Gwennaford's Journal

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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by niki »

Saved4Life wrote:
EnJae wrote:Gwennie wrote: "Hot jasmine tea and a scrambled egg with Neil"
Hey Gwen, do you have a recipe for "Scrambled Eggs With Neil"?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  you know, when i first saw him *evil*, i thought we'd have NO use for, i see that he's coming in handy....
life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain..
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Pat, Ha Ha - I can't help it.  I get so excited when the weather turns nice like this.  I just have to "octoberfest" myself.

I had thawed the boneless pork loin sirloin roast a couple days ago without a clue how I was going to make it.  The warm German Betato Salad, I also didn't have a clue when I posted that, but I knew my mouth has been watering for some variation of that classic dish.  So I went online this morning while my baby lima beans were cooking & downloaded recipes for sauerbraten and the traditional German potato salad.

For the Pork Sirloin Roast with Sauerbraten Sauce:  (Unless you want to marinate your roast for THREE DAYS) Trim and slice the boneless roast across the grain to make "chops" approx. 3/4-inch to an inch thick.  For the marinade,find a sauerbraten recipe that you like on to get the correct proportions of water, cider vinegar, herbs, spices, onions & carrots.  Omit the gingersnaps and sugar; substitute Stevia to taste and a couple tablespoons minced fresh ginger or a tablespoon of ginger powder.  Combine marinade ingredients and cook for 10 minutes.  Cool to room temp (used a couple ice cubes) and pour marinade between and over pork slices.  Cover, chill and marinate for about a half hour while beans finish cooking & you make the salad "dressing."

Warm German White Betato Salad  Cook a pound of dry white beans (baby limas, cannellini, small butterbeans) until done.  Add salt and pepper, and a chopped onion near the end of the cooking time, if desired.  While the beans cook, make the dressing.

In a very large skillet, cook 2-3 slices of hickory smoked bacon and DON'T EAT IT.  I saved mine for Neil's breakfast tomorrow.  Discard the grease and blot out the skillet to remove all the fat, but keep the good brown stuff stuck to the bottom.  (To me, this step is indispensible to get the smell of bacon in the house and in the dish.)

Add 2 Tbsp. EVOO to the bacon skillet and saute' until about half done: 3 small cooking onions, 3 skinny celery stalks, and one small green bell pepper, cut into bite-sized chunks.  Add a little sea salt and freshly ground pepper. and 1 Tbsp. Liquid Smoke.  Don't overcook - you want them to have some body in the salad.  In a separate bowl, combine the liquids & seasonings:  1/2 c. water, 1/2 c. red wine vinegar, 1/2 c. cider vinegar, 1/4 c. EVOO, 2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard, 1 tsp. Stevia, and a little more S & P. 

Drain the beans in a colander and keep hot.  Get something ready to cover the skillet, and turn on the vent hood.  If you don't, the vinegar fumes will knock you over when you add the liquids to the sautee'd vegetables.  Pour the dressing mixture into the veggies, and stand back!  Stir briefly to deglaze the pan, cover pan and turn off the heat, but keep hot.  Reheat the beans if needed to make sure they are hot when you add the hot dressing.  Toss all together lightly so not too many beans are mashed.  Keep warm a few minutes while flavors blend. Pour into a casserole dish if desired, and garnish with 2-3 sliced boiled eggs.  Or serve directly onto the plate topped with a slice of egg.  If you absolutely HAVE to, you could grind up half a piece of bacon to sprinkle on top of the egg slices, but I found I didn't need it.  This is so rich, just of smell of the bacon was enough.

So, while the beans are staying warm and the flavors are blending, finish the meat:  Remove sliced meat from the marinade dish, dry it off with paper towels, and reserve the marinade.  Add 1 Tbsp. EVOO to the dressing skillet and heat to smoking.  Brown meat on both sides, remove from skillet and keep warm.  Meat is NOT DONE at this point.  Pour marinade into hot skillet, deglaze pan, reduce heat and simmer until slightly reduced and carrots are almost done.  Return meat and any accumulated juices to pan, spoon sauce over pork, and simmer to bring meat up to safe internal temperature of 140 degrees.  SOMEBODY NEEDS TO CHECK ME ON THIS, BUT I THINK I'M RIGHT.

Serve with braised cabbage and sliced fruit.

I have worked on this all day, since I finished breakfast this morning, really.  I have been wanting to do this for a whole year - I was so hungry for these flavors.  I hope someone enjoys this as much as I did!

IGWT -- Love, Gwen
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Yes, I do.  *evil*
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Saved4Life »

You cook some awesome stuff...I wish I had more time to it is I have spent most of all day the past 2 Saturdays cooking for the week... :wrong:

Maybe some day....sigh...
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Yeah -- well, I do it once a year whether I like it or not!  The rest of the time I just throw beans into the crockpot and eat fresh fruit.  You cook WAY more than I do, I'll bet.  I think the pork roast had been in the freezer since I got it on sale around Memorial Day.

BTW Doreen - I read your food journal.  You DO cook almost every day -- simple, basic, healthy & wholesome.  Which is the perfect way to do it.  That's why you have been so successful in such a short time.  Big blowout meals like the one I made today for lunch are okay once in a while, but I don't think anyone could expect to eat big, complicated meals like that every day and still consistently lose weight.  Maybe you could if you were a body builder, or did something to expend a LOT of energy every day, but that's not me, not anymore!

I miss the spa emporium.
Last edited by Gwennaford on October 31st, 2008, 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hi Gwen....I'm trying to get back in the habit of posting here, so I'm visiting  few journals this morning.....yours being one of them :) I hope you have a great day!
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Hi Vickie --

Here's my journal for today

Brunch -- 9:30 am
  • Bowl of dal, fresh fruit and raw veggie salad (sliced nectarine, green grapes, green bell pepper and arugula) with fork tines dipped in Ranch dressing
  • Hot foamy latte made with 8 oz. STRONG espesso & 16 oz. steamed skim milk.  Half now, half this afternoon with a Pumpkin Spice Beanana Muffin
Lunch -- 2:30
  • Pumpkin Spice Beanana Muffins, other half of latte, tiny piece of Pork Sirloin w/Sauerbraten Sauce, maybe 2 oz.
  • Popcorn and grapes, another jug of ice water.
Pre Dinner Snack  -- 5:30 p.m. (In case I can't find anything to eat at the hockey game)
  • Muffin, half a boiled egg, a couple nectarine slices, leftover salad from brunch w/no dressing, iced tea
Dinner -- 8:30 pm
  • Popcorn, the rest of the nectarine slices, green grapes
  • Two muffins & two large bottles of water

I had my first really awkward eating situation tonight.  I decided to take my own dinner anyway and I'm REALLY glad I did.  We were invited to a business associate's sky box to see the Tampa Bay Lightening, which was FUN, FUN, FUN.  The host wanted to order "room service" for us and they decided on a sample snack assortment consisting of heavily buttered popcorn, potato chips, Lipton French onion dip and pretzel nuggets.  I caught a glimpse of the menu and a lettuce salad was $50.00.  EEEKK ! :shock: 

I think I insulted them when I tried to explain that I was on a special meal plan and I had brought my own food, but they wouldn't hear of it.  I tried to share my muffins, but I had no takers.  It was a SPORTING EVENT for heaven's sake, not a formal sit-down dinner!  I was really hungry, but -- I'm sorry -- I'm not going to eat crud to please anyone.  I tried to discreetly eat my healthy munchies while the others were having their potato chips, but I got busted after the first few bites of fruit.  It was very awkward.  Eventually everyone got interested in the game & talking business and I was able to enjoy my good food and the game in peace.

How would you guys have handled this situation?
Last edited by Gwennaford on November 2nd, 2008, 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Today's Food Journal

breakfast -- 8 am

  • dal, popcorn
  • muffin,  espresso with skim milk

late lunch -- 3 pm

After church I did a bunch of laundry and cleaned the kitchen while Neil napped.  I was tired & didn't want to fix a big meal, so I heated up a bunch of leftovers and had a couple spoonfuls of each until I got full.  (I made fresh mashed russet potatoes and corn for Neil but I didn't have any of the potatoes --  :happy:)
  • Slice of Pork Sirloin, Lean Beef Meatloaf, Mashed Betatoes made with Smart Balance margarine & served with a tablespoon of Milk Gravy made with corn starch, evoo and skim milk.
  • Corn, Warm German Betato Salad, Braised Onions and Carrots from the Sauerbraten Marinade, and a big jug of Iced Tea

Now I'm so full AND it's raining and I want to crawl into bed for a nice Sunday afternoon nap, but I can't.  Neil has to dialyze tonight and I have more laundry to catch up.  It will be good for me to stay up and work some of this off!

Dinner -- I finished lunch so late - close to 4 pm, if I have anything, it will probably be a big mug of hot jasmine tea and MAYBE some grapes. 

Going to try for an early bedtime tonight.

Didn't make the early bedtime, but I didn't eat again, either.  Had another quart of iced tea.
Last edited by Gwennaford on November 3rd, 2008, 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Gwen,  Your recipe for the German potato salad using beans sounds so good.  I remember when we were living in Germany back in 1970 and the Frau who lived above us would make it and we loved it. 

I tried to find a recipe for the banana pumpkin muffins but couldn't find it, do you know where it might be listed?  They sound so yummy.

I hope and pray Neil is doing well.

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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Thanks, Sweet Pea -- Neil is doing great.  He's recovered from that horrible chemo reaction & has started a new protocol that, hopefully will be effective without being so devastating!

I LOVE that Warm German Betato Salad.  I would be interested in seeing your authentic recipe.  I just gleaned some stuff off the Internet to get the general idea of what to put in it and it tastes like I remember it from my days of visiting German Town in Michigan.  I've eaten it every day since I made it.  It smells like bacon when you take off the lid.  :inlove:

The Beanana Muffins and Banzo Biscuits recipes are in this journal.  See "Reply #33" below.  If they pass muster with the Food Police, I would like to post them in the recipes section.  Mary - are they okay to post in recipes?  In what section do they belong?
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by EnJae »


Please post your muffin recipes. Anyone can add a recipe without permission. The only reason we would ask for Little Mary's approval first is when there are off-plan ingredients, and that is not the case here.

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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Oh yes!!! Please do post your muffin recipes in the recipe section so we can all find them!

Have a great day Gwen :)
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

re:  Anyone can add a recipe without permission. The only reason we would ask for Little Mary's approval first is when there are off-plan ingredients,

I did not know that.  Thanks, guys!

Today's Food Journal -- Monday 11/2/08

Breakfast -- 6:30 a.m.

  • 2 Pumpkin Spice Beanana Muffins, large espresso & skim milk latte


  • Large jug Iced Tea; water

Lunch -- around Noon

  • Tuna Stuffed Tomato with Chopped Raw Veggies, EVOO & lemon juice
  • Sliced Pear and Green Grapes
  • Chick Pea Salad (recipe on Goya can)
  1 can chick peas, drained & rinsed
  1/2 c. chopped red pepper (I used green)
  1 sm. red or sweet onion, chopped (I have to blanch this-can't take it raw)
  1 med. cucumber, chopped
  1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  3 Tbsp. EVOO
  1/4 tsp. each garlic powder & oregano
  Salt & Pepper to taste
Toss all ingredients together, chill and serve.  Serves 6 (that's what it says)

I thought it was a little bland, so I made it over-the-top Mediterranean by adding:

  two stalks of diced celery, for some extra crunch
  another tsp. of dry oregano and a couple more dashes of garlic powder
  Juice of two small lemons
  Small handful of sliced Kalamata Olives

As if that wasn't enough, THEN I cut up my tuna stuffed tomato and threw that in, as well.  I'm a wild woman - what can I say.  But OH MAMA -- was that ever good. It tasted like a modified Salade Nicoise.  :drool:  I ate half of this for lunch, with the fruit.

Dinner - Around 5 p.m. 
  • Had the other half of the "fortified" Chick Pea Salad
  • The last couple bites of the pork sirloin and a skinless chicken thigh from a casserole that the darling Vickie Davenport sent home for us.
She and Angie Aldrich got together and decided to send us dinner once a week.  Isn't that incredible?

Snack -- I'll probably have popcorn and fruit later tonight.
Last edited by Gwennaford on November 3rd, 2008, 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Saved4Life »

"How would you guys have handled this situation?"


You handled it just fine.  I'd have brought my own snacks too.  And if "they" protested, I'd havd just told them, well, I know the snacks are part of the fun, but for the sake of my health, I'm not eating that way any more.  And too darn bad if they liked it or not!! 

You did great - and I'm proud of you! :thumbsup:

Cooking...oh I cook often, but nothing with imagination and experimentation!  I love to cook, I just don't have enough time to spend doing it.  I've been making the same few things over and over since I started LDL!
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Yay -- thanks for the moral support.  I had a good time watching the game & eatin' my excellent munchies.  I THOUGHT that's why we were there.  I guess I've been out of the business environment too long.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

re:  I've been making the same few things over and over since I started LDL!

Actually, I think that's the best way to do this plan - just keep making the things that are easy and taste really good to you.  That way it is easier to stay stocked up on the necessary ingredients and you always know what you're going to have for your next meal.  That is one of the things that Roger has stressed, being prepared.  You can add a new dish to the rotation when you are ready & when you have time.

My life this year has been ... ahem ... complicated.  But no matter how crazy my life got, I REALLY enjoyed plain 'ol beans.  Beans straight out of the can, cold out of the refrigerator, reheated leftover beans I had thrown in the crockpot & frozen in Chinese food containers.  I just couldn't get enough beans.  I was frequently so tired & stressed running back & forth to the hospital, I couldn't dream of cooking something, but I always looked forward to opening my can of beans.  I would throw a frozen quart-sized deli contained into an insulated lunch tote & drag it around with me until it was thawed & I could get to the microwave to heat it up.  It kept my grapes cold!

For a while I never let myself run out of butterbeans because they were my lifeline.  I never had to fuss with making grocery list and I never had to worry about what I would eat, as long as I had thrown a can into my totebag.  My two big comfort foods were a can of butterbeans loaded with diet garlic butter (to replace garlic bread), and a can of butterbeans swimming in a big cup of boxed chicken broth, 'cause I love liquidy soup.  I got used to eating plain unseasoned beans right out of the crockpot without ANY seasonings except some Mrs. Dash that I could add to the beginning of the cooking process, 'cause I was too tired to mess with the extra step of seasoning them after they softened up.

Doreen -- You are doing GREAT.  You are the poster child for customizing the program to fit your needs.  You're already giving advice to newbies who are looking up to you!  I'm so proud of you.  What day of the month have you decided to make your weigh-in day?  Mine is the first Wednesday of the month.

Carla used to host WOW (I think it meant Winning on Wednesday) so everyone could touch base, share sucesses, & get inspiration.  What has happened to Carla ? ? ?  I know she was moving.  I hope she's okay.
Last edited by Gwennaford on November 3rd, 2008, 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Thanks for the recipes for the muffins.  I know I saw them this morning but they are gone now so must of got posted in the recipe sections.  I will look there as want to make them tomorrow.  They sound so yummy.


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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

They are still here, Carrole, down around Reply #33, somewhere around page 3.  But I also added them to the recipe page under side dishes.
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Re: Gwennaford's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

I jumped over here from Vickie's journal page to continue my thoughts about tithing.  Our money situation is so fouled up with Neil in a no-pay status at work.  THANK GOD he still has his job waiting for him.  I have withheld the tithe to pay the mortgage but I HATE that.  I try to always "pay it back" by tithing double the next time, but that's NOT the right way to do it.  I know it and God knows it.  I know I am not the best steward of God's money.  I know I should get on top of the budget and keep better track of every penny that goes out, but I hate being the one to hold the purse strings.  I'm basically very generous, and whatever anyone wants, I'm right there with the checkbook.  It has to be me, though, because Neil is even a softer touch that I am.  But GOD is so faithful.  We thank GOD every day that we are finally credit card-free.

Right now I'm praying for the Lord to show me somewhere else to cut the budget to get us through.  I don't want to lose the Internet and my connection with all of you!  It's too dangerous not to have a cell phone, with our health issues.  The cable TV may be the next to go.
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