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Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 2nd, 2012, 9:32 pm
by MsHeirloom
Linda- I sure hope you are doing better and will experience a full recovery ASAP!!!!!  Pam

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 2nd, 2012, 10:45 pm
Still hanging in here.
Still working like a one-eyed pirate.
No appetite.
Pain seems to be decresing some.
Hoping to report full recovery soon.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 3rd, 2012, 10:33 am
by jopaul
Considering the well wishes and prayers going on for you, you are destined to recover very soon. Definitely!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 4th, 2012, 1:16 pm
by crickadoodle
Linda, so sorry that you got this.  I hear it is horrible.  Hopefully it'll be over soon.  My stepson got this early in the year and it seemed it lasted like a week for him.  I guess getting it when he was so young made it not so bad. 

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 3:12 am
by Sharolyn
Linda, I had shingles in 2000. It was one of the most painful things ever! Right up there with kidney stones(had those too once). I am continuing prayers for a full recovery soon!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 9:15 am
by jopaul
I've never had shingles, but I did have a kidney stone. If you can imagine driving myself to the emergency room, in rush hour traffic while cringing in pain. I made it fine. It was a tremendous amount of pain. Best of luck on your upcoming full recovery, Linda.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 10:27 am
by witheraway1
Linda, you may remember last year I GOT SHINGLES, I was so sick, and they can last for months, I still after a year have spells of the top of my head burning and itching, My husband got them before me and his left leg still feels like it is on fire. So for most it's not a quick recovery. I would remend those who have not had it get the shot. Belive me it's not worth the chance. And the doctor told me they can come back. I am so sorry you got this and I hope your recovery is fast.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 12:05 pm
by crickadoodle
Kidney stones can fairly easily be taken care of.  Personally, I've never had them, but my husband has had them on several occasions.  Before we were married he had them and went the medical routes available.  After we married and he started thinking more like I do about things like this, he had an attack.  We looked on line and found a remedy of 1 T olive oil 1 T lemon juice.  We did this and after about 3 times taking it within 12 hours they were dissolved.  He didn't even have discomfort passing them.  He lives a much healthier lifestyle since marrying me, so I think it will be rarer for him to get one, but just in case, we now know what will work for him without going to the ER.  :thumbsup:

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 5th, 2012, 3:56 pm
by katfolk26
I hope you feel better soon!! ive never had shingles but i could just imagine how horrible it is.. Hang in there!! :)

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 6th, 2012, 7:13 am
Went to ENT yesterday. He feels like the pain is just the inflammation of the facial nerve that is Bell's Palsey.
Pain is fading now. He wants me to stay on Prednisone (low dose) for 2 more weeks.
Told him I would try.
Didn't like the personality change that happened when I was on it early on. I was downright MEAN!
I will certainly stop before I get kicked to the curb, LOL

BTW, on March 31st at 11:30 pm I weighed 168.
Can't tell you how excited it was. Then I went straight to bed.
Woke up, emptied my bladder and weighed again and I was 170.  :poo:
Go figure! Anyway I have been up to 172 but this morning I was 167. In disbelief I stepped off and stepped back on and I was 169.
I'll take that! Hopefully the stall has been broken!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 7th, 2012, 11:16 am
I bought this soap a few weeks ago when I head a lady in the health food center bragging on how good it was and how good it smelled.
I had already checked out and thought I would check it out next trip, but then I thought it may be a few more weeks, so I went back in.
I loved the smell and decided I would give it a try.
Been using it for about 3 weeks and my hair (if not getting thicker with new growth), is at least looking much thicker especially on top.
And it seems thenatural curl is also coming back.
And there is hardly any hair now in the shower strainer.
It is pricey. It was 16 dollars for the small bottle, but you only need very little. It lathers very well.
The soap is very thin, so more will run out than you intend. Be careful pouring into your hand.


Miracle II Soap with moisturizer!

  "Nature's Miracle for the Face, Skin & Hair" It's the wondrous Miracle II Soap formula, this time with a moisturizer that makes it perfect for personal use and pets. Fabulous oils and emollients from cold-pressed avocado-S-almond, coconut oils, and vitamin E will leave your skin and hair soft and silky as can be!
  Naturally balanced pH. Contains NO animal fat, detergents or additives. Concentrated, so it works with the smallest amount in the shower or bath. 

Ingredients: Prayer, electrically engineered eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water, ash of dedecyl solution, dehydrabiethylamine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, foaming agent, and the Anointing of God.

Moisturizing Soap also contains vitamin E, and cold pressed avocado, almond, coconut and olive oils. The most complex mixture of natural minerals and organics that has ever been blended together.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 6:29 am
A Glorious Easter Morning!

Officially weighing in at 168!
Ear pain nearly gfone and some itching happening.
Muscle movement returning!
Jesus is risen indeed. Jesus is Lord

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 2:38 pm
by SweetRose
Praise the Lord Linda! Looks like you're beginning to mend. And congrats on the 168!!!!!!!! A lovely Easter day to you! *hug*

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 5:17 pm
by Joyful Friend
Linda, so glad things are turning around.  It's  great that we have a God who is alive!!!  *hug*  JF

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 12:07 am
by jsprik
Yay!! Hubby's mom is recovering from shingles...weird! Maybe it's an epidemic?!?!?!?!  :blink:

Happy Easter!!

Congrats on the weight loss....Ima 'bout to get serious here in a second 'bout my weight loss, for realz!!!!!  ;)

Hugs and Prayers

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 4:42 pm
by Sharolyn
Linda, I'm so glad that things seem to be turning around for you. Even if it is slow! I'm also glad that your ENT doesn't think you have shingles. Twelve years after mine & I still have nerve zings at the base of my neck & across the left side of my upper back & shoulder. Sometimes, a tag in the neck of my shirt can drive me crazy! Ugh!

That shampoo/soap sounds wonderful! My hair is getting so thin on top.......But, I think mine is a genetic trait. As my doctor says: "sometimes, it's genetic and nothing can change it!"  *grrr*

Congrats on your weight loss, even if it's a hard way to lose it!  :thumbsup:

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 10:40 pm
Well my dad had pattern baldness, but my mom and her mom kept a full thick head of hair into their 80's
Mine started thinning in my 20's but got really thin on top after the birth of 2 babies. Had minimal new growth with L-Lysine.
Like I said, if no new growth now at least it looks thicker with this shampoo. Don't have so much scalp showing!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 10th, 2012, 12:54 am
by SweetRose
There is a product called Toppix (google it) that worked wonders for a co-worker. She said you just shake it on and the fibers are "magnetic" and cling to the hair. It really made a difference in her hair- so much thicker-looking. Toppix combined with that shampoo may give you more thicker- looking hair than you bargained for.  ;D Give it a try!

SweetRose :rose:

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 10th, 2012, 7:21 am
Thanks, SweetRose, will check it out.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 10th, 2012, 2:17 pm
by SweetRose
Oops! It is Toppik; I just googled it myself. Here's the link:

SweetRose :rose: