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Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 9:02 pm
by cameron
Hey Jenny, we haven't heard from you for awhile. How is it going?

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 8:43 am
by jencita
Hi Cameron - I am here, checking in occasionally  but always fighting discouragement due to my lack of will power.  I am fired up now.  For the month of May - LDL foods only.  I will post daily in my journal.  I can do this!!
Breakfast: banana
Lunch: chipotle bowl
Dinner: fruit  popcorn if I get hungry

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 10:55 am
by witheraway1
Jennie, try eating more for breakfast, a bananna may not hack it. You need for fuel for your body so you won't be so starved at lunch. GOOD LUCK

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 12:34 pm
by jencita
Thanks Wither I ate a bigger breakfast today and I officially weighed myself - I gained 5 pounds. Oh my! I need to get this off fast (I was on vacation last week and didn't even pay attention to what I ate)
Breakfast: banana, refried beans, eggs
lunch: salad
snack: apple
dinner: have to eat dinner at a work meeting tonight - I know they are having barbecue something or other so we will see - hopefully the apple will fill me and I can do without dinner.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 1:39 pm
by witheraway1
Jennie, don't go without dinner...The barbue is meat it probably won't hurt you. Maybe there will be some fruit or salad too.... Relax you can do this.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 2nd, 2012, 5:58 am
by jencita
Thanks Wither - I ate the barbecue chickent - it was quite good.  I also had some beans.  I resisted the cookies - Yay!!
I stayed on track yesterday and did well so I just had to weigh myself this morning cuz I am so bumbed that I gained 5 pounds.  Well according to the scale this morning I took 3 pounds off already - so happy.  Thank you God.  A girl at work lost 60 pounds through hypnosis - she is now a trained hypnotist.  She looks fantastic.  I almost want to put her picture on my fridge as inspiration.
Breakfast: refried beans, eggs
lunch: hummus, corn thins, banana
dinner: fruit, salad

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 2nd, 2012, 8:20 am
by nana thomas
Thanks for encouragement....its great to hear when someone kinda falls off( I mean this in a good way) then back in the saddle again..what you wrote helps me..maybe I should put your picture on my fridge....Thanks and God Bless *love*

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 2nd, 2012, 10:04 am
by witheraway1
It's a good idea to put a skinny picture of yourself on the frig....I have done that...Good for your loss. You know very well what works, you have more knowledge now than you did before. Just continue to work it. I am pulling for you! And if it helps you it does not hurt to weigh everyday. I do that all the time, first thing in the morning. It helps me to track myself. If they go up, I say well I gotta do something different, and I do.  Good luck today...It's is a new day.  Wither

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 2nd, 2012, 2:06 pm
by Sharolyn
Good for you, Jennie! I tend to do what wither does, just to keep me on track.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 3rd, 2012, 9:03 am
by jencita
Thanks all - I usually don't weigh everyday but I just really needed to take off the 5 pounds I gained so I weighed again today and guess what> I officially took off the 5 pounds I gained in 2 days - YAY!  I have found that if it is recent weight gain you can usually take it off right away whereas if it is a weight gain that has been on for a while it takes much longer to get it off.
Yesterday was the first day of a new semester so we had wonderful looking donuts in the morning and sub sandwiches for lunch.  I managed to resist it all - thank you God.
I have a wedding to attend on May 26 - hoping to take off 10 more pounds before the wedding.
Breakfast: refried beans, eggs, banana
lunch: apple, corn thins, hummus
dinner: salad, fruit - popcorn if get hungry.

Yesterday I did get very hungry around 8pm so I did eat popcorn.  Also, my husband bought the most wonderful Salmon patties from Sam's Club - I ate one yesterday - I pan-seared it with vegetable spray.  It was so good - only 130 calories for one.  I know Salmon is supposed to be good for you so we will keep buying these and I did not need more than one - very satisfying.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 3rd, 2012, 9:13 am
by witheraway1
YOU ARE DOING VERY GOOD! You have the determation and a good reason, a wedding to be skinner at, just use it. And a lot of will power helps too.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 3rd, 2012, 11:16 pm
Thanks for trying out the Salmon Patties.
I was looking at them the other day.
With your recommendation I may try them next trip to Sam's

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 4th, 2012, 6:57 am
by jencita
Thanks for the encouragement! I definitely need it. Linda, you will love those salmon patties - best I have ever tried.
I caved last night and had one glass of white wine - I had done so well all day.
Today I am home and closer to where food is so I can only pray that I can resist.  I do have to go to a party tomorrow but I am not too worried about it for some reason.  I really think I can control myself.
Breakfast: grapefruit
lunch: chipotle
dinner: fruit

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 4th, 2012, 7:30 am
Just eat until full before you go and take something to snack in incase there is not much else legal to eat.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 7th, 2012, 5:34 am
by jencita
Okay I have 3 weeks til this wedding.  I really need to concentrate -I will make my goal simple - 10 pounds that is all just 10 pounds
Breakfast: refried beans, eggs
lunch: apple, hummus, corn thins
dinner: salad, fruit smoothie

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 7th, 2012, 10:09 am
by witheraway1
Jennie... You can do that know how....

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 8th, 2012, 8:45 am
by jencita
Breakfast: refried beans, eggs
lunch: apple, hummus
dinner: fruit smoothie, salad

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 8th, 2012, 10:04 am
by cameron
Good job today friend!

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 9th, 2012, 5:09 pm
by jencita
Thanks Cameron - but I keep failing everyday.  I guess I am just not ready.  What is wrong with me.

Re: Jennie's Journal

Posted: May 9th, 2012, 8:30 pm
No need to beat yourself up.
You have to be some kind of determined to stay on plan when everything you have loved and is illegal is always available at home and at work.
Then add the stress at work, and it is really hard.
Maybe it is time to destress and determine to eliminate one thing that you know is wrong and build strenth by eliminating just that.
Just try making the "best" choice for now even if you know you really should not be eating it.
Then determine to eat as little as possible of those things you cave on.
I have never been 100% LDL every day and I still lost weight.
It is just a little slower but I have managed to keep loosing.
You can do this!