LDL is a true blessing!

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LDL is a true blessing!

Post by BrittyBean »

Hello all!  Well, I just purchased "Let's Do Lunch" today at Borders, and I read it all evening-- cover to cover.  My mom had gone grocery shopping a few days ago, and she came home with groceries and a magazine.  I skimmed through the magazine because of one of the headlines that read "Lose 12 pounds in one week!" or something of the sort.  I had to read it!  I figured it would just be another blurb about a magical diet pill, but nope!  It was all about "Let's Do Lunch!" and I'm so happy that she got that magazine.  I've been struggling with yo-yo dieting since I was about 13 (and I'm 19 now, soon to be 20...in July!).  College saved me from almost starving myself to death, but now I have a problem of eating way too much and not being able to get control of it.  I think this "Let's Do Lunch!" strategy is truly a blessing in disguise (minus the disguise part...heh).  I am so excited to start!!  The best part, I think, is that it says NO NUTS/SEEDS.  I'm so sick of every diet saying that nuts/seeds are the way to weight loss, because they are SO not!  I think for once, I may have stumbled upon a plan that will work WITHOUT depriving me!  I can't even put into words how excited and grateful I am to have accidentally found out about the book---and, it was the last one on the shelf at the store!  It's definitely meant to be! hehe [: 

Eat Lightly; Think Brightly; Be Sprightly!
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Re: LDL is a true blessing!

Post by stephyanders »


Congratulations! Today was day number one for me, and I can tell you that trying to lose weight never felt so good! My stomach isn't growling, I'm not drinking gallons of water to stay full! I actually just finished having Mary's pizza soup, which I am now going to recommend to everyone I meet because it was absolutely amazing.

I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that the day I had today will be repeated again and again and again, and sooner or later I will see the scales turn in my favor!

Just be careful about the message boards- I find myself on them when I should be doing other things, like now :)

Good luck!
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Re: LDL is a true blessing!

Post by mrsj »

Welcome Brittany...........I love BrittyBean........it's so LDL!
I'm so excited for you at age 19 to find out about eating the Let's Do Lunch way.  I can only imagine if I'd learn healthy eating at that age. 
Anyway it's good to have you join us here at the message boards.  Check out the FAQ's!
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Re: LDL is a true blessing!

Post by BrittyBean »

Thank you very much!  ;D  It's also nice to finally find a place where everyone is so welcoming.  It's been awhile since I've honestly felt like I truly belong somewhere.  For once in a great long while, I finally feel like I do. 

Eat Lightly; Think Brightly; Be Sprightly!
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Re: LDL is a true blessing!

Post by tprouty »

Hey Brittney!

You are in the right place! Imagine your Mom finding a First Magazine now -- they were sold out it my area a couple weeks ago, and now the new issue was on the stand last weekend. PLUS getting the last book on the shelf........ It was meant to be for YOU, girl!

Just about everybody here understands all too well about the yo-yo dieting and feeling out of control! When I was about your age, I was struggling with bulimia, so I am soooooo glad you've found something that can work for you NOW.

The thing I've hated about diets for too long is that you have to portion control/count calories/count points/exercise EVERY day. I need something that works in real life! And this looks like IT. After about 4 weeks, I am not frustrated, hungry, irritable, discouraged, going out of my mind fighting cravings..... I feel great!  :thumbsup: And many others are saying the same.

You'll find great support here, lots of ideas to answer any questions, terrific recipes, and so many helpful, experienced, successful LDL veterans who want more than anything to see you succeed and not have to struggle with weight issues in your future life!

So do you think your family will get on board with you? My hubby doesn't need to lose weight (as you can see), but he's happy to try whatever I cook, and just add anything else he needs.

Anyway, to get a good start, make up your mind to not get tense about what the scale says. Just feed your body the healthy LDL recommended foods, keep your balance, and be healthier than you've been in your life before! The weight WILL come off.

God bless,
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Re: LDL is a true blessing!

Post by BrittyBean »

Oh wow, thank you so much, Terri!  I greatly appreciate your understanding and support. [:

Eat Lightly; Think Brightly; Be Sprightly!
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