Old Dieter; Newbie to LDL

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Old Dieter; Newbie to LDL

Post by Honeygram »

Hello, Everyone,

I am a 62-year old woman who has spent 40 years testing various diets. Among all the diets, I loved and lost on the low-carb diets until I became bored of them, pigging out on my beloved carbohydrates.  I confess.  I am a carbohydrateholic.  I have ballooned to a 203 lb, 5' 2" shorty due to 1) slower metabolism, 2) meds including hormones and anti-depressants, 3) insomnia with RLS, 4) sedentary jobs with day and night paperwork, 5) stress, 6) too much fast-food, and 7) lack of exercise.  When I strictly follow a diet, I lose weight soooo slowly that I lose motivation faster.  With my demanding roles of clinical therapist, wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and sister, I need the easiest diet with few, if any, demands.  I need a healthy, maintainable diet that does not require purchasing special items, counting, measuring, a lot of cooking, and/or attending meetings,  So like others, I was intrigued with the FIRST magazine's article about LDL.  I am going to try LDL with the hope of losing all this excess weight so I can accomplish my goals. One silly goal (husband's opinion) is walking a marathon after I retire.  Wish me luck! 
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Re: Old Dieter; Newbie to LDL

Post by cuzican »

Hi Honeygram

This program works, I have had some set backs, but Roger Troy has laid it on the line about why I am not following the program as I should.  I can tell you this.  This is the easiest program to follow and it really does work.  My blood work can atest to that.  It has never been this good.

You will do great and have a great time following this plan.

Have a great week.

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Re: Old Dieter; Newbie to LDL

Post by Honeygram »

Thanks for the encouragement!  I think I am going to enjoy this LDL diet with all the support and company.  Have a GREAT day!
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Re: Old Dieter; Newbie to LDL

Post by REGINA »

Dear Honeygram,
    I too am a newbie, but I can understand you pain.  My Dr. said if my metabolism was any slower I'd be dead. LOL  I have started slowly by replacing some of my late night cravings with popcorn and fruit.  I have also found veggie chips at the health food store.  Don't know for sure if they are LDL OK, but definitely better than ice cream.  Even with these simple changes I have lost three pounds this week.
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Re: Old Dieter; Newbie to LDL

Post by Honeygram »

Ahhhhh--a person who REALLY understands.  Even strictly following the low carb diet, I was lucky to lose A pound in 2-3 weeks.  Extremely frustrating when you are totally avoiding some healthy foods you love.  Also extemely frustrating when you know you are eating less and healthier than when you weighed only 110 lbs.  and had a 22.5 inch waist.  Thank you for sharing with me.  I hope I have the success that you are experiencing. 
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