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Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: January 16th, 2011, 10:43 pm
by Joyful Friend
Thanks, Ollie and Bethann.  *hug*  JF

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: January 20th, 2011, 3:56 am
by Beth B.
Beautiful picture Joyful Friend!  Thanks for posting it and for way you encourage all of us who are still losing! How much have you lost?  The reunions sound like so much fun!

Bethanne, just promise me that when you come to visit your relatives in South Africa that you will come when I am here and can host you in our home--we have plenty of room!

I had 1/2 hour to shop for a skirt on Saturday; I tried on lots of clothes and finally settled on a black skirt, but I didn't have time to try it on in the store. I got home, and that night before I went to bed I tried it on and it fit perfectly. The next morning I tore off the tags and put it on and lo and behold, it was about an inch too big! Can't take it back now so I wore it anyway and I'll have to take it in. We are going to a formal event in about 3 weeks so I am looking forward to shopping for that, although, now that I think about it, I have the perfect dress at home in Iowa that I could maybe have a team member bring over--it still has the tags on it too!

I have two friends here who asked me to send them the link to LDL! I hope they will join us on this journey!

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: January 20th, 2011, 7:44 pm
by Joyful Friend
Thanks, Beth B.  My DH was stationed at the Sioux City Air Base in the late 50's.  That's where I became pregnant with Country Girl, so it has always been a favorite place.  It is so nice that your clothes are getting too big.  That's what happened to me---I lost in inches more than lbs when I first started.  I shopped in my own closet for a year.  Now, most of those are all gone, and my closet is in order.  :laughing: :laughing:  I plan for it to stay that way with LDL.  I won't have to get new sizes.  I hope you all get to the size you want, and have good health.  :thumbsup:  :)  JF

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: January 27th, 2011, 4:07 pm
by Beth B.
I'm a bit disappointed, but really trying hard not to be.  I finally got to weigh myself today and I had only lost the few pounds I had gained over Christmas plus 2 more.  Even though the amount is small, my clothes are looser and I have been able to give away so many items of clothing the last few months. My husband is very encouraging and the exercise class is still going strong although I'm ready for the next team to come and hopefully bring a new DVD. I'm kind of getting tired of doing the same one.

I am going to step on the scale tomorrow and see if it is any different, and I'm going to try to find a measuring tape and see what changes I have lost in inches.

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: January 28th, 2011, 8:38 pm
by Bethann
Thinking of you!  :rose:
I'm thankful for you!  :rose:
Christmas is such a difficult time for many of us! I had a terrible time this Christmas and I'm feeling yucky! It sounds like you did a lot better then me! I'm glad for you! I understand though that it is disappointing to not make the progress we would like to make! I sure hear you with that! .....I would love to speed up my progress and not be a turtle!  :rolleyes: I think I should start praying more specifically about that!!  :thumbsup:
Your clothes are looser!  :thumbsup: Right on!
It would be so wonderful to visit you in South Africa and find those relatives! Nothing is impossible with God!  *love* I'm open to anything happening with Him! Thank you so much for your offer of hospitality! What an incredible treat that would be!  :rose:
Love and hugs  *hug*
Bethanne  :D

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 7th, 2011, 1:20 pm
by Beth B.
Hi everyone!
We have been really busy with teams, but I just had to pop in and share some news! My goal when I arrived in South Africa on Jan. 4 was to lose what I had gained over Christmas plus 10 pounds by the time the team from my home church arrived last month. I met that goal and my next goal is to lose 11 pounds before I go back to the States April 19. As of today I am 2 pounds down toward that goal!

I have been on LDL for almost 2 years I think, and I have lost even though I have often not been 100% and I've been so pleased that I have maintained the weight I've lost and the plan is so easy to jump back on.  Thank you Roger!


Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 7th, 2011, 3:20 pm
by wendysgoodnews
Beth B
Congratulations on such success.  You are not far from your final goal so you must feel wonderful.

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 7th, 2011, 3:32 pm
by mylifeforhim
Congratulations!    :thumbsup:  Here's to the next 11!

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 7th, 2011, 10:32 pm
Congrats, Beth.
Wait for me at the goal line.
I'll get there eventually!

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 3:37 pm
by Beth B.
Thanks for the encouraging words everyone!  Linda, you are doing great--you'll get there! Wendy, I love your new profile picture--you were beautiful before but now you are a new woman!

I had emergency surgery last week after some major hemorrhaging.  Turned out to be a fibroid tumor and they were able to remove it without doing a hysterectomy. I am very grateful that we found a wonderful doctor and hospital here. I feel so much better!  Still a bit anemic but I'm taking extra iron until I catch up.  I hadn't had much of an appetite for a while but since the surgery it is back with a vengeance! I found sesame corn thins here and I really like them for a change from the original.

I am going to take quick look at the boards--I hope to be able to catch up with what's going on with all of you this week!


Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 3:57 pm
by mylifeforhim
Beth, You are in my thoughts and prayers!    *love*

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 23rd, 2011, 2:19 pm
by Beth B.
Thank you for your prayers! I was finally able to get to the grocery store and get some iron rich foods. I read that lentils are high in iron so I made soup tonight. I've really been feeling very good, but I do get tired more quickly. I went for a walk tonight and plan to go to exercise class tomorrow night. I'm ready to be back to normal!

This morning I had the opportunity to deliver school uniforms to some very impoverished children at a public school. Our last team had pitched in purchase uniforms, track suits, shoes and socks. One of the social workers from this district bought them each a school bag. We arrived at the school in time for assembly and the sang lots of songs--all of them Christian songs and they had prayer--you wouldn't see that at a public school in the US! I'll be posting some pictures on FB.

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: March 23rd, 2011, 3:48 pm
You are such a blessing  :angel:

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 4th, 2011, 9:34 pm
by Beth B.
Hi All,
Just been catching up on everyone's posts! I cannot believe that it's been 80 days since I updated my ticker! Where does the time go??? I will try to remember to weigh and update in the morning. We just got back to Africa on Thursday night. It's nice to have the weekend to relax and unpack. Tomorrow we will go to one of our favorite churches here--VERY spirited and heartfelt worship!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!


Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 7th, 2011, 11:31 am
by Beth B.
Well, just updated my ticker. Had a good day today. Exercise class tonight with a Walk Away the Pounds dvd. Also walked for about an hour earlier. I would like to lose 10 pounds by mid-August.  That's two months from now so I think it is doable if I stay focused.

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 7th, 2011, 1:57 pm
by jencita
Beth B,
Congratulations on your weight loss! You have done so well :thumbsup:

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 7th, 2011, 4:38 pm
by jsprik
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  :thumbsup:

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 7th, 2011, 4:52 pm
by Beth B.
Thanks for the encouragement! I am so easily side-tracked that it has taken me a while to lose it (about 3 years), but I am so happy that it is staying off. That has never happened before with any other plan I have tried. I love LDL! 

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 7th, 2011, 9:06 pm
by Joyful Friend
Welcome back home!!!  Hope you have a wonderful summer. You are doing well with LDL. :thumbsup: JF

Re: Beth B's new journal

Posted: June 8th, 2011, 1:45 pm
by Beth B.
Thank you Joyful Friend, It is good to be back on the message boards! I may not be able to post the next several days though because we are going to be out of town. Hope everyone has a great weekend!