Kimberly's Food Journa

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Kimberly's Food Journa

Post by KimmyB »

Just a little about me first, since this is my first post and I am a newbie. I am 35, have a 14 year old son, newly remarried and wanting to have another baby. I am 130 lbs overweight, and desperately want to get healthy. Like everyone else here, I am sure, I have tried every diet known to man and have lost tons of weight with them, but low and behold.....gained it back, plus more  :thumbdown:  :poo: . One day I was reading a magazine and noticed Roger's story, and thought duh  :shock: , this makes so much since, so I thought about it and talked it over with the hubby "who is eating the same way", so we decided to order the book.  :D After all, I just absolutely love fruit and popcorn, my 2 favorite snack things in the world, although I will miss the movie theatre popcorn  :drool: from the theatres but at least I will be healthy and skinny :thumbsup: ! Anyway....I got my book about a week ago  :thumbsup: yeah!! but I had to read and study it first, several times  :blink: , before i could actually start. This way I would know exactly what I was doing and how to eat. Well i started eating the LDL way Monday, but just getting around to making my posts. I look forward to sharing with everyone and getting to know everyone. So with all that said I will start with today Tuesday  :D !

Tuesday 6/16


1 med apple
1 med banana
bunches of grapes
1 (16oz) bottle of Diet Lipton Green Tea w/mixed berry


2 Turkey (93/07) Burgers w/chopped onions and mashed pinto beans
1 piece of corn on the cob sprayed lightly with I Can't Believe its Not Butter Spray, and sprinkled with pepper
about 1 cup and 1/2 of mixed salad greens with carrots with light ranch dressing on the side
about 2 cups of popcorn
1 can of Diet Mountain Dew (weening myself off these)

Bottle of water

Dinner (This was a test, because my girlfriend wanted to go out to Golden Corral to eat....uuuuggghh.... i handled it well)

Lots and lots of watermelon
Lots and lots of strawberries
Lots of Cantaloupe
Orange Slices
Salad with, green peppers, onions, cucumbers, about a Tbsp of crumbled blue cheese with light ranch dressing on the side
Unsweet tea with splenda

bottle of water

Evening Snack

Few slices of fresh pineapple....yummmmm
1 (16oz) bottle of Diet Lipton Green Tea w/mixed Berry

QUESTION?? When I was looking at the popcorn, all I saw in the Orville Redenbachers 94% fat free was the kettle corn yuch! *lipssealed* and the one with slight butter. I bought the one with butter on the front, but do they not make one thats natural or no butter? I have tried all my grocery stores around my home and have found nothing, if anyone knows please let me know. Thank you  :teeth:


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Re: Kimberly's Food Journa

Post by t-rock »

Hi Kimberly:

I haven't been able to find 94% fat free without the butter flavor either.  I have been eating it though, and I notice many others are as well.  Trader Joe's also now makes and olive oil popcorn (already popped in the bag) which is really good but I only eat that if I am unable to pop my own.  I have been on the program just over two weeks, not weighing myself until the end of the month.  I am finding that this is a program I can live with forever, and the support on the site is truly amazing.

Best Regards,

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Re: Kimberly's Food Journa

Post by niki »

KimmyB wrote:QUESTION?? When I was looking at the popcorn, all I saw in the Orville Redenbachers 94% fat free was the kettle corn yuch! *lipssealed* and the one with slight butter. I bought the one with butter on the front, but do they not make one thats natural or no butter?

kimmy......if you're home, use a hot air popper or a pot......or you can put popping corn in a brown paper bag that you seal with a little tape....the 94% one IS allowable, but i wouldn't buy daughter bought a big box of it and i tried it a few times...i didn't like it..............i'd rather freshly pop my own popcorn........
life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain..
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