Vickie's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Good Morning my LDL friends! Happy Wednesday! I'm drinking my coffee and geting ready to start my day. I am determined to get into a better routine and being faithful to walk to work every day.

I was reading in a bible study devotional this morning and I came across this line:
"The solution is not to pit our will against the flesh, but to surrender our will to the Holy Spirit."
This line, along with what I've been studying in Galatians is really speaking to my heart.  
I have known for a while that this problem with weight management and gluttony is a spiritual problem
and has to be dealt with on a spiritual level as well as a physical level in order for me to experience true and lasting freedom from this.
There's something in that quote above that just speaks to me about all of this. I can't really even articulate what I'm feeling yet.
Just that it's speaking to me :)

OK....I am going to go and get myself ready to face the day.
Here's the plan so far...

Pumpkin/apple/pear mush, with pinto beans pureed into it.

more leftover turkey breast (I need to use this up and not let it go to waste)
I'm not sure but I think I'm going to make a big salad and make a dressing out of some leftover hummus
I have in the fridge. So maybe
Lettuce, red bell pepper, corn, pinto beans, and whatever else strikes my fancy to throw in there!
Maybe some fruit, maybe not

Hmm I have no idea yet

Hi Pat!!! I love the feature that tells me someone posted while I was typing! Thanks for visiting me here!
Wife to Vern
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Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Yesterday's menu:

large glass of water with psyllium husks added
2 large mugs of coffee with 1/2 tbs cream in each

Pumpkin/Pear mush...sounds gross, tastes delicious
1/2 cup or so of canned pumpkin
1 large pear, diced
1/2 cup pinto beans
1/4 cup raisins
Puree the pumpkin and the beans together and then mix everything together and heat it in the microwave until cooked, about 3 minutes in mine.

Large salad made with shredded lettuce, red bell peppers, canned corn, kidney beans, shredded turkey breast (I'm trying to use this up and not waste it)
Dressing made from home made hummus mixed with olive oil and vinegar to thin it a little.
Iced herbal blueberry tea sweetened with stevia

Dinner: I was in a hurry and dashing out to go to my small group fellowship
smoothie made from an orange, a banana, and some pineapple chunks

Huge bowl of popcorn sprayed with olive oil

Yesterday, for the first time, I really began to feel a difference in the way my clothes are fitting. I can also feel that the bloating and fat around my midriff is shrinking.
Wife to Vern
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by robnveronica »

Good Morning Ms. Vicki! Good to see you up already this morning! Hope you have a good week!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hi Veronica...thanks so much for the good wishes!

It's been a long and productive day. My belly is full and happy and I am sleepy...and it isn't even 8:00 yet.

Here's what I ate today.

Pre Breakfast:
large glass of water with psyllium husks added
2 large mugs of coffee with 1/2 tbs cream in each

Pumpkin/apple smooshy stuff :)

The rest of the leftover turkey breast...thank goodness that's gone. I was gettin tired of it.
mashed butter beans
tossed salad with hummus dressing
Iced herbal tea

Mashed butter beans with butternut squash soup "gravy"
skillet roasted brussels sprouts
black grapes
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Here's what I ate yesterday (Friday)

Pre Breakfast:
large glass water with psyllium husks
2 mugs coffee

Pumpkin mush ( I love this!!!)
{canned Pumpkin pureed with pinto beans, apple or pear, and lots of cinnamon and a dash of stevia...YUM!)
Green tea

2 boneless skinless chicken thighs
mashed butterbeans made with chicken broth and tuscan spice...tastes like mashed potatoes
leftover roasted brussels sprouts
Iced green tea

huge bowl of popcorn sprayed with olive oil
I made this "kettlecorn" by mixing salt and stevia and sprinkling it on the popcorn...good stuff!
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Wow...I can't believe I didn't check in all weekend!

I had one off plan meal over the weekend but I am right back at it and not looking back.
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Way to go Vickie!

Did you have a nice weekend? 

I have been needing to fix some dishes besides the easy soup recipes.  I love the beef pot pie or Little Mary's Shepherd pie and lots of recipes I want to try.  But when I have grandchildren here all under 6, I don't get much else done but caring for them. 

Hope you have a great week.

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hi Carrole...I did have a very nice weekend! Thanks for asking. I need to try some of the recipes too. I sort of get in a rut cooking things that are just easy because I fail to plan. Maybe if I planned a menu and then shopped according to the there's an idea. but I probaly won't do it...LOL

Here's what yesterday looked like...

Pre Breakfast:
large glass water with psyllium husks
2 mugs coffee, 1/2 tbs cream in each

Pumpkin mush ( This is COMFORT FOOD!!!)
{canned Pumpkin pureed with pinto beans, apple or pear, and lots of cinnamon and a dash of stevia...YUM!)
Green tea

Vegetable soup made with corn, squash, beans (of course beans...LOL), chicken stock, and a dried vegetable soup combination of different veggies.
Beanana Muffin
Sweet cinnamon herbal tea

Dinner: I chose to have my protein meal at dinner today...
Lean ground beef patty
2 eggs fried in olive oil
refried beans made from white beans and sauteed onion...very yummy!

I saw pictures of myself that Vern took over the weekend and I'm fighting the urge to crash diet. I know that learning to eat healthy and changing my lifestyle is the only way to success in the long term...but today the damned voices that live in my head are screaming that I need to do something drastic to get this weight off.....OK, I'm stepping away from the edge....taking a deep breath and moving forward in my plan to learn to eat healthy without being on a stupid kimkins!
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Saved4Life »

Vernswifevickie wrote:I saw pictures of myself that Vern took over the weekend and I'm fighting the urge to crash diet. 

I know exactly how you feel...been there - done that!  I just keep praying for the Lord to give me strength to stay true to LDL, and make this a permanent life change for me.  And I will pray the same for you!

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

NO NO NO -- Don't go there, Miss Vickie ... just continue to walk toward the light!  This is a process we are all in together.  Patience, my dear, and remember to BREATHE!  Here's a big hug for you ...*hug*

Love, Gwen
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »


We are missing your posts, hope all is well with you. 

Vickie, this is one day at a time, learning to eat healthy and lose weight plan, for me.  I know it is not a quick fix but I try not to look into the future and get discouraged because I can do that.  So this time, it is an hour by hour, day by day plan for me.  I have to pray for help to keep going sometimes.

So be encouraged and know we all love you and are wishing you were back with us.

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hey I am. Life's been crazy and everything got away from me for a minute...but I'm back now. I've been living on coffee, very little sleep, and whatever food happened to be available at the time...but today is back on track. My family has been having a crisis of sorts and it rocked me for a moment.
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »


So happy to see you are back.  Hope everything is going well for you and God bless in every way.

Love, Carrole
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

I'm here. I'm on plan. I think I'm losing weight. My life just got really crazy. I am trying to regain some sembalance (sp?) of normalcy. I'll post more later. I just wanted to check in this morning and touch base.
Wife to Vern
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

I'm back. Life got crazy and I allowed it to knock me for a loop for a minute. But I am back. I am back on plan and I'm determined to make 2009 a healthy year.
Wife to Vern
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

Welcome back to the ranks, Vickie!  Doesn't it feel good to be back on LDL?  That feeling of NO CONTROL was awful, but I'm at peace now that I'm doing LDL again.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.


Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Great to see you back Vickie, have missed you!

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

You're right Pat...that out of control feeling is awful! I am on my forth day back on plan and I'm feeling better already!

Carrole...thanks for the welcome back. I am glad to be back on plan and it's nice to "see" you!

So..yesterday was my little Autumn's 4th birthday. We had a party for her at my parent's house. I stayed 100% on plan! WhooHoo! Today Vern and I are going to go for a bike ride.
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Sorry to hear you are going through some hard times Vickie.  I hope 2009 will hold some good surprises and blessings from our Father in Heaven. 

I know little Autumn is the same age as two of my grandchildren.  Isn't it fun seeing Christmas through their eyes?  They get so excited and have to check out the tree ornaments quite often.  Then opening presents is another thing at least with mine.  They hurry and open a gift then put it down to grab another one to open.  Their parents, of course, have them slow down and check out the gift and say thanks and give hugs to the giver.  I love watching their eyes light up with excitement. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Love, Carrole
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »'re so sweet...thanks for being such an encouragment to me! It's been a really hard few weeks but I am feeling more "normal" every day now. I am so glad to be back on least THAT'S under control!...LOL

Pre Breakfast:
2 mugs coffee with cream

skipped breakfast

bowl of bean soup leftover from yesterday
2 poached eggs

popcorn and a beanana muffin

salmon burger patty
baked butternut squash
black beans
Iced green tea
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!
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