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Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 26th, 2010, 3:08 pm
by LittlePrincess

Nobody said I have too but I'm feeling like if I keep one it will keep me honest.  I really like the way Donna aka: Clown Lady posts what she eats, even if it's off plan.  For me, there is great power in me being honest about what I'm eating.  And I want to make sure I'm not eating things that might derail me.  Maybe the reason I've been feeling so rebellious is because I know if I eat chocolate or something off plan then I have to come here and look at it in writing.  :tongue:

And just by the way, YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!  :thumbsup:  I'm so happy for you.  :D

Blessed and loved,

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 27th, 2010, 8:54 am
by LittlePrincess

B - black beans, apple, unsweet tea.

L - veggie/beef/chicken soup, banana, ice water

D - salad w/ranch dressing on the side, black beans, 4 wasa crispbreads, 2 TB butter, unsweet tea, handfull of raisins.

I was sooooooooo glad I took an extra piece of fruit to work today!  I don't know why I had a sugar craving, but the banana knocked it out.  :D

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 28th, 2010, 9:58 am
by LittlePrincess

B - Banana, unsweet tea and butternut squash fries roasted in oven with oil.

L - Bowl of black beans, 4 wasa crispbreads w/ 1 Tbs. butter, unsweet tea handful of grapes.

D - Bowl of black beans, 4 mini corn cobs w/ 1 Tbs. butter, unsweet tea.  Bowl of frozen grapes.  

Man oh man I had forgotten how good the frozen grapes are.  :)  They are on sale this week too!  WOOT!!

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 3:36 am
by hopefull
Looken good LP! Yeah! Way to go! :thumbsup:

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 11:34 am
by LittlePrincess
hopefull wrote:Looken good LP! Yeah! Way to go! :thumbsup:

Thanks hon!  *HUGS*   :D  I'm already feeling better, even though I'm still in detox mode.  I woke up again at 4 am having to go to the bathroom.  You know I had forgotten how quickly this plan flushes the body of all the fluid we are retaining.  All the swelling is gone from my hands and feet and my dark circles are a little better today too.  

B - Apple, handful of raisins and unsweet tea.

L - Salad with chicken, ranch dressing on the side, unsweet tea.

D - 2 Hamburger patties, 2 slices swiss cheese & mushrooms.  Salad with ranch on the side.  Unsweet tea.

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 3:10 pm
by Bethann
Sounds great!  :)
Glad to hear it!

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 30th, 2010, 6:19 pm
by LittlePrincess

B - 2 scrambled eggs, 2 strips crispy bacon, coffee with light cream.

L - Fresh brocolli and cauliflower, ranch dressing, unsweet tea.

D - Wasa crispbread pizza w/ ground beef, sauteed onions, reduced fat cheese, unsweet tea.

Snack - 2 Banana's with raisins, 1 tsp butter and 1 tsp honey.  I heated this in the microwave for 3 minutes.  It was delicious. 

I made it around the grocery store today.  I was in a lot of pain when I finished but I was so proud of myself for working through the pain and taking care of me!   ;D

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 3:17 pm
by LittlePrincess
I had to get up early this morning to take a friend to work so when I got home I went back to bed and didn't wake up until after noon.  

Brunch - egg salad, roasted butternut squash fries, unsweet tea and banana.  

Snack - Popcorn with 1TB butter

D - Never got hungry so didn't have anything but unsweet tea. 

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 3:36 pm
by Clown Lady
Little Princess
I find that when I post what I eat it is a wake up call.  When I type the item I know whether it is good or bad but I just post it.  I know what to do and don't always do it.  I have not post my journal it seems forever.  My life has been so hictic and I know it has to get better.  Keep up the good work and we will help each other.  I sure have missed the support and hugs I get from you and puppy.
Love ya
Clown Lady

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 7:38 pm
by LittlePrincess
Clown Lady wrote:Little Princess
I find that when I post what I eat it is a wake up call.  When I type the item I know whether it is good or bad but I just post it.  I know what to do and don't always do it.  I have not post my journal it seems forever.  My life has been so hictic and I know it has to get better.   Keep up the good work and we will help each other.  I sure have missed the support and hugs I get from you and puppy.
Love ya
Clown Lady

Donna  (((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))  You always inspire me because you always post with complete honesty.  :)  You know I went for 14 months the first time I was on LDL and NEVER cheated.  Not one thing went in my mouth that wasn't on plan.  But you know what?  I was angry about that.  I hadn't given myself any room to be a human being.  So when I had all of the challenges in my life hit me all at once I just went off track and never looked back.  I don't think I would have done that had I actually changed my thinking along with this WOE.  This time is different.  This time it's going to stick.  We WILL help each other along with everyone else here.  I know God sent me to LDL because it is His answer for me.  I love you to pieces hon and no matter what is happening in your life, just keep trying and know you are loved loved loved! 

Blessed and loved,

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 1st, 2010, 11:49 pm
by LittlePrincess

B - 2 boiled eggs, banana, unsweet tea.

L - Huge salad with ranch dressing on the side, unsweet tea.

D - 4 grilled chicken thighs, corn, green beans and iced coffee with a touch of cream.  Handful of raisins.

Today was really hard for me.  I've hit the wall with detox and everything was hurting.  We were busy at work and I came home and just crashed for about an hour and a half.  I'm still tired but feeling better since I ate dinner.  Tomorrow is a new day!  ;D

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 12:08 pm
by Bethann
I didn't plan to cheat but ended up cheating a little especially when I had company or the kids were all home (but got right back on the plan as soon as possible!!!) I know it took me longer to loose because of that and it would have been nice to loose faster but I stuck with it and am happy with the weight I lost and know I will loose more. I'm trying not to be so much a turtle but one of the things that can throw me is that I will eat for comfort at times so I am trying hard to eat LDL foods when I feel that way. Maybe that will make a difference in my weight loss.  :)

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 6:54 pm
by LittlePrincess

B - BK breakfast bowl, coffee with cream 2 french cruellers.  TOTALLY blew it at breakfast.  :bomb:

L - Chicken soup, coke with lime.

D - Fried green tomatoes, steamed veggies, salad, unsweet tea, fruit.

Well I learned two things today.  First of all, if I don't plan to take care of me, I don't take care of me.  Second, I am completely sensitive to sugar and when I have it it throws me into cravings immediately.  I really blew breakfast but I tried to get back on track for lunch.  I did except I ordered a coke with lime.  And honestly I did this without a thought.  That is what I always have at this restaurant and it was just like second nature.  I realized when I took my first sip what I had done, but chose to drink it instead of order a diet one.  I learned from this too.  Next time I will THINK before I order.  I did recover by dinner even though I had to FIGHT with myself not to get anything sweet.  I had fruit and that was an excellent choice.  I am NOT going to let one bad day derail me.

Blessed and loved,

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 9:01 pm
Just keep eating fruit until you can't eat anymore. I know at the time an apple or orange doesn't sound as good as a big gooey desert, but believe me, you will be so thankful you turned away because before long you will find yourself craving fruit andf you will not be bothered by the junk!

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 9:31 pm
by wendysgoodnews
And if an apple doesn't sound good enough make LDL apple pie and it will last for days.  Or an orange smoothie is a wonderful treat and takes away all the cravings for real sugar.

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 10:01 pm
by LittlePrincess
Thanks y'all.  :)  I ate the fruit and it was good.  I've got almost a week under my belt and when I ate the fruit it really was a good thing tastewise and it helped me feel good about my choice for dinner.  I've already got my lunch ready in the fridge for tomorrow at work.  I've got my juice and eggs ready for breakfast so I'll start my day on track.  I love LDL and all of y'all so much!  *love*

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 11:20 am
by LittlePrincess

B - Scrambled eggs and orange juice.  I only had about two ounces because Maddison drank it when I went to get some pepper.  The BRAT!   :tongue:

L - Huge beautiful fresh salad, boiled eggs, unsweet tea.

D -

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 12:07 pm
by snowbirdie
I bet you still love her.........even if she does drink your juice!

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 9:06 pm
by LittlePrincess
I do!  I do!  :D  She is the sunshine in my days! 

Blessed and loved,

Re: LP's Food Journal and Musings

Posted: November 4th, 2010, 9:55 pm
by LittlePrincess

B - Scrambled eggs, 2 strips bacon, unsweet tea

L - 2 hot dogs no buns, onions, unsweet tea

Snack - Chi Latte 2 oz cheese

D - Hamburger, coke and chocolate. 

It was not a good food day.  It was not a good day physically either.  Girl issues and cramps.  :thumbdown:  I almost didn't post but I am determined that I'm going to post and be honest no matter what.  I AM going to get back on track again and I don't care how long it takes me.  I had to buy dog food tonight so I did pick up some fish, salad and fruit for tomorrow.  I am planning to wake up with enough energy to cook tomorrow.  *sighs*  Thanks for letting me vent. 

Blessed and loved,