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Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 11:45 am
by weinner
AM : Large Banana, Lg Red apple, 2 cups of hazelnut coffee w/splenda, I bottle of diet green citrus tea, 1 qt of water over the day.
Lunch: Lg. wedge of homemade meatloaf: 1 lb lean ground beef, 1lb lean ground white turkey, green pepper,onion,white mushrooms,egg beaters, 1 envelope-amazing taste seasong for beef/meatloaf and just alittle bread crumbs-not much at all. I just did not have any of the Wasa crackers yet.  On top I mixed ketchup,mustard and 1 tbsp of  all natural honey (it even has the honeycomb in it).  Broccoli (frozen florets) w/ICBINB
PM: 1 of R.T's apple pie smoothie's, I mixed together 1 can Kidney beans(rinsed), frozen (steam fresh) string beans w/sauteed mushrooms and onions w/ICBINB and at about half of that.  1 bottle of A&W diet rootbeer caffeine free.
then later got alittle hungry and ate a bag of Orville red all natural microwave popcorn w/ICBINB before bed.
Ok, how did I do ??? 

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 3:13 pm
by weinner
I have not received my book yet, I ordered it on Feb 8th...It will be here soon I know that, but I wanted to let you know that I have been reading the message boards and following the advise everyone has given me since Feb 9th .
I have made some mistakes, but for the most part have been doing LDL.  I had not been keeping track of the foods that I have been eating and then today read about the journal's, so here I am. I have not weighed myself since Feb. 9th, I thought it would be good just to weigh once a month.  Gotta get to work, talk to ya later

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 4:38 pm
by patsyfay

A journal is such a good idea, especially when you are starting out.  It keeps you accountable and helps you see what you are eating.  I like to see how much weight I've lost and then go back and repeat certain periods of time, food wise, because I know I lost weight.  There are so many wonderful recipes here on the site.  I've printed out all of them that appeal to me and I've made my own LDL recipe book.  That has really helped me.


Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 7:37 pm
by sugarbeartf
Katrina, I hope you get your book soon. The book really does help. I don't usually go anywhere without it. Make sure and read chapters 2-6 at least 3 times. This plan is very easy to do. I started with the 14 day guide to get myself use to eating this way. But, so far, I have not had any cravings. Which surprises me cause I love potatoes and chips. But the mashed butter beans in place of potatoes are just delicious. I can't tell the difference. I love all the smoothies too. When you get the book, you will be going strong. :)  Good luck to you.


Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 10:43 am
by weinner
Thanks Tracy and Pat, your encouraging words help out so much.  Here's yesterday's journal.  I'm really surprised that I am really not missing meat at night.  I have a 5 & 6 yr old and of course the husband and when we fix dinner we always include a meat but I only eat the veg's and sometimes a smoothie and I really have not missed the meat at dinner.  I am just in "Awe" of this plan.
AM:  2 large cups hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda, Tropical fruit smoothie, 1/2 red apple slices,
Lunch:  grilled salmon filet, mixture of kidney beans,string beans, sauteed mushrooms & onions.  mixed together w/ICBINB, 1 bottle of diet green tea w/citrus
Dinner:  I ear of corn w/ICBINB, 5 tbsp fruit cocktail (no sugar added), 2 corn thins, 1 wasa cracker
after dinner snack:  decaf hot lemon flavored tea w/1 tsp. all natural Honey
My corn thins came in the mail yesterday so of course I had to taste them, they were so good I had 2.  I also found the Wasa crackers (light & easy, 7 grain) they also were good.  I am just amazed!!

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 11:43 am
by Sweet_Pea

This is a wonderful way to eat and it also makes you feel good and have lots of energy.  That is a part that I like so much as before was always tired and didn't feel like doing anything but now I look forward to getting out and gardening, camping, and even going for short walks.

I wish you a wonderful successful weekend on ldl.  God bless.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 10:34 am
by weinner
Thanks to everyone.  This has been so good for me and my husband stands right beside me in everything that I do and that helps a great deal.  He even eats what I eat, Saturday night we both just ate a salad and he didn't even want any meat !!  and that's "HUGE" because he is a meat and potato man.  Here's what I did over the weekend.

Friday, February 20th
(B) 2 large cups (black) hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda
    Fruit smoothie, grapes
(L) Petite lean sirloin (grilled)
    1 corn on cob, bowl of lg. white Lima beans cooked w/f.f. chicken broth and seasonings w/ICBINB spray
    fresh spinach sauteed in ck broth, ICBINB spray
(D) green salad w/just alittle chick peas, lite ranch on the side and 2 corn thins

Sat, Feb 21
(B) 2 lg cups black hazelnut coffee w/splenda
    Banana, pear
(L) meatloaf , asparagus w/hollandaise sauce (ICBINB)
    bowl of large white Lima beans
    green tea
(D) popcorn
Water throughout the day

Sunday, Feb 22(B) 2 lg cups black hazelnut coffee w/splenda
    1/2 Fruit smoothie, banana, pear
(L) Chicken salad w/grapes, 2 corn thins, mixed together corn,pinto beans & string beans w/ICBINB spray
    diet green tea w/citrus
(D) Popcorn & the other 1/2 of smoothie from breakfast
Water throughout the day

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 2:52 pm
by weinner
What I did instead of butter like the packet called for, I used ICBINB Lite (soft tub) in the sauce mix.  It was the envelope packet that called for the mix, water & butter.  I thought it might not be so bad since I used the ICBINB Lite.  I'm sorry, that was a typo when I put spray.  I use the spray on almost everything.  Do you think I should still stay away from it ?  Thanks for everything.

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 10:51 am
by weinner
I will, that sounds good.  I love to put veg's on the grill.  I will look @ home to see if I have another envelope and let you know what the ingredients are. I did read them but it just sounded like a bunch of foreign stuff to me and I don't think it had any sugar.  Now you got me going, I will investagate!!!  Hey, guess what ? 
I GOT MY BOOK!!! guess what I've been doing !!  hahahahahaha  :D      thanks for all you to ya later

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 24th, 2009, 11:59 am
by Sweet_Pea
Great Katrina,  So happy you got your book, enjoy reading and eating good wholesome food.

Have a wonderful day!

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 3:54 pm
by weinner
I agree this is a healthy way of life..and I like the foods too.  My husband jokes me about how many beans I have been eating lately, not in a bad way just being funny.  He can't take the Hommus!! and I LOVE Hommus.
Well here's Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Monday, Feb23rd
(B) 2 lg cups of hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda
    Waldorf salad (apples,celery & raisins)
    1 qt water throughout the day
(L) 4 barbecue chicken strips
    1 lb bowl pinto beans,corn & string beans, all mixed together w/ICBINB spray
    1 bottle diet green tea w/citrus
(D) Smoothie
    Popcorn (cooked in microwave w/out oil) ICBINB spray and salt
Tues, Feb 24th
(B) 2 lg hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda
    Waldorf salad & a orange
(L) 2 corn thins w/Hommus (Mediterranean Medley)
    square of meatloaf, 2 barbecue chicken strips
    Green salad w/homemade Italian dressing on side (Romaine,chick peas,broccoli,G.pepper,tomato,carrots &    onion)
(D) smoothie, Raisins & popcorn (microwave w/out oil)
    1 cup hot green tea (w/out any honey or sweetener)
I can feel my clothes getting looser


Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 5:37 pm
by Gwennaford
Katrina - YAY for looser clothes, a receptive husband, and a great two days of LDL eating ! ! !

Are you making your hummus from the LDL recipes?  Because the commercially prepared ones almost always contain Tahini, a sesame seed paste that is a big no-no for us.

Love to see you doing such a great job!

Gwennaford Grape

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 26th, 2009, 12:26 am
by Sweet_Pea
Katrina, glad you are off to a great start.  It helps so much when our husbands are cheering us on.  Some aren't fortunate to have that and sure it makes it much harder to stay on the plan. 

Wishing you a great day and great health.

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 26th, 2009, 9:34 am
by weinner
Thank you so much.  I bought the Hommus @ only earth health store, but I will look at the ingredients to see.  Thanks alot! I did not realize that.  I will look @ the LDL recipe.  I just love Hommus w/the corn thins, I look forward to that.  OK, here are the ingredients for the Hollandaise sauce mix in the envelope (McCormick):
Wheat Starch, Maltodextrin, Whole egg solids, egg yolk solids,autolyzed yeast extract, salt,onion,mustard flour,soy lecithin,citric acid,white pepper,paprika,turmeric,natural flavors, and lemon juice solids. 
It calls for 1 pkg sauce mix, 1/2 stick butter,1 cup water....instead of butter, I used the ICBINB lite (soft in the tub)
I hope I did not do too bad w/this sauce.  let me know what you'll think...Thanks again for all your support.
Have a blessed day in the Lord.

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 27th, 2009, 10:46 am
by weinner
Good morning everyone,  Thanks for all of your support!!  My clothes are feeling alittle looser but I don't weigh in until March 9th, that will be one month minus a few slip up's.  I can't wait to see how much I've lost.  I did get a new digital scale..the one I had was old and was not digital.  I think I will go by my last weight that I got at the doc's office in December and just start new w/this first weigh in.  I certainly know I did not loose any from the doc appt to now. OK, here's the rest of this week starting w/Wednesday.
Wednesday, Feb 25th
(B) 2 lg hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda
    1 cup hot green tea (plain)
    1 bowl Waldorf salad (LDL)
(L) Chicken salad w/grapes & celery (LDL)
    2 corn thins w/Hommus
    sm. green salad, dressing on the side
(D) fruit smoothie
    Sauteed veg's (egg plant,yellow squash,zucchini,red onion) in O.O. & 1- 1/2 quart of water throughout the day
Thur, Feb 26th
(B) 2 lg hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda
    bowl of Waldorf salad (LDL)
(L) 1 lg bowl chili (kidney beans,pinto beans,extra lean ground beef, ground chicken breast,diced tomatoes w/chilies,
    chili seasoning pkg)
    very small green salad w/dressing on side
(D) 1 glass of red wine  (not hungry at all)        1-1/2 quart of water throughout the day
    1/2 caffeine free,diet Pepsi
Fri, Feb 27th
(B) hazelnut flavored coffee w/splenda
    Waldorf salad & a banana
(L) I brought another bowl of chili and a salad
(D) just planning a veg dinner w/some popcorn or a smoothie if I get hungry but if its like yesterday I may not    even have any dinner.  The chili really filled me up yesterday.
Saturday night we are suppose to go out to dinner, So I am going to do the LDL plan and not eat any fruit or protein for lunch and then eat all the fresh fruit I can on the way.  I made some navy  bean soup in the crock pot yesterday w/chicken broth,onion & G.pepper, so I am planning on having that Saturday for Lunch.  How's that for a plan !!!  This week I made the Waldorf salad and the chicken salad (LDL recipes) and then Wednesday night made the chili and Thursday made the navy bean soup in the crock while @ work.  So I am finding myself planning ahead alot and I also like to cook on Sundays and plan for the beginning of the week.  If I cook meat for dinner for the rest of the family what I've been doing is just bringing that for lunch the next couple of days and that has been working out good too.

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: February 28th, 2009, 5:18 pm
by robnveronica
weinner wrote:
Wheat Starch, Maltodextrin, Whole egg solids, egg yolk solids,autolyzed yeast extract, salt,onion,mustard flour,soy lecithin,citric acid,white pepper,paprika,turmeric,natural flavors, and lemon juice solids. 

Hi Katrina!
I'm one who's been on LDL for almost 2 1/2 yrs or so. The things I highlighted in RED above are not good for LDL. We avoid the grains (wheat), I don't remember why but I know we also avoid Yeast if we can, Maltodextrin and "natural flavors" are either forms of sugar or ways to "HIDE" sugars. So with that said...overall not a great choice for LDL. Sorry to be the one to give you the bad news. The GOOD news is you can mix all the spices together and with maybe just a little ICBINB get some of the flavor on what you were making? I remember being new and having NO clue how good manufacturers are at hiding sugars and making us think something is "HEALTHY".

I hope you have a great week and Welcome aboard the LDL train to Skinnytown!

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 1:09 am
by Sweet_Pea
How are you doing Katrina?  Only a few days to you weigh, I guess.  Hope you see  a few less pounds of you but if not, don't get discouraged.  I haven't weighed since the 1st of January but plan to weigh on the 11th.  We are both so fortunate that our dh's eat ldl with us and  are supportive, it means so much.

Wishing you a great day!

Hugs, Carrole

Re: Weinner's (Katrina) food Journal starting on Wednesday, Feb 18,2009

Posted: March 9th, 2009, 9:22 am
by weinner
Hello, I'm back...We had a winter storm last week here in NC and my coworker has also been sick so I have been working alot.  I weighed this morning and I have lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks.  I think I would of lost more but the last two weekends I have had a couple of glasses of wine and I know that will slow down my weight loss also I have been eating raisins, I thought they were allowed but now it looks like I should not eat them and I think I have been putting too much EVOO on my popcorn.  I love my popcorn w/the EVOO and sea salt, it did not sound good to me so I just tried it last week and LOVE IT!!! I have been doing LDL and have went off of it but it just seems like my weight loss has been slow, I thought I would of lost more than 8 lbs but I am going to keep on going!!!