
Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Post by steimy »

I've just started LDL after reading the article from First Mag.  I went out an bought the red book at local book store an I'm ready for a change. Day 1 was yesterday       
                            Breakfast- Fruit Smoothie
                            Lunch- chic & veggie kabobs
                            Dinner- fresh fruit

I was very busy so didn't really plan. But overall i had a good day an was satisfied          *love*
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Re: steimy

Post by theavinpete »

Welcome Steimy!  Take some time to wander through these boards.  You'll find everyone very supportive and helpful with suggestions and recipes and all sorts of encouragement.  Hope to see you around here!  And remember, you can do this!

Re: steimy

Post by heretotheend »

Looks like you are off to a good start. This is day 1 for me and my book should be here today. Can't wait to see the recipe cards and make some of the recipes.

Together we can all do this!!!!!!!!!!      :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Re: steimy

Post by steimy »

Ty theavinpete an heretotheend . We all need encouragement so i know this will be good for us . :)
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Re: steimy

Post by steimy »

well i haven't been on for a couple days. so here it is
DAY 3- Breakfast- banana, smoothie
          Lunch -chic Bill's mashed potatoes,& peas
          Dinner- Fruit salad
          Snack - artichoke

a good day except i had a headache  :thumbdown:

Day 4- Breakfast- smoothie
          Lunch- fish w/ tomatoes,cauliflower
          Dinner- grapes

had a headache again tonight  :thumbdown:
and I'm very hungry

I've realized that when I'm on a diet and my mind  is set like i only eat very little and count calories or points,depending what diet I'm on and believe me I've tryed so many and i would lose some weight and gain so many pounds back and I'm so tired.
I just want to be healthy so i can play and keep up with my grandbabies! *love*
I've been on LDL for 4 days and i really like it so a new way of eating for me  :)
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Re: steimy

Post by greenheron »

Hi, steimy,

You're right about that Diet's hard to break.  But you MUST...and you'll be so much happier if you do.

You need to EAT MORE FOOD!!!!!!  When you're starting out, you have to eat as much food as you can at every meal, as much as you want of ALL LDL approved foods.  In your first few days, you shouldn't have a dinner consisting of "grapes."  Your body will go into starvation mode, and you won't see weight dropping off because your metabolism will grab onto every calorie you consume.

Instead, eat grapes AND some chicken AND some soup or salad.....give your body REAL food.  In a few weeks, you'll be ready to accept grapes as your supper. But CERTAINLY not in the first few days! 

You said you're hungry.  Well, YEAH!  You're not eating enough!  Hunger isn't a positive thing on should feel satisfied.  It's the only way your cravings will be defeated. 

You also say you have a headache.  That's no doubt because you're getting rid of some of the toxins stored up from the food you were eating last week, it takes a while to "clean out" your system, and headaches are common.  They will pass, I promise.  You also might be suffering from caffeine withdrawal if you've given up coffee or colas etc.  You don't have to completely eliminate coffee or diet pop, as long as you don't use sugar/cream and as long as artificial sweeteners don't cause cravings for your.

It's terrific that you've found LDL and that you're enjoying the things you're eating....don't you love this food?  Fruit?  Smoothies?  Mashed "beatatoes"?  Corn?  Peas?  It's a treat to be able to say these are diet foods.  But please, start eating your FILL at every meal until you naturally cut back on how much food you want.  It will happen all by never have to limit yourself. 

Eat Up!!
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Re: steimy

Post by grambonnie5 »

It is so amazing what the diet industry has done to us. *evil* I have always been sooooo confused at what to eat. What is healthy this year will be unhealthy next. It is hard to break that mindset. Every time I eat I think should I or shouldn't I be eating this. I have been so fed up with buying into programs that just make someone else rich and me more frustrated and fatter. Roger Troy has been doing his program for something like 30 plus years. The original program is basically the same one he still does. All the proceeds from his books go to great causes. I feel so blessed having found this program. Not having to count carbs or calories or whatever has been wonderful. I was going through all my hundreds (literally) of diet books to donate them and I decided I had diet information overload. Now I feel so much more calm and peaceful about the whole weight thing. I still want to lose...
...but just the weight - not my mind. ;D Diet Freedom!!!
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Re: steimy

Post by steimy »

Hi and ty so much for the great info. *love* But greenheron you said to have a piece of chic for my dinner but i thought we were only to have protein for our LDL meal. a little confused but definitely learning and enjoying every min of it.I just learned after reading the book for the 4th time to eat fruit whenever I'm hungry even if its between meals until i stop craving sugar and sweets. Well again ty for all your help have a great day and God Bless
Lisa *love*
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Re: steimy

Post by steimy »

g rambonnie5 , I hear you i was totally giving up on all these diets also .I would lose and then gain and never stick to it. But i find LDL plan a new way and I love the foods. :) I also thank god for finding this plan he heard my cries. well chat later have a good day and god bless you
*love* Lisa
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Re: steimy

Post by greenheron »

steimy wrote:Hi and ty so much for the great info. *love* But greenheron you said to have a piece of chic for my dinner but i thought we were only to have protein for our LDL meal. a little confused but definitely learning and enjoying every min of it.I just learned after reading the book for the 4th time to eat fruit whenever I'm hungry even if its between meals until i stop craving sugar and sweets. Well again ty for all your help have a great day and God Bless
Lisa *love*

Hi, steimy,

I told you to eat chicken at dinner because you're still a bright shiney, wet-behind-the-ears newbie!  You haven't been here even a week yet!  Your body is used to a larger evening meal, and you have to transition gradually to "strict" LDL. 

What you should be doing is eating a nice fruity breakfast, a BIG lunch with plenty of LDL heavy protein, and a supper that will hold you over until the morning.  Within a few days, you won't need meat at supper, you'll be happy with fruit, a salad, some soup...  You should also have a snack when you need it, but as has been posted elsewhere, when you're hungry, EAT...not just "take the edge off" because small snacks will give you a blood-sugar roller coaster.  If you need a snack, eat a BIG one!

Make sure your meals are LARGE enough to fill you up!  It doesn't look like you're eating enough food.  Perhaps when you post "fish with tomatoes, cauliflower" you're eating a pound of fish, four tomatoes and a head of cauliflower, but I doubt it ;) 

And for supper, for most people starting out, just grapes won't cut it.  Grapes, popcorn, a serving of bean soup or mushroom soup, or even a scrambled egg makes more sense.  You will probably get to a point where grapes, and maybe popcorn will be enough, but not for a week or more after starting.

NOW. I mentioned "Strict LDL" above, but there really isn't such a thing, because everyone is different.  Your weight, your metabolism, your tendency for sweet/carby cravings will play a role in what works for you.  It will happen, but in the meantime, make sure you EAT EAT EAT!  You love the food (Don't we all!!!) so you know you can stick to it.  If, at any point, you get any "I can't do this anymore" feelings, go back to the basics, fill up, and start over.  It DOES work and it WILL work for you! :)
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Re: steimy

Post by mom »

hey for all of you newbies that are newer than us newbies that have been here for a week or two, remember to eat until full anytime you are hungry of any ldl food, that includes fruit, protein, soup, veggies.  If you eat until full each time you eat, you will soon be without cravings, and you will discover that you eat less and even less often.  May God bless each of you as you continue this journey.
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Re: steimy

Post by steimy »

ty greenheron, for all your advice it help me alot. I'm starting to get it. :)
i did weigh myself cause i couldn't resist, was down 4lbs  *love*...
So how long have you been doing the LDL plan? As you can see i'm not much of a writer but i'm trying.
keep up your success. your doing great. *hug*

Day 5
Breakfast- 8oz fruit smoothie, banana,then 3egg white omelet w/ broc.,peppers & onions
Lunch- LDL meatloaf , LDL mashed pot, and corn
Dinner- med fruit salad , bowl white chic chili

I was totally satisfied. I had no headache so that was a plus. i had alot of energy through out the day then i crashed.
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Re: steimy

Post by steimy »

mom, Ty I'm starting to get it in my thick head eat till full . so far I'm doing it an i plan on sticking to this life plan. I'm satisfied with the foods and i don't feel I'm missing out on foods, and i was a carb girl. we are all on our new journey to be healthy and i thank god. well it was nice chatting got to go
God Bless  *love* Lisa
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