Tarcyr Food Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by tarcyr »

Well, I thought that I could do this w/o writing down everything I eat, I think I can, but I'd like to get some opinions from the food police for the next couple of weeks so I will be updating this daily.  I started LDL about 3 weeks ago, have lost 12 lbs now seem to be stalled (argh that scale, Roger, I think I AM going to put it away - it was such a motivator at first tho).

B- Banana
L - salad(spring mix) w/ red bell pepper, grape tomatoes carrots, 5 queen green olives and about 1tbs newman's own tuscan italian dressing
S- plum
D (it was my fiance's bday and went out for Asian) - I had I know not LDL approved - 2 fried wontons stuffed w/ crab&cream cheese, 6 or 7 edamame beans had sea salt on pods, 5 slices of panseared ahi tuna some veggies in a garlic sauce and a couple of shrimp in same sauce

TODAY (so far)
B - 1/2 cantaloupe w/ strawberries, blueberries and mango
L - spring mix w/ yellow bell pepper, grape tomatoes, 5 qn gr olives, some kidney bean, about 2 tablespoons gorgonzola cheese, carrots - 1 tbs newmans own tuscan italian dressing

No sure on dinner yet -- will update later

Thanks for helping on suggestions!
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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by mamavan »

Hey Tarcyr,

I'm new here too. Just finishing up Week 4. I think you've done okay, except obviously your Asian dinner out and you already knew that wasn't LDL acceptable. I'm not sure of the amount of gorgonzola cheese you use...2 TBSP. seems a lot to me, but I'm no expert. They do make a low fat (and fat free gorgonzola)...the low fat is pretty good. Haven't tried the fat free one yet though. And I'm not sure about the Queen green olives - although they are healthy fat...they may not be LDL friendly and if used...use sparingly. I think that there were so many posts of late that yours (and one I posted as well) got pushed to the next page. Hopefully our experts will give you better advise than I can. I can tell you that it's been working great for me. I know my clothes are starting to feel a little loose.

Wishing you great success!
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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by patsyfay »

Cheryl is right on about her suggestions.  Olives are okay, but I would think again about that many every day.  It doesn't seem like much, but it can add up!  Go for the low fat or fat free cheese.

You may have hit your first plateau.  Don't sweat the slow scale.  Do lend it to a neighbor or sell it on eBay.  I have found that weighing myself every four to eight weeks is a much better motivator than weighing.  I KNOW I will have lost weight, I just don't know how much.  I'm always happy with the loss and sometimes I'm delighted!!

Hang in there and don't worry.  Don't let eating out cause you to think that because you had that wonton (piece of candy, french fry, potato, etc.) you might just as well have the last cookie in the bag or the last of that pint of ice cream. Get RIGHT BACK ON LDL and settle in for the duration.  You won't be sorry!!

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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by tarcyr »

Thanks Pat and Cheryl --  guess I will minimize the cheese and olives!

B - mango
L - salad - spring mix, orange pepper, peas, corn, 1/2 can kidney beans, rinsed, tomatoes, 1tbs tuscan italian dressing
D - fruit smoothie -- omg -- I tried these the other night and I have fallen in love with them - it is such a great way to use up fruit that is almost to go bad - just freeze em!  yummy

And I haven't weighed myself since Wed --  it is tough, but I will try to hold out -- I sure do feel better, and people are already asking me if I have lost weight!  yea!! :-)
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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by tarcyr »

I think that I'm really getting the hang of this, and my fiance has even noticed that my clothes are fitting better!  yea!  

B- 1 apple (we got up really late)
L - taco salad - 1/2 turkey 1/2 beef added taco seasoning packet - spring mix, tomato, homemade salsa (canned tomato and jalapeno, w/ garlic salt) ..  black beans and a very small dollop of sour cream (not fat free :-( tho )
D - will be fruit smoothie w/ mango, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry

Oh, I'm so excited I found Real Foods Corn thins at a Sunflower Market - I didn't want to buy in bulk before I tried ... I tried one a while go, not bad.
Last edited by tarcyr on June 28th, 2009, 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by mom »

check out your taco seasoning packet, make sure it doesn't have sugar, maltodextran or one of the other thousand names for sugar in it, you can make your own taco seasoning packets, I'll look up the recipe and post it for you if I ever get my cookbooks unpacked.  O the joys of moving.
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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by tarcyr »

Thanks mom -  I have just a little bit left.. and almost out .. (gotta love costco sizes)... and then I will make my own - I would love your's if you ever get to it!  I know how you feel about moving ... I moved in w/ my fiance a couple of years ago and don't have room in my kitchen now for all of my stuff :-(  I go to the boxes every now and then :-) 

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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by tarcyr »

for 6/29
B-grapefruit, lf yogurt(I'm startingn to have signs of yeast infection and need to nip it before it becomes full on) .. I don't think this is LDL, but I need to. 
L-salad spring mix - kidney and black beans, cucumber, tomatoes, newmans own tuscan italian dressing
D-fruit smoothie

for 6/30
B- banana, LF yogurt
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Re: Tarcyr Food Journal

Post by mom »

watch your low fat yougurt, a lot of them have high fructose corn syrup and other sugars in it, you would be better off if you need the yougurt, to use an organic plain yougurt, and add your own fruit, stevia or seasonings to it. 
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