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Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 9:47 pm
Well, on 4/11/12 I decided to join a 3 mo. employee weight loss program called "WEIGH TO GO". Not that I need their program but thought my losses would help their statitics and maybe inspire others. I weighed in at 168, the lowest I have been in 30 something years! AND.....I am now comfortably fitting size 12 jeans!
Still have 43lbs to go so gotta stay on track.
I have recoved from the Bell's about 95% and expect all symptoms to be gone in the next few days.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 14th, 2012, 10:26 pm
by MsHeirloom
Linda- I am so happy that you are well on your way to a full recovery, and your goal weight!!!!!  :inlove: :rose: :rose: :rose:  Pam

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 8:27 pm
by Sharolyn
Linda, I am so glad you're doing so well! And congrats on the size 12's!!  ;D That's got to feel so good! I'm now in 14's & hope to be in 12's soon. Good luck with the "Weigh to Go" program. Even without their program, you all can cheer each other on.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 9:04 pm
by cameron
Linda, I just noticed your post. That is just great, I am very happy for you. Size 12 -  WOW!!  Glad you are feeling better too.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 10:06 pm
by jsprik
YAY!!! Glad you are doing better!!!

Hugs and Prayers

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 23rd, 2012, 10:47 pm
Donated blood yesterday.
Some good news: BP 109/72, HCT 43
Result of Cholesterol will come by mail in a week or so.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 9:27 pm
Thank you for the information today. I talked to my family about how there is going to be some major changes around here. :)

My daughter said she is going to try it too so I'm happy. Of course we are having our last hurrah and will start Monday.

Oh my granddaughter Rainy(the long hair girl) said,"oh no! we will starve without bread" I just had to laugh. I told her we won't starve but start a healthy way of eating and increasing our lives.

Take care and once I get the hang of this,I'll try to be around more often. I'm on facebook most of the time :)

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 11:24 pm
by MsHeirloom
Welcome Many Stars.  Today is my third year anniversary on LDL- the best plan in the universe.  I shudder to think where I might be if I had not found LDL when I did.  I rejoice that I am no longer an obese woman!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 26th, 2012, 9:27 am
So glad you found the message boards and me so soon, Many Stars.
Let's Do Lunch has a facebook page and you can get there by the Facebook Icon at the top of the message boards.
I just really believe that this WOE (way of eating) is the answer for the Diabetes epidemic in our Indian people.
Like you said, getting back to your ancestor's way of eating is the best way to regain the health and stamina they enjoyed.

BTW, after you have made 10 posts to the boards you will be able to post a picture.
I can help you with that.

Tell Rainy that lettuce wraps will taste so great!
If you eat out at any sandwich place, order what you want, just ask for extra lettuce and no bun!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 26th, 2012, 9:33 am
Got a seeded watermelon the other day from Walmart,
actually it was last week and it seemed a little green so I let it sit in the house for a week.
It was soooo good. Polished it off a couple days ago.
Was at WalMart last night and decided to get 2 - a seedless and a seeded.
Since we already had supper and hubby wanted watermelon last night, I cut open the seedless (smaller one).
Yuk! it was green, but edible. I ate half since I only had a few bites of squash.
Guess I will stick with the seeded watermelons for sure!

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 26th, 2012, 9:56 pm
by Joyful Friend
I've had 2 delicious seedless and one that was tastless and not ripe even though it looked like it was.  I need to get another one soon.  It doesn't take me long to devour one.  :laughing:  My DH doesn't like them.  Good for me.  :laughing:  *hug* JF

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 3:20 pm
We went and bought all the food to start on the right foot this week and would you know I got sick Sunday so I wasn't eating anything. :sick:

I did drink fluids like water and one gatorade. Today is my first day of actually feeling somewhat better. I guess I had some sort of bug but I'm still very into my new way of eating for sure. Went to buy some turkey burgers at Sam's. And stopped everyone from buy anything artifical. No fake sugars here  :thumbsup:

So far I'm not even thinking of bread and my one grandaughter that HATES all vegatables ate her portion of broccoli for the first time in her ten years.  :laughing:

It might be baby steps but we are trying.

I always think the Lord answers prayers and lets us meet people who will help in time of need. And my family needed a cleansing of bad foods for some healthier choices. Thanks again Linda. I don't know how often I'll be on here but I'll try to check more often  :)

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 9:51 pm
Many Stars,
So sorry to hear you were sick over the weekend but glad you are better now and enjoying this new way of eating.
I think I read the boards every night and most of my days off for a couple months before I felt more confident to start conversing.
The recipes here are really great... with Taco Soup and Pizza Soup being some real favorites.
Taco Soup was a big hit at work.
Be sure to weigh now and take some measurements and write them all down.
Oh, yes, take pictures too.
Some days when you find the weight not falling off measure again.
You will find you may be dropping inches and clothes sizes even when the scales aren't budging.
Looking forward to hearing your success story and hoping you will be an inspiration to others.
If you have any questions, this is the place to ask.
Of course you know how to get ahold of me at work also.
You can start a journal if you want, just to keep track of what works and what doesn't

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 2:05 am
by Sharolyn
Many Stars, welcome to the message boards! My husband & I started this way of eating this past January. He's lost 42 pounds & I've lost 32!! And the real treat to this way of eating is how it makes you feel! So much healthier & lots more energy! I look forward to getting to know you! :rose:

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: July 7th, 2012, 11:58 am
Guess it is time to update my journal.
I was so thrilled to have lost the 10lbs during the bout with Bell's Palsy.
I am 100% restored but along with that is the restoration of stress eating.
Had some relatives living with us and had some non-LDL junk around that I just could not bring myself to throw out.
Mostly cereal. I did limit amounts and for a few weeks looked like I had only gained a few lbs.
Then a little more "oh just this once won't hurt" of other stuff and I knew by the ways I looked and the way my clothes fit I had put it back on.
It takes a few days for the scales to register the gain just like it takes a few days for the scales to register the loss.
The non-LDL stuff is outa the house and so are the relatives so we are back on it.
Been eating more melons and veggies trying to detox and have been loosing again.
Had to give up the Chippins. Way too much salt. I was really swollen.
Decided not to go back to the corn thins right now.
Will stick to occassional popcorn and try to limit that.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: July 9th, 2012, 1:19 pm
by Sharolyn
Linda, I'm glad you're back on track, too! When my parents were here last month, I had started low carbing again. I lost 11 pounds in 8 days!! That felt so good. Then, while they were here, I decided to go back to LDL. That was a disaster!!! My body was sooooooo confused it didn't know what to do!! So I gained about 6 of those pounds back. I'm still not sure I'm back to losing; but, I feel better anyway.  :thumbsup: I missed popcorn so much when I was off LDL. So, now I'm probably eating too much!! Ugh!

Anyway, we can do this! I know we can! BTW, what are Chippins? I don't need to add anything to my food plan, just curious. I found a new recipe for a squash & apple bake that I'm not quite sure how to "LDL" it! I may post it in the recipe forum & see what everyone suggests.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 6:22 am
Chippins are chips made from compressed popcorn only.
The sea salt kind were so good. Tried them in replacement of Corn Thins.
Because they are pressed into a chip-like form they contain more oil and salt.
I got by for a little bit, but eventually it became too convenient to fill up on them.
I really found the same problem with Corn Thins.
They are crispy and satisfy the munchies, but I tended to eat until I could eat no more,
and sometimes even craved more even when full.

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 11:18 am
by Sweet_Pea
Hi, I'm still around.  The boards are so quiet it seems and so many old faithful friends gone.  I don't understand what happened to Roger and really miss his posts.  Does anyone know if he is ok?

I was challenged by your post Linda, seeing others are experiencing times of getting off track but finding their way back.  I'm still coming along on the train and after reading your post, it gave me hope and encouragement. 

We are loving the watermelons,they are so good.  Been picking squash, tomatoes and blackberries from our garden.  Picked green beans this morning and green peppers.  This is such a great time to be on ldl.  It is  dry here so have to water every day.  Looks like it is dry over a lot of our country.

Thanks for letting me post on your journal.

Blessings, Carrole

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: July 10th, 2012, 1:35 pm
by MsHeirloom
Welcome back, Carrole!  it's great to have you back on-board!  Pam

Re: Linda RN's Journal

Posted: July 11th, 2012, 10:50 pm
Welcome back Carole, enjoy your posts!
We planted late so right now only getting a few tomatoes and jalepeno peppers.
Watermelons in the store are OK but can't compare to the home-grown we had several years ago.
Hope we get a bumper crop.
Roger checks in from time to time.
He has some issues to resolve within his family.