EnJae's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by snowbirdie »

Hi EnJae
      Sorry to hear you are doing so poorly. You will get better. Isn't it wonderful to know you have lots of alternatives to the food you are allergic to. LDL is always your best choice anyway. Best of all you have your doggies to love and care for. I hope you will be better soon.
                  Love    Judie
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Hey Judie!

I'm doing good.
Today was my first day back at work. I am on light duty so I am not doing my regular job but I still enjoyed myself today.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by mom »

oh my goodness Lynda, such a lot of allergies, are they going to do any desensitizing so that you can add some of those things back to your diet, or do your physicians have a plan yet?
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

If you mean me, I'm NJ (not Lynda).  *woot*
No plan yet. I'm supposed to go back in a month and he'll check and see how my vocal cords are doing. Then decide if it is reflux or allergies causing the inflammation.
I do not yet know if I will be getting pills after that time or whether he'll have me start allergy shots.  [I REALLY HATE shots.]
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Bummer -- You didn't have enough problems, girl!  But the good news is, maybe you'll start feeling betting once all those allergens are out of your system. 

About the needle thing - Neil and I underwent gradual desensitization therapy for several weeks to help him with his severe hypodermic phobia.  He actually got a lot of relief from practicing the techniques, but he chose to stop when he got mad at the therapist.  Too bad - he's not only torturing himself, but me and all the medical professionals who are trying to help him.  On the bright side, they have come up with an amazing array of alternatives to sticking him with needles.  It's surprising how creative they can become when threatened with physical violence.  Even more surprising is how they continued to work with him long after I would have thrown him out of the hospital.  Anyway -- maybe you might be interested in looking into it.

The neurontin scares me.  Neil took it for four days, six weeks ago, to try & manage the severe nerve pain in his dead & dying fingers & arm.  He STILL suffers from uncontrollable twitches, jerking and tremors that he didn't have before taking it.  It really short-circuited his neural pathways. 

WHEW - if it ain't one thing, it's another, right?

Love you -- Gwen
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by ChrissyV »

This Mudra is beneficial for allergies. Practise with Ujjayi Pranayama with/without breath retention retention (2-3 seconds) for better effects. Do with both hands.
Press the tip of the index finger against the base joint of the thumb and the tip of the thumb is pressed against the side of the fingernail of the middle finger (not the tip).


There are alot of different kind of Mudras. I really swear on these..
Just try it. you have nothing to lose..

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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by turkkm »

Hi NJ!  I haven't been to your journal lately and just stoped by for a quick hello!  I hope you are doing well!  :cool:
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Gwennie; thanks for stopping in. I haven't even been here in awhile... Feel a bit overwhelmed with all the postings that I can't keep up with on a daily basis. I am finally down to about 2 pages of various journal posts and 11 pages of other messages to read.... WHEW!

ChrissyV; I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you posted... Be aware that I have a reading problem and need things made really simple. [A.D.D. & Dyslexia = adventures in creative living and creative reading]

Kathie; YOU haven't been here in lately!? I HAVEN'T BEEN HERE LATELY! lol  I'm doing well. It's just taking me awhile to adjust to the new diets.  (Still on LDL; now eating special for reflux and allergies. That means I am trying to incorporate 3 eating plans at once...)
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

17 August 2009

6am: Prilosec, water (For suspected reflux issue. I don't think I have reflux. I have to stick with this for one more week and then maybe I can convince the ENT doc that my issues were just allergies irritating my vocal cords...)

7am: 1 C coffee (prescribed by neurologist for migraine prevention.)

Breakfast: plum, Sweet Fruit (apparently a cross between a nectarine and a peach), hot lemonade, Meloxicam (anti-inflammatory for a recent Emergency Room visit only a couple of more weeks to go on this medicine...) Neurontin (No ill side-effects so far, Gwennie) water.

Lunch: Roasted chicken breast, roasted onion, pinto beans, diet Dr. Pepper (told them to keep their rice and tortillas because I would just throw them away.. They gave me extra beans and a fresh lime as a substitute.) Took my vitamins with water.

Supper: canned green beans, water. Meloxicam, Neurontin
Last edited by EnJae on August 17th, 2009, 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by ChrissyV »

Hi EnJay,

i am sorry ..i didn't know that you have some trouble with that.
But you can go to youtube and type in mudras..there you will see and hear how to use it
for all kind of problems..

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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

No reason to worry Chrissy, I find humor in my reading differences.  :thumbsup:
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

I promised someone this morning that I would list all the foods I am allergic to in my journal tonight:

Apple family: apple, pear, quince, medlar
Banana family: banana, arrowroot, plantain
Beechnut family: beechnut, chestnut
Composite family: lettuce, endive, chicory, globe artichoke, jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, dandelion, chamomile, goldenrod, safflower
Grass family: bamboo, barley, wheat, rye, oats, rice, millet, sugar cane, sorghum, corn
Mint family: peppermint, spearmint, horse mint, water mint, basil, lavender oil, rosemary, marjoram, sage, horehound, savory, thyme
Mushrooms, fungi
Squashes family: melon, watermelon, pumpkin, squash, cucumber, courgette, marrow

Ok; that's the plants. I am also allergic to all dairy, eggs, and seafood. (I can eat freshwater fish, but no saltwater fish and no crustaceans)
I am having NO success so far in learning exactly what fish I CAN eat.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

18 August 2009

6am: Prilosec, water
7am: coffee

Breakfast: water, purple grapes

Lunch: spinach, carrots, tomato, chives, grapes, water

5pm Snack to keep me from eating the wrong things for my late supper: grapes, water

Supper: grilled chicken breast, grilled onions and bell peppers, pinto beans, water, vitamins, Meloxicam, Neurontin
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by julie409 »

Hi NJ,

That allergy list is daunting but I believe that knowledge is power and that was proven by your incredible weight loss. I wish you continued success and relief.  *hug*

Take care,
Julie :rose:
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

I am approaching 4 weeks since my allergy test and it's STILL DAUNTING! I get all nervous at restaurants, thinking I'm going to starve to death. But MOST of the time I can find enough food to fill me while staying compliant to three different diets. (!)

19 August 2009



Breakfast: clementine, peach, 'refried' beans, water, Meloxicam, Neurontin, Sudafed

Lunch: grilled chicken breast, pinto beans, grilled onion, water, vitamins

Supper: raw, shredded cabbage, water, Neurontin, Meloxicam, Sudafed

20 August 2009



Breakfast: clementine, purple grapes, water, Meloxicam, Neurontin, Sudafed

Lunch: raw cabbage, water, vitamins
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by julie409 »

EnJae wrote:I get all nervous at restaurants, thinking I'm going to starve to death. But MOST of the time I can find enough food to fill me while staying compliant to three different diets.

I know exactly what you mean.  I feel a little stomach roll whenever anyone asks me to have lunch or dinner- doesn't matter where.  But being on LDL is the best thing that has ever happenned to me - health wise. I am so grateful to have found the key.  This is so funny ---  :laughing: and an indication of how desperate the weight issue can make one.  I am on a major cleaning binge and came across some old journals. Not only was I counting the carbs ala Atkins but I was also attempting to count points at the same time. I knew that neither was the answer but thought perhaps combining them would work.  :blink:  OY!

I congratulate you for finding your way. Your health will show the results of your efforts. Your body will no longer be in fight/flight response mode from the allergens. Imagine all the energy that takes!  You can't put a price tag on that.  :thumbsup:

Julie :rose:
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

HELLO DAAHHLINK!  Don't think about it as three different diets -- Soon there will be only one -- THE NJ DIET!

I understand your confrustication (you like my word for  :wacko: :sideways: :sad: :wrong:  :'(  ? ? ?)  Trying to manage Neil's various diet issues has given me a new respect for people with eating issues.  

For years we were told for diabetes and cardiac health we had to eat high fiber, low fat, fat free dairy, moderate protein, controlled carbs, lots of fresh veggies, heavy on the dark green & leafy, as well as colorful orange/yellow/red -- and to drink a LOT of water.  

NOW we find out that is 100% WRONG for his renal (kidney) health.  The renal diet contains as little as possible fiber, dairy, protein, fresh fruits & veggies.  Turns out renal patients cannot tolerate the heavy loads of phosphorous, calcium, sodium and potassium found in the heart-healthy foods.  They are told to eat a LOT of white pasta & rice with rich sauces made from non-dairy creamer, and not to drink ANYTHING in order to avoid loading up their kidneys with fluid they cannot void.  They must manage their thirst by sucking on candy.  Not so great for diabetics who must live a carb-controlled life.  Now he's anemic and has atherosclerosis (clogged arteries).  Because he can't eat much meat, he has to take I.V. iron supplements and packed red blood cell transfusions.

It is ironic that the only foods dialysis patients are encouraged to eat are definite NO-NO's on Let's Do Lunch.  If it was just me, knowing what I know about LDL, I would eat the the LDL way to help my body recover from these illnesses, like diabetics are discovering they can do on LDL.  Sadly, he refuses to touch any of "that diet c**p".  If he knows I eat, enjoy, and lose weight by eating a certain way, he will avoid it like the plague.  

SOOOOOOO . . . . Good luck and prayers to you while you develop the NJ Diet!  

I'm having similar difficulties keeping up with the boards.  I was pretty burned out from that month of marathon 12- to 15-hour days answering questions after the FIRST article.  Now I'm satisfied if I can post in my journal occasionally.  However, I still lurk whenever I can -- I can't stand to be away from my wonderful friends for very long.

I love you NJ -- Take care of YOU.

P.S.  If your heebies start fighting with your jeebies, I would suspect the Neurontin.  :)
Last edited by Gwennaford on August 21st, 2009, 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

Hi, Enjae!

I haven't been on the site for a while, but I was reading your journal and wanted you to know that I'm so sorry for all of the things you're going through right now.  I just wanted to remind you that our faithful Lord is aware of all of it and will see you through.  As if you didn't know!!  May He bless you mightily.

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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Hey ya'll;
Good to see you.  ;D
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm doing ok.

21 August 2009


water, Neurontin, Meloxicam, grapes

spinach, chives, tomato, carrots, cabbage, water, vitamins

steak, broccoli, grilled onions, iced tea, Meloxicam, Neurontin

22 August 2009


mashed beans, water, Meloxicam, Neurontin

turkey breast, cabbage, onions, carrots, chives, tomato, lemonade made with Stevia, vitamins


white beans, 'baby' can of Diet Coke, Meloxicam, Neurontin
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by aaa »

Dear EnJae,  I haven't been posting lately.  Was sorry to hear of your health problems.  Hoping you are feeling much better.  I will pray you can come off of the prilosec.  I continue to pray for perfect and complete health.  May Jesus, the Great Phusician, miraculously bless and heal you, "Precious One"...  Bye for now.  Love and prayers, Annamaria
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