Lulu65's journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by patns »

I can send you some. I got 4 packs today. They seem to keep well for a long time.

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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

Thanks Pat and Pam  :)  I can order the case but they will not ship to Canada..I did go into a grocery store over there and asked them if they could carry the thins.. They are to call me back..Pam: . will not ship to Canada... and does not carry them.. Pat thanks so much for the offer..I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness.. Very kind  of you but it would cost you more than the thins are worth.. I also have another option maybe my local health food store  
I am going to try and find a good recipe today for turkey sausage minus the McCormick to moisten the meat.. it is very dry..

And Pam... out of the mouths of babes   haha speaking of doing also cheated last night I was very tired and really had not eaten enough during the day so before bed I took 1 slice bread and a bit of maple syrup and I was fine..

Blood sugar this morning was right on that is something to smile about  :thumbsup:  
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by VickiLynn »

lulu65 wrote:(skinless boneless chicken thighs (organic) and now I am drinking water  I usually drink 48-64 oz per day
I need to increase my protein and more fruit and more veggies get the beans in there for fiber and protein.

I haven't yet welcomed you to the LDL community -- WELCOME.  i hate to be a party pooper, but no dark poultry meat is allowed -- only white.  

Also, please remember that this way of eating is not a diet where you need to measure, weigh, or portion any of the food you eat, and drinking that much water is not necessary unless you really like water.  The beans you eat are not only protein but the more you eat of them, the less craving you have for starches (bread, pasta, potatoes).  

I live in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and Burlington, VT is about 4 hours from our house. Do you come to Vermont to do all of your grocery shopping?  If so, why? -- just curious.


P.S.  Here's a sausage recipe that I haven't tried but sounds good.

Mock Spicy Italian Sausage
Take equal parts ground beef and ground turkey and mix together but don’t handle it too much.

Add salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and fennel seed.  Be generous with the pepper flakes and fennel seeds because that is what is going to make the meat taste like Italian sausage.

Add a bit more olive oil to the pan and let it get nice and hot and then add meat and let it brown…I  pull small/medium size irregular shaped chunks of meat mixture and drop it in the pan.  I do not make meat balls and I don’t break it all up like minced meat…I like the look of it as if I took an Italian sausage and removed the casing…Once I first put the meat in the pan, I don’t move it around in the pan…I leave it alone until I think it has browned on that side, then I turn it and let it get nice a brown on the other side….then once it’s browned, you can stir it around and break it up as you like without making it into mush.
Here is a link to another sausage recipe.  Please read the comment from Mary about the maple flavoring. ... pic=8284.0
Last edited by VickiLynn on January 9th, 2010, 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Lulu- I had no idea about Amazon not shipping to Canada.  Sorry :sad:!  I hope you won't be needing maple syrup and bread to keep your blood sugars down.  I'm guessing that the reason you needed the "treat" was because your blood sugar was very low from not eating enough.  Eat enough lunch at around 2pm that you are very full and satisfied.  Pam
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

[b]Hi Vicki and Pam.   :rose:
Vicki:  thanks for the constructive feedback.. I welcome that at any time..I knew the boneless chicken thighs were not LDL friendly but I had made up a big batch with many veggies in crock pot and did not want to throw it out
I am trying as much as possible to follow the plan properly and the only reason I did count sodium is because there is sodium in everything..  I realize we need so many mg per day but I keep track of it being a diabetic.. Protein is important to me to to make sure I am getting enough.The two days I counted it was because I had not had very much and had to add to my meal to make up enough..Beans, lentils etc.. have a lot of protein and fiber but I have not had a chance to make a good hearty stew or soup that will supply me with all that I need.After spending considerable times on the boards I realize rinsing canned stuff is a good idea etc.and hopefully gets rid a of a lot of the sodium..and eliminating it would be even better..    I am new to this but i am learning. I spend a lot of time reading the boards etc.. recipe section also so I hope by next week to be fully on track.. :thumbsup:

I enjoy shopping in Burlington Vt. which is about 2 hrs for me a drive.. and they have outlet shops there etc.. and Shaws etc..and also I shop at Tafts Corners in Williston, and I also go to Plattsburgh NY which is only 1.5 hrs max for me.. Like the good 1% fat ground turkey I cannot buy here,  lots of things I cannot get here.. in fact yesterday I could not find (in Plattsburgh) a soy cheese that Mary had spoke about and did not even find a fat free cheese.I picked up one read ingredients it had sugar in it or HFCS.. I shop in Plattsburgh most of the time but I do go to Burlington or through Lake Champlain Islands more in the summer..   I live alone and it gives me a nice outing for the day.

Thank you for the sausage recipe it looks good!!!!! I noticed one on Facebook by one of the ladies here  and it looks good too it has beans in it...which would add some moisture..  I find a lot of the ff stuff is very high in sodium and snuck in there is sugar.   Thanks for your help and suggestions I appreciate them   Hugs

Pam:  I surely hope I wont need bread and maple syrup every day to balance out my sugar.. It could be the glycogen as you mentioned awhile ago..   By the way do you journal on here too. .I would like to support you but not sure where to post..and no prob about not understanding about Amazon..different countries we cannot know everything about each one.. I do order from Landsend and it ships to Canada and when they no shipping they give it to me also.. I also order stuff from Crabtree & Evelyn.. They charge but the fee is not a lot.. Am curious how many Canadians are on here.. Wonder if I ask that question in the section for post a question if that would case a problem?. .It is just that we might be able to help each other find groceries we need etc.   Hugs


2 eggs
2 bananas


1.5 turkey burger made a la Louise :)  turkey breast meat, celery, green pepper, onion, mushrooms and baked
frozen corn niblets
braised spinach and garlic


Clementines and grapes
Water 40 oz

and I do love the water[/color]
Last edited by lulu65 on January 9th, 2010, 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Lulu- I haven't journaled since I started May 25th.  I eat so similarly each day that it would be quite redundant.  I have just gotten into the rhythm of it and keep going without too much thinking.
Breakfast- fresh fruit, smoothie, or occasionally eggs on corn thins or my cobbler.  This winter I have made 3 batches of hot pumpkin smoothie
Lunch- soup with beans, vegetables, and meat.  I alternate among chicken, ground sirloin and ground turkey.  Also alternate between a "cream" base from blended beans and a tomato base.  There must be a million combinations.  Sometimes tossed salad with turkey or chicken.  Occasionally we buy Whopper Jrs. from Burger King without the mayo and transfer the innards to corn thins.  This is a solution for very busy or on the road days.
Dinner- Fruit or smoothie left over from breakfast and/or salad.  This winter we've been eating squash several times each week (esp. butternut fries).
Snack- popcorn at dinner or later (several times each week) popped in EVCO and sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice and stevia.
Hints- I make enough soup for the 2 of us to eat 3-4 days, I pop enough popcorn for 6-10 "meals" and package it in gallon zip-lock bags which I reuse.  Everything is very simple.  I make my own salad dressing with EVOO and organic vinegar with seasonings.  Sometimes I make Cole slaw with Paul Newman's dressing and black beans.  When we eat out I usually have a Cobb salad or some type of salad/salad bar with chicken.
Thanks for offering to support me.  You and everyone else on here are invaluable in keeping me motivated and accountable.  Pam
Last edited by MsHeirloom on January 9th, 2010, 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

MsHeirloom wrote:Lulu- I haven't journaled since I started May 25th.  I eat so similarly each day that it would be quite redundant.  I have just gotten into the rhythm of it and keep going without too much thinking.
Breakfast- fresh fruit, smoothie, or occasionally eggs on corn thins or my cobbler.  This winter I have made 3 batches of hot pumpkin smoothie
Lunch- soup with beans, vegetables, and meat.  I alternate among chicken, ground sirloin and ground turkey.  Also alternate between a "cream" base from blended beans and a tomato base.  There must be a million combinations.  Sometimes tossed salad with turkey or chicken.  Occasionally we buy Whopper Jrs. from Burger King without the mayo and transfer the innards to corn thins.  This is a solution for very busy or on the road days.
Dinner- Fruit or smoothie left over from breakfast and/or salad.
Snack- popcorn at dinner or later (several times each week) popped in EVCO and sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice and stevia.
Hints- I make enough soup for the 2 of us to eat 3-4 days, I pop enough popcorn for 6-10 "meals" and package it in gallon zip-lock bags which I reuse.  Everything is very simple.  I make my own salad dressing with EVOO and organic vinegar with seasonings.  Sometimes I make Cole slaw with Paul Newman's dressing and black beans.  When we eat out I usually have a Cobb salad or some type of salad/salad bar with chicken.
Thanks for offering to support me.  You and everyone else on here are invaluable in keeping me motivated and accountable.  Pam

You are doing wonderful Pam and you inspire me.. Thank you for sharing some of your eats and the hints.... I get my ideas from other people cooking for one is a pain ..a royal   I like the Cole slaw idea Paul New Dressing is legal..  I can get that in Plattsburgh NY.. Thanks again Pam.. :rose:

I am dancing  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:  I found corn thins about a two hr drive for me in Brockville Ontario thanks to another Canadian on here $2.89 a package.. not bad at all.. not bad
Last edited by lulu65 on January 9th, 2010, 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Just check the Paul Newman's ingredients.  Some have too much sugar.  I know it's a pain to cook for one.  When Denny is out of town, I go out for a Greek salad or salad bar.  Make several batches of soups, freeze them in individual portions, freeze them and eat a variety each week.  Pam
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by wendysgoodnews »

I make my own cole slaw dressing and it is cheap and easy.  I use miracle whip light and add red wine vinegar and 2 packages of splenda.  I put the vinegar in to taste so I have not measured it.  The miracle whip I put in 3 tablespoons. I even use this when I make the mixed salad with apple and a can of corn thrown in. 
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

Thanks to both of you Wendy and Pam.  I will try your recipe Wendy for sure  :) Thanks

Today has been a pretty good day I modified my post above for today`s food intake
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by Joyful Friend »

Lulu, love your determination.  You are going to do well on this plan.  I have never journaled because my eating has been the same.  I have followed the plan, and it has paid off for me.  I eat many varieties of fruits, beans, and vegetables.  I have tried new recipes from the boards, use corn thins, and I make my own dressings.  Before eating anything questionable, I asked about it on the boards and reread my book.  The book is such a great resource.  My daughter is on the boards, and she has done well.  She and I help each other.  So glad to have you with us.  :thumbsup: :D JF
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

I am determined JF.. really determined.. At 65 I would like to get down a good 50 lbs probably more..I do a lot of reading on the boards an awful lot.. hours and hours until I get my book which is ordered and will be here this week.. I have tried every diet on the planet.. ff, sf etc.. these things are filled with junk.. and are processed foods.. this is a more nutritious way of eating and I am not a nutritionist but I have struggled with my weight most of my life.and I am thinking with God's help and me following the plan I shall conquer the battle of the bulge.:thumbsup:
Thank you JF for your kind words.. Love it here
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by Joyful Friend »

Lulu, your diet line sounds a whole like mine.  This time I have no fear, because I know I can keep the weight off, because I enjoy the foods that I eat.  My cravings are gone.  Glad you found the cornthins.  I enjoy them.  :thumbsup: JF
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

Hi JF.. thanks for you visit. I do feel good.. really good  :)  

Today was a good day..  I lost a bit of weight but more importantly than the scale my jacket is not as tight  :laughing:

1 banana, 1 grapefruit  2 eggs

1.5 a la Louise turkey burgers  they are not bad really.. I think I would add a bit of spinach and put beans in them, some seasoning etc..
3 bean salad made with 1 can beans :shock:, rinsed and drained, chopped green pepper, green onions with my own vinaigrette (with evo, a bit of poppy seed, Dijon mustard, a bit of maple syrup (yes I know not LDL), vinegar)
on a bed of baby spinach


raw carrots. clementines, maybe some pop corn

Sugar was up again this morning.. not as high as at beginning but higher than when I had the snack of bread and syrup...   I need to get those corn thins and the light Wasa and this may help it..
I was invited out for supper tonight but declined as I really would like to stay on plan for awhile till I am good and solid then maybe the odd time out and order salad like and maybe chicken brochette or kabob as some would call it..
Last edited by lulu65 on January 10th, 2010, 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »


Good day


2 eggs
1 banana


1.5 turkey burger a la Louise
1.5 cups frozen corn niblets
baby spinach salad with fresh clementines, green pepper and my own vinaigrette


Kidney bean salad with chopped celery and red onion and my own vinaigrette
then I was still hungry so I looked in fridge and found two Cortland apples I washed, cut in four cored and put in dish in micro... cooked added cinnamon and a bit of splenda... delish and solved my little craving..
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by savannah »

Your doing soooo GREAT LuLu....keep up the good work! *love* *love* *love*
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by dinker »

Doing great but you might want to try a little more fruit. 
Check out the "fried apple" recipe.  It's great. 
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

Good day although lunch was late and not enough fruit for breakfast


2 bananas


Taco salad (SM) was it good with lots of raw veggies on the side


1 cup bean salad
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by lulu65 »

Sugar this morning was perfect  :thumbsup:


1 grapefruit
2  clementines


Taco salad huge plate... with shredded cabbage
1 cup green peas from frozen gently cooked
haddock cooked in non stick pan nothing added


3 bean salad (made by me)
red onion, celery, green pepper and vinaigrette (my own)
cherries from Peru not as good as Bings but pretty good  :)

48 - 60 oz water

water 60 oz
Starving, [b][color=red]constipated...very
.. and I am up all the weight I lost and then some  :([/b][/color]
Last edited by lulu65 on January 13th, 2010, 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lulu65's journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Lulu- That weight will be down the drain before you know it  :D!  Pam
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