Dreamwalker's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Geri Ann
Posts: 2
Joined: May 25th, 2009, 7:47 pm
Location: San Francisco Greater Bay Area

Dreamwalker's Journal

Post by Geri Ann »

Wow!  Thanks for the great Message Board, the postings are phenomenal!  I tired to buy the book at a well known chain yesterday without success.  Today I decided to check out the internet and sure enough everything I wanted was immediately at my fingertips.

There is no doubt that the good lord has once again placed the correct information in my hands at just the right moment.  I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, multiple vitamin deficiencies and gluten sensitivity.  After 5 months of treatment I am starting to feel like a human again.  That whole rag doll thing was getting old…  It’s now time to tackle the weight issue and LDL appears to be just what I have been looking for.

While reviewing multiple posts I noticed several questions regarding gluten sensitivity.  I am hoping that I am not breaking any rules but thought the following URL’s would help to answer some of the questions being asked…  Check out
http://www.healthnowmedical.com/info/gluten.html. Another great starting place would be http://www.glutenfreefox.com/

Looking forward to this new adventure… 
Geri Ann

Geri Ann
Posts: 2
Joined: May 25th, 2009, 7:47 pm
Location: San Francisco Greater Bay Area

Re: Dreamwalker's Journal

Post by Geri Ann »

Today is the first day of my trial and error LDL.  I ordered the book from LDL web site last night.  Hmmmm… Iwonder how long it will take to arrive?

B:  (0545)  banana and large plum, coffee with Sugar Free Coffeemate (gotta break my husband of this habit, he pours it for me while I am showering) Thinking black coffee or better yet tea, gotta have something hot for the 0430-0545 commute.

S:  (0930) sadly, I think I caved.  I did not have any more fruit so I ate 13 of the 16 crackers that make up one serving of Blue Diamond Almond Nut-Thins (wheat and gluten free).  Ingredients would suggest this may still be a NoNo!  : Rice Flour, Almonds, potato starch, salt, expeller pressed safflower oil, natural almond flavor, natural butter flavor (contains milk) Please advice!

S:  (1020) still hungry, just realized that I have a green salad with tomato slices in the office frig.  Excuse me while I make a mad dash outta here  :->.  (1040)  the salad helped! 

L:  (1200) I am having lunch a bit later than usual.  Lunch includes one skinless, boneless chicken thigh marinate in Franks RedHot Cayenne Pepper Sauce, half cup rice, 1 plus cup of mixed steamed veggies (corn, carrots, asparagus, and broccoli), water with Crystal Light.

D: (1730) planning to make a banana-mixed berry smoothie followed by a steamed artichoke.  Can I have reduced fat mayonnaise with veggie?  Curves Gym 0700-0745  Safeway Grocery store after my workout.

I’m pretty sure that a trip to the grocery store this evening will help to stock my pantry with an appropriate array of food items.  Is there a newbie shopping list anywhere in the posts.  I am purposely posting this early so that I can read any feedback before dinner and my evening outings to Curves and Safeway.

I am so jazzed!  *woot* The LDL plan matches my love for fruits and veggies.  Never was much into the whole grain thing.  I do like nuts, especially almonds.  What about dairy?  I have not seen much information on the posts so far.  Any and all suggestions and comments are welcome!

Geri Ann

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Re: Dreamwalker's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

Hi, Geri Ann,

Welcome to LDL.  I'm going to start at the top of your post of today and make some suggestions.

You are right about the Coffeemate.  Black coffee or tea is a better choice.

No more Blue Diamond Almond Nut-Thins.  Roger says nuts are way too fattening and we don't eat rice or potatoes, even in the form found in these crackers.

You might want to eat more fruit for breakfast.  You were hungry in the mid-morning (which might have been caused by the crackers) or simply because you didn't eat much for breakfast.  Eat a LOT of fruit!

We recommend only chicken breast, turkey breast and the leanest cuts of beef or pork.  No rice (except rice that still has its outer hull and bran still intact). Try a nice bean salad instead of the rice.  Crystal Light is in the same category as "soda".  They can cause cravings and there really isn't any nutritional value in them.  PLain water would be a better choice. 

Yes, you can have Light Mayo.  Make sure there is no sugar on the ingredients list.

You've made a good beginning. Even after being on LDL for 2 1/2 years, I'm still making changes to my menus.  It's nice to have you with us.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

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