Love Those Beans

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Love Those Beans

Post by mamavan »

I read the article in First Magazine. Usually I take these articles w/a grain of salt b/c they only give you a tidbit of information from a book. But there was just something about this particular article and I knew I had to try. I am 5'1" tall and fifteen years ago I weighed 103 lbs. People thought I was anorexic - I wasn't. Now I weigh over 180 lbs. I started LDL this week (I'm waiting for the book). I gave up my morning oatmeal for either pasturized egg with a portion of refried beans, or a smoothie. Instead of pretzels, potato chips, cookies, etc.,etc. I pack lots of fruit to bring to work. (I work part time - home by 2:15 so I eat my "big" meal when I get home). I made a pot of lentil soup this week and put some turkey kielbasa in with it. Some nights I had the soup w/a small skinless piece of chicken, some nights I made a side of mashed butter beans. Every night for dessert I've used the baked apple recipe w/a slight modification. I cut the apple into pieces, spray a "little" I Can't Believe It's Not Butter or Smart Balance Spray on the apple, sprinkle w/Splenda and probably more than the 1/4 tsp. of cinnamon called for in the recipe. I hope using the spray is okay. I think I can live on he Apple Pie too is delicious. Tomorrow I am planning to make the "Pizza Soup". I can't wait to make the Creamy Garlic soup either. I stocked up on so many beans. I am one of those people when I find something I enjoy....I can eat it for a long time w/o getting sick of it. Ergo my oatmeal breakfasts...three years straight of just eating oatmeal for breakfast!  I'm at a loss w/o the book which b/c I ordered from a bookstore is back ordered 4-8 weeks! I may have to order it from LDL website and return the other to the bookstore. I don't think I can wait that long. I really want to have the full benefit from the book. I grabbed a box of mini bagged popcorn at the store today but when I got home it was flavored with olive oil and herbs...I did have a bag, but will have to replace it w/the 94% fat free popcorn. I tried microwaving regular popcorn in a brown paper bag, didn't work for me. After three attempts at different just didn't work. I don't think I've lost any weight yet...but I actually do feel a lot better. Not as tired, and I'm sleeping better at night after only five days on LDL. I look forward to starting to drop the weight. Have I started out okay? I'm definitely not eating junk, but I've also found that I'm not overeating either. I'm not sure if I'm eating enough...but you said to eat until you're full which I do, but so many other diets have you eating all these mini meals during the day and the way I'm eating now...I feel very satisfied. I wake up several times during the night and would usually run for sweets....I have not done that all week!
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by Eljayne »

Weigh to go mamavan. It sounds like you're doing well even tho you've not received your book yet. I'm doing what I think I should be doing w/o the book also and I can't believe how good I feel. I eat until I'm full and am amazed at how much less it takes from me to feel full. I do have to stock up on beans next week but I think I've got enough for now. I made the ratatouille the other day and it's good even tho I substituted bamboo shoots for eggplant which I couldn't find in my grocery store. What I really like about this plan is that it doesn't exclude any food group and the food is REAL food, not processed or fake food which has always been a major concern of mine. Now to find that I can get healthier and thinner doing what I always thought was the best thing to do anyway is a no brainer - why didn't I follow my instincts? I do not know. But I know I can do this and so can you. Welcome and God Bless. Lynda
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mrsj »

I am one of those people when I find something I enjoy....I can eat it for a long time w/o getting sick of it.
Oh yes, we are sisters in this regard and that is why I love it when I have leftovers.....fix once and eat it again.........and yet again.
I don't think I've lost any weight yet...but I actually do feel a lot better. Not as tired, and I'm sleeping better at night after only five days on LDL. I look forward to starting to drop the weight. Have I started out okay? I'm definitely not eating junk, but I've also found that I'm not overeating either. I'm not sure if I'm eating enough...but you said to eat until you're full which I do, but so many other diets have you eating all these mini meals during the day and the way I'm eating now...I feel very satisfied. I wake up several times during the night and would usually run for sweets....I have not done that all week!
Have you started out okay?  Let's feel a lot're not as're sleeping're not eating're eating until don't run for sweets during the night anymore.  YES!  In my book, you are experiencing success and that is definitely okay and maybe even wonderful.

Welcome mamavan!
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by Eljayne »

Mary,  Thanks, it's because of the support and good information from people like you on this site that I "jumped in" and am doing LDL. .. I was going to say "trying this plan" but I remember Sally J Rafael (sp) once said, "there is no such thing as trying. there is only doing or not doing". That's stuck with me and I use it often. Not that she's my hero but I think this statement oft times has merit - I know it has for me.

Speaking of Ratatouille - I found I had some texture issues and way too much ratatouille on hand. This morning I put it in the blender thinking it might make a good veggie juice. It did but was a bit thick so I thinned it with our own tomato juice - no sugar and a bit of ff chicken stock. It made a nice puree. I heated 1/2 cup of it and had it for breakfast - not bad. I have now frozen it in 1/2 cup portions to be used as salsa, spaghetti sauce, parmigiana sauce, pureed soup..... Oh no, I'm starting to be creative in the kitchen, best get back to my studio before this wears off. God Bless and thanks again, Lynda *hug*
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mamavan »

Thanks Lynda and Mary.  Today I have made and drank two awesome smoothies. One of them I included 1/3 cup of cannellini really cannot taste the beans in a smoothie. And I love beans. For lunch I sauteed one turkey sausage link, and a fat free/practically calorie free hot dog, a side of cannellini beans, and a side of mushrooms. I didn't have time to make soup today so that was what I had on hand. Wasn't sure if it was acceptable. First thing tomorrow morning ... I'm making pizza soup! Dinner was a small portion of roasted vegys and I've been noshing on a freshly cut seedless watermelon. I can't believe it's almost 8:00 P.M. and I'm not exhausted. I'm wide awake and ready to go. Go figure! Mary, do you know how long it takes for the book to come from if it's ordered from the LDL site? I want the book so bad that if I can order it from here and get it quickly, when the other comes from the bookstore I'll just return it.
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mom »

welcome mamavan, glad to hear how much better you are feeling, welcome to ldl, and along with the faqs that Mary sent you to, there are many tidbits of good advice in all the different posts and in many of the journals.  feel free to read on to your hearts content, and God bless your journey.
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mamavan »

Well, I made the pizza soup this morning. And I'm sitting down right now (2:10 PM EST) enjoying it - is it ever delicious!!!! I did sprinkle a little red pepper flakes into it...b/c I'd sprinkle them onto my pizza! This morning I made a smoothie early (b/f breakfast), I was up at 6:00 AM this Sunday. Why? I didn't have to get up. I even woke up the dogs! I just wasn't tired!!!! If I'm not exhausted by 6:00 PM...I know this way of eating is really working! Later in the morning I had fat free refried beans and two over easy eggs. Early afternoon I had another smoothie. Is anyone having a problem finding "fat free" cheeses? I used to see them in the grocery stores here all the time, now all I can get is "reduced fat". I would have like to have had the fat free or reduced fat mozzarella (just a little) in the pizza soup, but is just delicious "as is". One thing is for sure...I'm glad LDL is not referred to as a diet ... eating such delicious foods, and feeling this good...definately is not a diet!
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mamavan »

Ooops. I forgot to ask (since I don't yet have the book). Are the "mini" bags of fat free popcorn acceptable? I tried making popcorn in a brown paper bag in the microwave...three attempts, three different time good.
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mom »

yes you can use the mini bags, but I found that I used 2 of them to feel full at first, you can also use an air popper.  I am looking forward to  using my air popper, now that it is out of storage.
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by mamavan »

Thanks for the info about the mini bags of popcorn. I can usually only handle just one. Tonite I made a very small sirloin burger (I mashed a handful of red kidney beans and mixed it in w/the sirloin) cooked it on the grill. Also grilled fresh corn on the cob. I love corn on the cob done on the grill. But this time instead of soaking the cob in butter, I  took the corn off the cob and have a ton of it for other meals. I had a heaping helping w/my sirloin burger. I sprayed a little "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" on the corn and sprinkled a tiny bit of McCormick's Grill Mates Spicy Steak seasoning on both the corn and burger. YUMMO! Had a bowl fruit b/f dinner and a bowl of fruit after. By the way, my previous post I mentioned having been up since 6:OO AM on a Sunday morn and wondering if I'd be exhausted by 6:00 is now 8:30 PM...not tired. I must be doing something right! One more "finicky" husband tasted the pizza soup...he thought it was one of the best soups ever. I'm packing him a bowl in his lunch tmw!!! LOL :D
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by Eljayne »

I've completed my menu for the day as planned but added some paper bag micro popcorn and a glass of Simply Orange juice for my evening snack. I wake in the morning and go to bed at night thinking of what neat new and exciting posts I'll find here and what great recipes I can try. The recipes typically make quite large portions so it's making my kitchen time brief - which I also like.  :thumbsup: Eljayne
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by niki »

Eljayne wrote:I've completed my menu for the day as planned but added some paper bag micro popcorn and a glass of Simply Orange juice for my evening snack.

 i'm not sure if this subject has come up lately....for optimal loss and to REALLY get rid of cravings, juice and dried fruit is not a good idea.....neither are preserves, even if they don't have sugar in them....
 here's what'll might be using this stuff but still losing in the first few weeks...THAT'S because what you're actually losing in the beginning is, you subconsciously think it's alright to have this stuff because you've lost even though you've had i've said before, it's what people are calling plateaus....but, what it really is is that your body has lost the fluid and now is moving on to losing fat, which takes longer......sometimes, when you keep having some of these things(which are meant to be OCCASIONAL)they are what actually keep you from losing....
  i'm not talking about this instance...i just happened to read that you were drinking orange juice and i thought i'd mention it for the newbies that might not yet have asked this question..
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by Eljayne »

Thank you for letting me know about the juice.  I guess I just thought as long as fruit was good pure juice was also good. So are dried/stewed prunes not good either?  I don't eat them often but probably once a week. Thanks again, Lynda
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by niki »

Eljayne wrote:Thank you for letting me know about the juice.  I guess I just thought as long as fruit was good pure juice was also good. So are dried/stewed prunes not good either?  I don't eat them often but probably once a week. Thanks again, Lynda

have you ever used a juicer?......i had one....i used a whole bag of apples to get a glass of apple, you're getting the calories without any of the fiber that keeps your digestive tract busy and out of trouble..............
stewed prunes are alright, although not every day...because the moisture is replaced...but, honestly, the closer you eat EVERYTHING to it's natural state, the better it is....i've never had a smoothie....i wouldn't even recommend smoothies all the time..........i like making it as hard as possible for your body to digest what you eat.......the longer it's occupied, the better off you are.............
life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain..
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by Eljayne »

It's so helpful that you all are checking the BB often and always reply with answers for all of us, especially when we don't have our books .....but.......MINE CAME TODAY!!!!!!!! AND IT'S SIGNED AND IT'S THE REVISED UPDATED VERSION AND IT INCLUDED ALL THE RECIPE CARDS!!!!!!! YES!!!!  Guess what I'll be doing the rest of the evening? Exactly! 
None of my family and friends will believe this but today and needed a few things, more fruit & veggies from the store. Well the bakery section was just to tempting.  :drool:I told myself to stay away but the smells dragged me in, kicking and screaming all the way.... and then to my surprise I couldn't find one single pastry (or even a box full) that I wanted to eat. I went back to produce, grabbed some extra bananas, paid and left. Ate a banana on the way home just cuz I could (or cuzican haha) :laughing:  Thanks to all and God Bless, Eljayne *hug*
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Re: Love Those Beans

Post by tprouty »

Hey Eljayne!

So glad the book finally came. You're probably busy reading it right now! It's gonna make so many things make sense!

We have 2 grocery stores here in town, and in one of them, you have to go right past the bakery to get anywhere in the store. I've been avoiding that store, cause I don't want to deal with the temptation. But you're right. I've noticed at other stores, and in restaurants, that the things that used to shout out my name no longer have much of a voice. One of these days I'll venture into that store and thumb my nose (well, probably only in my mind) at the bakery!  :tongue:

Enjoy your book!!!

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