Tori's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

I am going to try. I just have a hard time eating when I am not hungry. Almost makes me feel guilty, in some weird way.

Sept. 1, 2008

Coffee, Water

Breakfast: --

Grilled shrimp (fresh, no breading), stir fried with fresh carrot rounds, broccoli, baby corn, zucchini, snow peas, celery, and scallions.

This will probably be a combo lunch/dinner since it is so late in the afternoon, and I will try to have a snack of fruit and/or popcorn later this evening.
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

Sept. 2, 2008

Bowl of fresh cantaloupe

Bowl of whole grain cereal with low-fat milk

Subway sandwich

Totally non-LDL, I know, but I am being honest about what I ate, and truthfully, at least it wasn't Burger King or McDonald's!  Hubby and son brought it home tonight, and I was thankful they chose Subway over another fast food restaurant.

It was full of fresh veggies, no oil and vinegar, and little meat. The only "bad" thing on it was the bread, and I tore off most of the top part of the bread, so it was a very thin layer.

Going to be so thankful when I can go grocery shopping this weekend!
Last edited by Tori on September 3rd, 2008, 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Whoo-Hoo! Tori actually ate BREAKFAST! Yay!!!!!
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

I did eat more today, I just hadn't posted it yet.  ;)

Yes, Enjae, I actually ate breakfast! Matter of fact, I ate 3 meals today!
*pokes post above*

Not the greatest menu, but I managed to get in my meals, and did the best I could with what I had. Yay!
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by robnveronica »

YEA!!! Tori is eating more!!! :-* I was afraid I'd have to come after you soon with  :scyth: Glad that was averted!!
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

LOL, Veronica!
I am glad you didn't come after me with the  :scyth: either!

I really am trying, it is just a very difficult habit to break.
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by EnJae »

I am proud of you! Good Girl!

I suspect that one reason you chose to cut down so drastically in the past is because you ate something that left you feeling bloated and gross. Skipping the next meal or two seemed like the 'cure' for how you were feeling.
Now we know that we don't have to eat the foods that make us feel bad. And the 'cure' is a fruit and soup flush.  :)

You keep chugging along GIrl. Thank you for being honest about your menu yesterday. AND again, I am SO PROUD of you for eating several times yesterday!
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

Thank you, Enjae!  :-*

Sept. 3, 2008


Whole grain cereal with low-fat milk
(shredded wheat)

Will be making some cubed grilled chicken, with green peppers, onions, celery, and garlic to be mixed with some long-grain wild rice.
Last edited by Tori on September 3rd, 2008, 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by robnveronica »

I just have a hard time eating when I am not hungry

Wish I had that problem!! I eat when I'm hungry, sad, happy, bored, angry, etc, etc, etc
I can't wait to have my apartment back in order. We've been living with everything out of the cabinets for a week. They sprayed my apt for critters, and are returning to spray again today. So I figured rather than put everything away and have to get right back out again I'd leave it out!
OH well.
You're doing better Ms. Tori and I'm glad to see you back on track and back on the boards!
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

Well honestly, Veronica, I probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you. You have kept up with me, even when I wasn't on the boards, and your phone calls and emails have made all the difference. 

I have decided I am going to lose this excess weight by next summer, period. Time to "reposition" myself, as Bishop T.D. Jakes is so fond of saying. I know the woman I want to be, so now, what am I going to do to make it happen? I am going to put forth the effort it takes to become the healthiest wife, mother, and grandmother that my family could ask for. This doesn't just include losing weight, but also all-around health and fitness.

I want to age beautifully and gracefully in this body that the Lord has given me, and in order to do that, it is time to reposition myself, and start doing instead of dreaming!  (:
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by margo »

Amen!  your words have rekindled my motivation! 

God bless these wonderful bodies -- AWEsome creations...what a shame we let them get run down and not so attractive...but we CAN do better...Lord help each and every one of us.

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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Queenie »

Tori wrote:I want to age beautifully and gracefully in this body that the Lord has given me, and in order to do that, it is time to reposition myself, and start doing instead of dreaming!  (:

What a wonderful thought!  I am going to write this down in my ever-growing Word Document of sayings!  Another saying that I like ties right in with yours:  "A goal without a plan is just a wish."

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[b][i]"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by robnveronica »

Well honestly, Veronica, I probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you. You have kept up with me, even when I wasn't on the boards, and your phone calls and emails have made all the difference you have me tearing up! I never realized I made that kind of difference to you. I just knew how much I missed you and have come to love you as a friend and confidant. Guess it's another of God's anonymous pushings. I still firmly believe he puts us where he wants us.
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

Veronica, I so agree with you! It was not by accident that we met, girlfriend!  :-*

Thanks Carolyn!
Kind of nice to know that I will be forever in your little book of sayings. (:
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

Sept. 5, 2008

1 cup whole grain cereal with low-fat milk

Homemade chicken & wild rice soup
(poached chicken, cubed - chicken broth, garlic, poultry seasoning, tumeric, organic wild rice)

100% pure apple juice

Sorry I haven't been posting regularly, but my son and I are both fighting a flu bug.  :sick:
Draylen is much worse off than I am though, so please send up a few prayers for him if you would!
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

Thanks Roger!  *love*
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Re: Tori's Journal

Post by Tori »

So, I am sitting here reading through the boards tonight, and something occurs to me. Roger is always talking about "eat until full" , eat sweet fruits until you can't stand to look at them, and avoiding foods that spike your blood sugars and give you cravings. I find myself in a dilemma.

I hate eating most of the time, and would rather avoid it, but alas, the body says I need to. When I do eat, I do not like that "stuffed" feeling, so eat far less than most people. I get the "you don't eat enough to keep a bird alive" comments quite often.

I don't have any food triggers; nothing I eat causes me to crave anything. I don't have to avoid rice, because it does not cause me to crave more. I do not have to avoid oats, because they do not cause me to crave more. As a matter of fact, they both keep me full for a very long time.

The last time I remember having a serious craving, it was for chocolate, and come to find out my iron was low. Got that fixed up right quick, and no more cravings.

I understand the whole point of LDL is to eat a ton at first, so that eventually you will eat less and less, thus losing weight.

My question is, what about those of us who just don't eat enough, and pack on the pounds because of that? How do we work LDL into a weight loss program, when we don't eat much to begin with? To me, stuffing myself simply to stuff myself seems like gluttony, and I just can't do it.

I know it sounds strange, but the whole philosophy of eating until full so that I will eventually eat less and lose weight simply doesn't apply to me.

I feel like the odd man out most days, and am having a hard time figuring out where I fit in, and how to make a plan that works for me.  :'(
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