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Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 11:40 pm
by EnJae
2 February 2009

I moved around too slow today and did not get breakfast.

Ground beef, corn, salad, iced tea

Anxious about something I had to do tonight and at the same time felt discouraged about my own thought processes... Chose to eat a creamy spinach and artichoke dip with chips and celery. I drank tea.
God allowed me to succeed at what I had to do tonight after supper and then Barb posted an encouraging message to me. I am thinking better and back on track.

Have to get up at 5:30am and eat some fruit.
Good night.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 1:01 am
by Gwennaford
Dear EnJae - I'm really trying not to jump in with my two-cent's worth on EVERY single topic that's posted, but I cannot let this one pass.  Barb was exactly on target with her comments.  You have a sweet spirit and a gentle heart.  I feel bad that you are easily hurt, but how I admire you for the way you bounce back!  You are pretty, smart, and funny, and you have overcome some amazing challenges.    I love you, NJ.

Want to hear more?  COME BACK MORE OFTEN & SPEND A LITTLE MORE TIME WITH US ! ! !  LOL  :inlove:


Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 7:59 am
by EnJae
Gwennie; the only times I am not here are when I am overbooked with work and personal activities after work. Otherwise I am reading the boards early in the morning while I sip this nasty cup of coffee, in the evenings when I'm winding down before bed.
I will admit there have been quite a few days just recently when I am exhausted and do not get up in time to sit in front of the computer before work and then drag home too late to get online before bedtime. BUT USUALLY, I get on here daily.  ;D I ain't runnin' off.

3 February 2009

Before Breakfast:

oranges, apple, banana, water

lean meatloaf, corn on the cob, iced tea, water

mixed peppers, corn, beans, salsa, onions, water

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 6th, 2009, 9:30 am
by EnJae
6 February 2009

coffee, orange, apple, banana, eggs, oats (I ate quite a bit this morning. I will be working from 8-8, with two 1-hr meal breaks, and I have learned this week that I need more fuel than I have been getting for my new job.)

Hamburger with top bun thrown away, salad, popcorn, iced tea

chili with onions, pinto beans (hold the cornbread), iced tea

Party with friends:
orange spice tea

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 7th, 2009, 5:47 pm
by EnJae
7 February 2009

orange, apple, banana, water

steak, pinto beans w/tomatillo salsa & onions, corn, salad, water

lots of green beans, some corn, water

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 8th, 2009, 9:38 pm
by Gwennaford
Look at you, you good little LDL'er, you!  Orange spice tea sounds good.  Hot or cold?  How was it made, I'd like to have some.

So... bodywise - Lost anything significant lately?  pounds, inches, clothes size?  Soon I'll weigh less than 300 lb. !

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 8th, 2009, 11:02 pm
by thyroid
Gwenn, I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!
Thyroid :)

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 8th, 2009, 11:44 pm
by EnJae
No Gwen, I've been stuck on a plateau for awhile. BUT I know that I'll lose as long as I stay on plan.
The orange spice tea was a tea bag they gave me with hot water. Steeped at the table.
Whoo-Hoo! on your weight loss! Mine turn's comin'!  *hug*

8 February 2009

apples and a banana, water

grilled chicken breast, onions, bell peppers, beans, corn, salsa, water

green beans, corn, pinto beans, water

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 8th, 2009, 11:45 pm
by Sweet_Pea

You always sound like such a busy person.  I enjoy reading your posts and was so happy when you were reunited with your dog.  

I hope you have a great week and God bless you.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 9th, 2009, 11:13 am
by EnJae
9 February 2009
[Today would have been Mother's 74th birthday.]

clementines, an apple, a banana, water

Tried to donate platelets at 11:30am but my iron count was too low. I ate a few things off-plan at lunch because they are high in iron.

peanuts, spinach and artichoke dip with corn chips, a spicy steak salad (steak, romaine lettuce, tomato, corn and black bean salsa, spicy ranch dressing on the side), water, small brownie (for the chocolate), an iron pill that my pharmacist recommended

Got home and took some tylenol for the headache I've had for 3 days. drank water and 8 oz of Diet Dr. Pepper.
Gonna lie down for a nap.

Successfully back on track --
Grilled chicken breast, salad, dressing on the side, water

Later at my meeting:
hot jasmine/chamomile/green tea with Stevia

To help with 'internal cleansing' I am going to start eating about 4 oz of "Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted Grain Crunchy Cereal" at bedtime.
I  ate it dry and then drank water.

I can't handle laxatives. Before LDL I used to eat Kellogg's Raisin Bran dry and then follow it with water. Always worked overnight for me. But the raisins in that cereal are coated in sugar.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 9th, 2009, 6:24 pm
by Gwennaford
Mine, too, on the 17th.  Born in 1935.  Died WAY too young.  Praying this is not sending you into a tailspin this year  ....

Love you bunches,

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 9th, 2009, 6:55 pm
by EnJae
My mother was born in '35 too, Gwennie.
Yes, I am grieving today. Might not have chosen to listen to the nurse's advice to eat some things off-plan if it were a different day. Tailspin is occurring but hopefully will not last long. I'm going to try to make good choices in a few minutes at Red Robin.

I really miss my mom and my friend Bobbie today. Can't quit crying.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 9th, 2009, 9:53 pm
by lifegoeson24n7

Hope you make it through this day and don't tailspin too much.  I too lost my mother, she was born in '39, but I lost her 26 years ago 2 days before her 44th b-day.  I like to think my mother is watching and sees my children and my life with approval, I also imagine that she would be my biggest fan and support in my efforts to get healthy and stick to the LDL way of life.  I buy daisies when I am missing and thinking of her, they were her favorite and now they are mine.  I find it helps me to cope, and the flowers are like a link between us.

BTW.  Let us know when you get below 200.  I can't wait for that day to come for me, but I have awhile.  You are so close and have been so successful thus far, your postings are one of my favorite reads.  I too wonder how you manage your busy lifestyle, but gives me encouragement too.  We can have it all :)


Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 9th, 2009, 10:59 pm
by EnJae
Thanks Jill;
I think I got a lot of junk out today while crying. I'm ready for tomorrow to be a new day.

Don't worry if I don't post much this week. I am planning on eating well; but I have a hard work schedule and may not have the energy to post after work. I could be wrong; but we'll see how things go.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 8:43 am
by EnJae
10 February 2009

coffee, clementines, apple, banana, water

steak salad (steak, romaine lettuce, tomato, corn and black bean salsa, no dressing), small can of corn, water.

Was VERY HUNGRY after work!
Ate steak, corn, pureed pinto beans (fat-free 'refried beans'), salsa, jalapenos, green onions, water, took 2 Excedrin.

'Ez. 4:9 cereal', water

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 10:43 am
by lifegoeson24n7

Thank you for the reference to Ez 4:9.  I looked it up and then read further.  Could you imagine being limited to 8 oz of mixed grain a day, as well as limited to 2/3 quart of water?  I curse my stove, but it is definitely better than cooking over cow dung.  (I guess early settlers used to round up buffalo chips for cooking at night though)  But if you read on, the restricted diet is to break the dependence on the bread in Jerusalem.  I think LDL is our given method to break our dependence on the high fat, high carb hold that American eating has on us.

Your headaches have me worried.  Are you depressed?  I used to have horrible migraines every day when I was stuck in a job that truly made me depressed.  I was on anti-depressants and abilify, but nothing would get rid of the headaches.  They got so bad I started having ataxia (Sp?  where you tremor uncontrollably)  In the month that I quit my hateful job, the headaches stopped and I got to stop taking the anti-depressant medications.  Honestly I took no less than 6 excedrin a day, even with the medications.  Please, talk to your doctor about your headaches.

Keep on keeping on,

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 9:40 pm
by EnJae
lol  :D
--The reference to Ezekiel was because I was eating a certain brand of cereal called "Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted Grain Crunchy Cereal". That's really the name of it.
--My headaches are a life-long problem. My veins are too small.
Tension headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, unexplained headaches.
My doctor and my neurologist know about them. Headaches are the reason I drink the prescribed one cup of coffee a day when I don't even like coffee. They are the reason I carry MaxAlt, Excedrin, Tylenol, Advil, and Sudafed in my purse wherever I go.
I have had a problem with depression but do not currently suffer from it. I had a job I loved but did not have health insurance. So I quit that beloved job recently and got a new job with benefits. I am finding that I love this new job just as much. This new job is more demanding physically than I was prepared for, but I know that in a few weeks my strength will pick up and I'll be "up" for the task.
Thank you for your concern. I don't mean to worry everyone.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 11:18 pm
by Gwennaford
GOOD, 'cause I didn't want to start wondering what that smell was wafting over from Abilene!  You know how smoke hangs in this humid air!

Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 11:59 pm
by lifegoeson24n7

How funny a name brand food, boy do I feel stupid....but the bible study this morning was very good for my soul.

Glad to know the headaches are diagnosed, I was just worried about you.

Your story thus far is very inspirational to me and I enjoy watching your progress.


Re: EnJae's Journal

Posted: February 14th, 2009, 12:07 am
by Sweet_Pea
Wanted to stop by and wish you a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Enjae,

Take care and have a good restful weekend.

Hugs, Carrole