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Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 11th, 2016, 12:48 am
by omalani
I guess I will have to wait till I get home to write down my menus because I have so little control of what I eat here. We went out tonight and I ordered a beet and kale salad, with side orders of grilled artichoke and mashed potatoes. Everything else was so expensive!! My time here is ending and I had to change my return flight because it left so early from San Francisco that it was impossible to get a ride on the airbus or with family. I have decided to drive next time I come, so I have a car and can stop and see friends and family along the way. I don't enjoy flying anymore. I was going to take the Greyhound to Frisco and get a taxi to the airport, which would have been much less than changing my ticket!! However, my daughter threw a fit about me getting on a bus in Salinas and traveling alone so I paid my money and learned a big lesson in booking flights. You must be aware of the travel times and the layover times. Then there is the sitting for long periods of time in cramped seating and what it does to the arthritic body, not to mention if you have to use the coat closet sized restroom. Some coat closets are bigger!! People do not talk on planes any more. It gives you the lonely in a crowd feeling. No I am afraid I prefer road trips and as long as I can drive, that's what I will do, except Alaska, Mexico and Hawaii, I will have to fly sometimes. Life is a journey and I am actually looking forward to going home.

Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 11th, 2016, 2:33 pm
by omalani
I will fast partially on the plane which I usually do , so to avoid the dreaded restroom calls on the plane. I have a 2 hour layover in Dallas which will give me time to eat and potty. After that it is a short flight back to Lawton and home. Life goes fast, enjoy it fully.

Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 20th, 2016, 12:50 pm
by omalani
I am cleaning out my freezer. While I was gone and the electricity was off, some things defrosted and were refrozen. Most were small items and a box of SF popsicles. Anyway as I defrost them some interesting dishes will be on my menu. I hate to throw stuff out! Fruit and soup flushes are in future menus. I have a Dr. appointment in OKC. It is a follow up with an endocrinologist for my thyroid problems. I had my thyroid cancer removed in 1985. This is the first time I have had trouble getting my thyroid level adjusted. I don't think it has much effect on my weight, but I need to get it checked out. Life is good.

Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 22nd, 2016, 1:14 pm
by omalani
I am so sorry to hear of Miss Gwennie's passing. She will be missed on FB and LDL, but we have her journal to read and remember her. Life is fragile, live today fully. =((

Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 24th, 2016, 3:23 pm
by omalani
I put some old frozen blue berries with my yogurt this morning but the fiber in them was so dry it was hard to swallow. I finished the yogurt but put the blueberries in my blender to make them easier to swallow. I also added 4 oz. SF apple sauce with it and can put them in a smoothie, maybe a blueberry pumpkin smoothie tonight Life is better with LDL.

Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 29th, 2016, 10:11 am
by omalani
I am starting to stress! I leave in 2 days for Mexico and I have so many loose ends. I ate some things yesterday and it triggered a binge. Looking back at my menus, I can see the triggers and added to the stress of preparing to go to Mexico, I get it!! This compulsive overeating is an addiction to processed food and combinations of sugars, wheat and fats. So I am back to square one! I admire those who are so disciplined and stay on course. I have a friend that seems to want to tempt me constantly. I need to talk to her and get things straight. She is dieting too and not having success and seems to resent any progress I make. She had a bypass surgery but is now gaining it back and says LDL won't work for her. I don't think she wants it to work for me either. I am praying for the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Any advice? I would appreciate your prayers. God is good and He is the life giver.

Re: Omalani's excellent adventure

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 12:32 pm
Alison is doing the low carb thing and states she is just unable to loose. I think she is not eating enough fruit and veggies.
I warned her that it took me 5 months of pure LDL to shed pounds and inches but when it happened it seemed sudden.
Going to do Taco soup at work Tuesday since a cold front is blowing in. Need to get back to popcorn also