in a day.
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Hi Shuless,

Just stopping by to see how you are doing.  I hope you haven't given up on ldl.  It has taken me a few months to really see some success but now I am feeling so much better and wearing clothes that haven't fit for a few years.  So don't give up and we will be here for you and cheer you on.

Hope you have a great week and God bless you.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Shuless Journal

Post by shuless »

I'm not as discouraged as you might think.I just want the medical world to realize that there are some people in this world who simply cannot lose weight no matter what the conditions and that body reduction surgery is the only way.My doctor says this is an impossibility and that he has never heard of anyone who cannot lose weight.He's also a 30 year old nurse practitioner that has never looked outside of his textbook knowledge.I CAN PROVE (so far not giving up on LDL) that no matter what the Diet, no matter what the amount of physical training, walking, weight lifting, starvation that I, myself, and hopefully not the only one, cannot lose even an ounce of any weight what so ever.I've been honestly trying to accomplish this now for the past 25 years.All I can do is go up in weight(thankfully a little at a time.There really are some of us out there! I love eating the LDL way! Mentally and I'm pretty sure health-wise it's a great way to eat so naturally I feel good about myself on watching what I eat. No i haven't lost even the first ounce on the plan (yet!Still hoping!) No my scales aren't lying to me. I've only tried about 30 different ones and even bought one of the digital macdaddys at Bed Bath and beyond. I've been on the plan now for, umm, I guess 2 months exactly now.Normally I would have moved on but I really like eating this way. There's also this crazy feeling or something that keeps me on it and believing.Call it spiritual or what ever you want,There is something!I would love to post that I've dropped 5 or 10 pounds as you people are truly a force to reckon with. I love the enthusiasm!There's a Great Family here on these posts! Maybe I will, who knows?I promise you, you'll be the first to know!
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Well, as long as you enjoy eating this way, that's really something positive in your favor.  This is positively the healthiest way to eat. 

I don't blame you for being skeptical.  I had a doctor who convinced me for a while that is was impossible for me to lose weight with any more than 900 calories a day.  Another one tried to pressure me into having lap band surgery because she was convinced I was doomed to failure otherwise.

But don't give up Shuless!  The odds are in our favor!  Two months is really not enough time for you to make up your mind.  Please give it at least a year.  Keep on keeping on, and talk to us again in one year about how you can't lose weight.  I would love for you to prove me wrong.  You can weigh every day if you want - it won't change the fact that 100% of the people who have stuck with Let's Do Lunch have lost weight.  It's possible the ones who didn't stick with LDL weren't going to lose weight anyway.  We will never know, because they didn't stick around.

I hope & pray you do stay with us.  When you are successful, you can give your testimony to all those who lose weight slowly, or think they can't lose at all.  There is definitely a spiritual component to Let's Do Lunch.  I believe there is so much POSITIVE ENERGY on this site & in the food plan, because of the people who stay here.
Last edited by Gwennaford on February 9th, 2009, 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »


I'm glad you are not disapointed. 

I wish you a very great day!

Hugs, Carrole
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by thyroid »

Please hang in there!!!! I Haven't lost either, and I am obsessed with  LDL.
I know some time it will all fall into place.

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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by sugarbeartf »

Hang in there Shuless. I'm new too, pretty new, only on for week and a half now, but I also love eating this way and have been really happy with it. I am constantly on these boards any spare minute I have, for encouragement and any answers I may need. It really helps. I have a good feeling about this new way of life, I think I'm driving my husband nuts talking about it. Haha. Just know you are not alone, I have always had a very hard time losing any weight, but its very easy for me to gain. Just looking at something fattening and I gain. LOL  I don't know if I have lost any weight yet, I won't way till March, but I am hopeful.


Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY shuless.  Hope you have a great weekend.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Shuless Journal

Post by shuless »

OK. As of today it has officially been 3 months on the plan.No I haven't lost the first ounce but I am not giving up until the end of the 4th month.I have managed to gain only 5 pounds and am thankful it is not any more.I still believe the plan will work so I am definitely going to give it 1 more month before I schedule weight reduction surgery.Hey, if the stars are doing it, it can't be all bad huh?Besides, it's actually not that much money these days.I will keep you posted.
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by patsyfay »

You know what they say, Shuless..."to thine own self be true".  You have to do what you know is right for you, not what somebody else says is right for you.  You're the one who has to live inside your skin and deal with things and people.  God bless you as you make this decision.
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by robnveronica » may want to read one of our other member's messages about the decision he made to have the weight surgery. His name is Tom. He felt he needed the band or was it bypass? I don't remember, but he figured out that if he continued to eat the LDL way he was losing more weight than most people who had the surgery. He also found that the nurses/nutritionists were very pleased with the types of food he was eating (on LDL) because he was getting the best/most nutrition out of each bite than others would eating the junk they previously ate that caused them to gain the weight to begin with. If I find the post I'll try to give you a link.
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Re: Shuless Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Veronica & Shuless, I bookmarked it because I found myself returning to read it again and again -- to remind myself why I'm better off NOT having had the surgery. 
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