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Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: March 10th, 2012, 4:25 pm
by lulu65
Hi ladies... Cameron. .I thought you were joking about our poor poor Habs.. LOL.. .
Pam, Sharolyn, jsprik and Pam.. so nice to see you folks here.. I met with a naturopath this week and was impressed... We talked about Alkaline/acidic bodies.. I bought strips and am testing myself...  I tested this morning and I thought i was very acidic but I am not... I am about 7 on the scale..  I was also told to up my salmon oil to 9000 a day...Done some reading about this and it maybe helpful for lots of ailments I have..
We discussed chemo and he calls it rat poison.. LOL.. but I understand..I know it is not good for me etc..  It has helped me so it is so so hard to know what to think.. I also got introduced to raw almond butter.. it is very tasty on a piece of apple and think it would help a snack attack.. I know this is not LDL please don't let me throw you off your game plan..
I was also introduced to another supplement which I am trying again it is for my info only not suggesting anyone go off on their own and do it.. "Gymnema Sylvestre".  This naturopath seems to know his stuff..... and I will see him again...  and I am going back on the slippery elm since I am not doing chemo. I was taking too much...  hope crick reads her and I read about her Mom etc.. and some wonderful things that have happened to her.

Have a nice weekend everyone...  Am working on improving my WOE..

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: March 10th, 2012, 5:26 pm
by MsHeirloom
Hang in there, Lulu. We all hope for a complete and permanent remission for you. You seem to be doing everything possible to achieve the best results. Hugs- Pam

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: March 10th, 2012, 5:32 pm
So happy you hear you are doing so well.
Keep us posted on your progress.

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: March 10th, 2012, 5:50 pm
by lulu65
thanks for the visits Linda and Pam... Your opinions on these are welcome Linda.. If you wish to respond in a pm that is ok too not to junk up the board..:)

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: March 10th, 2012, 6:46 pm
Keeping you in prayer and will pass on any info I come across.  *love*

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: June 12th, 2012, 8:40 pm
by cameron
Lulu, I have been thinking about you, how have you been doing?

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: June 13th, 2012, 11:47 am
by lulu65
Hi Cameron:  I am not doing too badly.. Still have major issues with intestines still and cannot eat like I would like to or even really healthy..Our local veggies and fruits are coming into season but those are so limited in my diet... Had a bone scan as they suspected bone cancer but they found no abnormalities..which is wonderful news.. Had Ct scan see doc on June 25 to determine how the cancer is doing or hopefully not  and if I need more chemo or can still have a bit more time before any further treatments.. Have truly enjoyed the break and no chemo since Sept.
Thanks for the visit Cameron and  what is going on with you and how have you been.
I noticed Mary's son Harrison is very ill again this has to be so so hard to deal with... 
Off to catch up  on a bit of housework and plant more tomato plants a girl  friend gave me..
Will update after the 25th and if all is well well I might be taking off again on a road trip..

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: June 13th, 2012, 1:26 pm
by witheraway1

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: June 13th, 2012, 6:11 pm
by MsHeirloom
I was so happy to see your post, Lulu.  Great news.  Hope you can take a great road trip.  Pam

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: June 13th, 2012, 10:21 pm
Wonderful news LuLu!
Enjoy your trip.

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 5:15 pm
by lulu65
Thanks friends and I am getting ready to hit the road again going to Newfoundland... Great news from Dr's visit  no chemo needed right now... it will be a year since I had chemo on sept 21.. this is very rare I am told so all praise is to God and my friends and their prayers...
I have also lost 12 lbs... Am losing about 2 lbs a week and not even trying... I cut out one pain pill and several supplements no other change in diet.. I am losing 2 lbs a week so i am happy with that... I was just past my all time high and really was not happy with that... 
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 7:54 pm
by MsHeirloom
Lulu- What a wonderful update.  Even your higher than desired weight means that you are probably doing well as far as the cancer is concerned.  Glad that you are losing it now with a couple changes in your routine.  Almost a year since chemo.  This is wonderful.
Enjoy Newfoundland.  I bet it will be cooler there than we are in NW Ohio- 102º tomorrow.  It's been 100º + all week!

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 9:43 pm
by cameron
great news Lulu, it's always nice to hear from you.

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 10:19 pm
by lulu65
I have heard about the heat down your way Pam!..Thank goodness for those with air conditioning..  Toronto is supposed to have a very hot one tomorrow  over 100 as well and being a big city there will be lots of smog to go with it...
Nice to talk to you Cameron... any news on Harrison?  I have looked but did not see an update or I missed it
Hope everyone is doing well!
I do not know why I am losing but I am a bit more cautious with my eating and not being so stressed about the cancer is a big help..

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: July 6th, 2012, 11:55 pm
You are truely blessed, LuLu.
Thanks for the update. Always good to hear a praise report!

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: July 9th, 2012, 1:24 pm
by Sharolyn
Lulu, I'm so glad you're not so stressed right now about the cancer! And these temps this year are crazy! Down here, we've been getting cooler than usual temps(still hot when it's in the mid to upper 90's) & the rest of the country is sweltering!! Last year by this time, we'd had 27 days of triple digit temps. Not nearly that many this year. Of course, we're used to it & we still have our air conditioning running full blast!  :)

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 11:31 am
by lulu65
Thanks everyone :)  I have had a wonderful summer and have not been home much.. I just came back from a 3 + week vacation to Newfoundland... It is really beautiful there and I did pick a great year to visit.. Much history there and the people have had a hard life.. I visited root cellars that people used to use to keep their vegetables over the winter and some still do today...  Greens, cucs, are hard to grow it appears but turnips, carrots, potatoes are common as is cod fish but they are limited to what they can catch as their quota.. Many of the men work in the oil industry and go to Alberta, Africa, Mozambique, Nigeria etc... some of the men are gone for 28 days and then home for 28 days.. Must be very difficult on family life... On the flip side tourism is beginning to get very strong which I am happy to hear.. I did get to go whale watching, and a lot of sight seeing.. Love the people who will almost give you their shirt off their backs and and B & B's were lovely and affordable..Put 4000 miles on car then another almost 20 hrs on the ferry so have been busy...

Hoping all my friends have had a wonderful summer... it sure has been a hot one even in NFLD

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 12:22 pm
by cameron
Thanks for checking in Lulu. Sounds like quite an adventure, that is a lot of miles. The furthest east  I have been is Calgary, I would love to go to NFLD one day.

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 3:16 pm
by MsHeirloom
Oh, Lulu!  That sounds like a wonderful trip.  Who did you travel with?  I hope to explore Newfoundland one day.  3 1/2 weeks would give you time to see a great deal- 4000 miles!  Good for you.  Where next?
Hugs- Pam

Re: Lulu65's journal

Posted: August 12th, 2012, 3:58 pm
by Joyful Friend
We want to go there.  We have been to Nova Scotia twice. Next time, we will take the ferry to Newfoundland.  My dh's sister was there for four years.  Her hubby was stationed there.(A long time ago)  Glad you enjoyed yourself.  :thumbsup:  JF