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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 8:27 am
by barrypaxton
Has anyone seen or heard from Gwen lately? I'm worried about her. It's been a couple of months since she has posted and I know she was having to deal with a lot of personal issues. Can someone contact her and let us knowing how she is doing?

Praying that Gwen is OK.

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 11:22 am
by Gwennaford
I'm still here - alive & kickin'!  Running like crazy trying to get recovered enough to get knee replacements.   

After hearing from doctors that my knees were SO bad they could NOT be replaced & I would always live as a cripple, I finally found one surgeon who agreed to do it in one year from now if I would put in the work to get a lot healthier before then. I have to lose another 100 pounds and do the hard work to stretch out the soft tissues that have contracted in the 10 years I've been in the wheelchair. So that has motivated me to restart LDL PURE & stop the nighttime grazing.  I'm taking aquatherapy & therapeutic massage plus a lot of hard work on my own to stretch & rebuild atrophied tissues. But I AM doing it!

My daughter agreed to temporarily move back from Dallas to stay with me and be my rehab coach. I took her away from her job and sweet boyfriend, so it is only fair that I'm paying her what I would for a live-in coach, with major benefits. She already knows me & my needs, so there is no learning curve. And we are super compatible.  I cannot describe what a blessed relief it is to have help dragging myself & my equipment around to dozens of appointments.  And the relief from loneliness - well, you can imagine.   

AND the best part -- she started Let's Do Lunch with me and immeidately lost 8 pounds! ! ! !  YYAAAAYYYY ! ! !  She's a little grumpy about the potatoes & rice thing and doesn't really like beans or peas, so we're doing a lot of corn & a few lentils to help with her carb craving. She allows herself one slice of WW bread on a sandwich once a week, so it's taking a little longer to kick the craving. But it's all progress in the right direction. 

Gotta go get ready to run around again. Found a great facility with a big pool that they heat to 95 degrees for therapy. Total bliss!  (Very glad I don't have their gas bill!  $3000/mo. To heat the thing!)

***Everyone - PLEASE email me replies.*** I'm burning up my BlackBerry - it is how I stay in touch. What a great invention! 

Bye for now & loves to everyone!


Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 11:31 am
So glad to hear from you.

Thanks for posting, I too was wondering about Gwen and even considered PM'ing Mary to ask about her.

Glad to hear all is well!

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 11:55 am
by Bethann
So great to hear from you Gwen!
We're all thinking of you!  :rose:
Love and prayers from Beth(Ann)

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 10:57 pm
by cameron
Gwen, I am so glad to see your post today. I hope this means that we will hear from you on a regular basis again. So exciting that you will be able to get your knee replacements. Lots of hard work ahead of you, but  you will do it.

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 16th, 2010, 9:24 am
by MsHeirloom
Gwen- It's so great to see your post.  I look forward to "seeing" more of you!  I know you can do it, Gwen!!!  Pam

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 16th, 2010, 1:11 pm
by crickadoodle
Oh, Gwen, it is so good to hear of your plans.  I'm so glad your daughter can spend this time helping you like this.  Plus, I know you recognize that this is a chance you cannot squander and you will do it.  We will be praying for your success and know that God is going to help you reach this very important goal.  Love you and support you in this wonderful goal.

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 26th, 2010, 2:41 am
by hopefull
So good to hear from you Gwen! Glad you are able to get help and get back on track with LDL. You are always such and inspiration for me and I know many others.
wishing you the best.

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 26th, 2010, 6:14 pm
by Ginny M.
HI, Gwen,

So glad to hear you're back on the boards.  :)  I wondered where you had been and praying all was well.  I've been off/on, not much posting but at least reading other posts.  Glad to hear you are working on getting those knees.  :D  Hang in there, Girlfriend, you'll do it.  Key West here we come! :D


Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: October 27th, 2010, 7:46 pm
by cuzican

You are one of the people I looked for first when I came back.  I am so glad your here with us again.


Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: November 6th, 2010, 10:36 pm
by cameron
Gwen- how is it going? I miss you on the boards, and hope to see an update soon.


Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 2:46 pm
by Gwennaford
I just got a new iPhone as an early Christmas present so now I have no excuse for not posting. But the replies will be a lot shorter. Touch screen typing is all one finger ! 

Michelle went back to TX before Thanksgiving so it was just me & the dog. I turned on the parade & found great joy in fixing all my great LDL dishes without having anyone ask, "Is this legimate food, or some of that diet crap?".  *woot*

Did NOT overeat, froze leftovers. Okay, so was defrosting twice a day for a week, but at least it slowed me down. 

I added crushed pineapple & coconut flavoring to my butternut squash "sweet potatoes" for a tropical twist.  :thumbsup:

Loves to all - GG

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 3:56 pm
by cameron
Hey Gwen, it sure is good to hear from you again. Sounds like you are doing well.

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 4:14 pm
by Gwennaford
Thanks Cameron!  I hope everyone will write to me here, instead of PM or email, so it gives me more incentive to journal.

I really need to keep a connection with the outside world.  :thumbsup:

Yep, I'm still on track for my knee surgery. I'm working toward Fall/Winter of 2011. Maybe sooner if I lose the weight in time. I would love to be recovered in time for the LDL convention, wherever & whenever it happens. I still want it in Key West, just on a less busy weekend.

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 4:21 pm
by wendysgoodnews
So good to know you are back on the boards with all of us.  We love all your encouragment and wisdom

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 4:28 pm
by Gwennaford
AW!  That's very kind, Wendy. But in glancing thru the boards, I see you have become the go-to person in that department! 

I am holding steady at 300. What are you down to now?

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 4:34 pm
by wendysgoodnews
I have been holding for weeks at 275. 

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 6:04 am
by hopefull
Gwen and Wendy,
You both are great inspiration! Look how far you have come!Woohooooooo!!!!!!!
Happy Holidays. and big hugs,

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 22nd, 2010, 2:04 pm
by Gwennaford
Thanks Bobbi. I'm having a wonderful Christmas with my daughters in Tulsa. Michelle drove up from Arlington for a brief visit. So we are opening presents frequently.  Yay !  I shopped for beans, fruit & veggies @ Walmart. Gotta love that GPS!  I'm staying home with granddaughter while SIL & daughter Kayce work. I'm so happy!

I just bought a Hasty Bake grill/smoker/oven where Kayce works at the company headquarters. You can google them. Fabulous. Got a 75% family discount.  ;D  *woot*

Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Posted: December 22nd, 2010, 3:39 pm
Welcome to Oklahoma, Gwen.
Great to have you here with us.
Guess that makes a grand total of 3 LDLer's here in Oklahoma right now.....
unless, of course, some lurkers want to come out and be made known!  :)  ;)