Bethann journal

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Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Well, Here I sit with my grapes and my beans!! :thumbsup: It is early Monday morning! - (I think the 5th day of doing and learning LDL). Thanking God for the new day and the new adventure of LDL!  *love*

I did have a nectarine, grapes and a banana when I first started my day but I am still hungry so I had some home made refried beans and not full so I am adding rinsed Chili Beans (no sugar) from the can. Why did I rinse them? I do have high blood pressure and know I should limit my salt and I am thinking that rinsing will help to remove some of that sodium? This last year since I have been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure I sure have noticed how much salt there is added to so many of our foods. My rule will be to make my beans from the dry beans but I know that sometimes I may run out of time and may have to grab a can of beans. To me my life can be overwhelming but I trust God will help me to learn this new way of eating and new recipes.

When I first started the program I made up a large batch of refried pinto beans but I am running short of them and want to experiment with what I have left to make soup or ? possibly. I will see what the day brings. I didn't get to try as many recipes as I would have liked last week as my blind sweet Mother had a lot going on that I needed to help her with. This week will be busy as well as I do need to get more on top of my home education with my youngest (only one at home now - so glad I have him) and I have company coming a bit before the weekend. Fortunately (or not  :sad:, poor dear, my friend has a lot of food restrictions in her life so she won't be tempting me to step away from LDL). She can only eat few things like organic chicken, wild halibut, organic black beans etc.

I tried a fruit smoothie instead of my fermented soy (with a little skim milk or no-fat yogurt, banana and frozen raspberries and blueberries.) The new fruit smoothie was too sweet for me with my regular frozen fruit (banana, raspberries, blueberries) but I will try different fruit and see how I like it.

I will have a very busy week but I hope to be able to still log in as LDL is a priority to me now! It is time to take care of myself or I won't be able to care for the dear ones in my life!!  *love*

For those who take time to read this long posting! Thank you!
*hug* Blessings to you! In Christ Jesus and His amazing Love - Bethann
Last edited by Bethann on September 16th, 2009, 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Gwennaford »

You got it all right, Bethann!  Please see 101 names for hidden sugar post.  It should answer your questions about sweeteners: ... 736#p42736

Wild rice and very very dark brown mahogany and/or black Japonica rice are okay in limited quantities.  Some people have found that it gives them cravings and slows down or stops their weight loss.

Most of the time canned beans have additives like sodium, preservatives and many have some kind of sugar.  Also the starchy liquid in the can is not very appealing, although you will find undrained beans used in many LDL recipes where the extra liquid is wanted.  Personally, I drain & rinse them and add water and/or low sodium broth where needed.  As you said, it's best to cook beans from scratch, but it's GREAT to keep your pantry stocked with canned for safety & convenience.  After all, a canned bean is better than no bean at all!  There are some common canned varieties that are difficult to find in the dry state. 

Not even a little bread, even the sprouted "healthy" kind, is a good thing on LDL.  It's not the wheat so much as it is the yeast that we are finding more & more often causes problems for LDL-ers.  Roger has approved a SMALL whole wheat tortilla for VERY occasional use in a wrap sandwich of chicken breast & vegetables.  But no cold cuts, not even 100% turkey deli meat.  It is processed -- a very bad word in LDL.  If you feel like you will die without a bite of bread, then have a can of butterbeans microwaved with a little diet margarine & garlic.  It gives you the same effect as luscious garlic bread without any guilt.

I've been in a wheelchair with arthritis for almost 10 years, but after just over a year on LDL I'm taking physical therapy to start walking again.  My RA is totally in remission on nothing but Remicade and the degenerative OA joint damage has stopped. YIPPEE ! ! !  If you want, you can read my story in my journal, in Medical Success & Personal Success Stories.  I should update them when I get time, but am nursing a very sick husband.  It's hard being a caregiver, as you are with your mom.  PRayers to you both.

I loved reading about your family.  And yes, it is YOUR journal.  You can post whatever you want.  Roger doesn't have time to read them, so we don't have to worry about staying on topic.

I know I missed answering some questions.  I would be glad to help with any questions or concerns, or even if you just want to share something.  I hardly ever get time to read the general message boards or journals, so PLEASE ask me on my journal page, or PM me.  Be SURE to use LDL in the subject line or it may get deleted as SPAM.  LOL
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thank you so much for your quick reply!

That is so exciting that you are doing much better with your health! And you seem to give LDL quite a bit of credit for that, is what I understand here? Wow! I look forward to reading your testimony!

Thank you for your prayers! I am sorry to hear about your husband! Has he been sick for a long time? That must not be easy! Prayers to you as well!

Thank you for your advise! It is much appreciated and if I have questions I will post you or PM!

Take Care!
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

banana, nectarine, grapes, and then refried beans and Chili Beans and a cup of coffee with splenda & Stevia and skim Milk.
2 scrambled eggs, 2 whites, onion, garlic, Broccoli, beans,
cantaloupe, grapes, kiwi, orange, nectarine

Evening Snack: if I need to I will have fruit and/or beans tonight.

I am still drinking coffee which I know is not the best But this last week have cut it down down to one strong cup at breakfast and replacing with Herbal tea in the afternoon (Yerba Mate). I am one of those people that said I would never drink coffee but about 9 years ago started because caffeine seemed to help with headaches. (The Chiropractor helped those but now maybe helps my osteo-arthritis now? - for some reason I have had to drink it?) Caffeine seems to effect my sleep though so I'm working on eliminating it - Maybe I can I do it this time? -I've tried many times in the past.

I have had some success in cutting out sugar and have replaced it with Stevia, Xylitol and Trehalose. I understand that Xylitol is not recommended but I see that Trehalose is not on the list that Gwennaford steered me to. (Thankyou!!) Also thank you for the information on bread - that has been another tough one for me. In the past I can only do without it for awhile. Hopefully the beans will help me with that. In emergency I will try those butter beans! It sounds good!
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

watermelon, orange, refried beans, coffee with skim milk, stevia and splenda

Soup: Home made mixture
(- broth (beet water, and other vegetable water), onion, 2 garlic cloves, tomato sauce, cauliflower, beet greens, organic celery, variety of spices .... and of course my home made refried beans. (Not fried though). It was delicious! I had 2 bowls and the last one I had a little non-fat yogurt in it! That was yummy too! :) )
2 large pieces of salmon cooked with garlic and onion,
broccoli cooked a bit in the microwave,
2 cobs of corn on the cobb
Yerba Mate Herbal tea

watermelon, orange, grapes, beans

I figured out what butterbeans were. Also called Lima! They are prepared and in the fridge so maybe I will use them in a recipe tomorrow.
A crazy day so my lunch and dinner were at odd times but that's life sometimes I guess.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by bamaluvr »

Hello Bethann,  Hope all is well with you and yours today.  Just wanted to drop in and say Hello.  I have never used beet greens before. I will have to try that. Thanks for the idea. The salmon sounds yummy fixed that way. Keep up the good work with ldl you will make your goals eating this way.
    Have a good day.

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thanks Bamaluvre for dropping in and for the comments! :)

I had a rough day!
I'll see if I can recall what I ate :pouty:
refried beans, watermelon, orange, grapes, coffee with skim milk (Stevia and Splenda)
Zucchini baked with lean minute steak, Organic spaghetti Sauce (no sugar), strips of green pepper and a little bit of no-fat cheese! I love Zucchini!  :drool:, homemade refried beans,
1/4 cup no-fat yogurt sweetened with Splenda (I had forgotten to take my Ambrotose supplement)
Yerba Mate Herbal Tea sweetened with Stevia
lots of grapes, watermelon, orange, 1/2 a bowl of my homemade beet soup (see yesterday for ingredients), 1/2 a bowl or less of chick peas and chili Beans, a corn on the cob and then had to run out the door!

I have been taking quite a few vitamins/supplements stuff for a number of years now. I am not sure how that will all fit in this program but hopefully with time I will not need to take most of them! That would be wonderful! Tomorrow I have an appointment and will also discuss this with a Pharmacist who also is a Natural Doctor. She has her papers for Germany and for Canada. the appointment with her is a free service one of the Pharmacies provides for the locals here.  :happy:
So tired! :yawn: Good night!  :sleep:

Oh yes, I made Little Mary's Pizza Soup today and everyone liked it! I haven't had any yet because it has turkey in it so I will have it for lunch tomorrow!  :)
Last edited by Bethann on September 18th, 2009, 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Wonderful Day! *love*
Too busy!
Breakfast: same as every day so far!  :)
snack: I gave into temptation and had a diet pepsi -(late with lunch so extra tempted I think)
Lunch: Pizza Soup! Yum! :inlove: Cauliflower, beans, Yerba Mate Herbal Tea
Supper: grapes, orange, apple, beans.
Confession: Sometimes I have a difficult time at night (restless) so I have had some beans in the night. :blush:
Last edited by Bethann on September 18th, 2009, 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by bamaluvr »

Nice menu. Beans are allowed. If you need them, eat them. :thumbsup:  Just continue to eat until full at each meal.  I guess better a Diet drink than all the sugar.  Keep up the good work. Have a nice night.

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Breakfast: cantaloupe, grapes, Butter Beans/Lima (potato recipe), Banana, coffee w/spenda and Stevia.
Lunch: Pizza Soup, lean burgers with beans in them, (ketchup etc. -dipping fork....) I wonder what type of Ketchup is referred to .... and cauliflower.
Yerba Mate Herbal Tea sweetened with Stevia of course.
Supper: cantaloupe, grapes, frozen fruit, beet soup, one corn on the cob, and beans.
That's it for tonight! Too busy today!  :yawn: :sleep:
Last edited by Bethann on September 18th, 2009, 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

What a day! -up too late the night before!
Company and exhausted!  :yawn:
Outdoor Wedding etc.
grapes, apple, beans, 2 cups of coffee with stevia and splenda and 1% milk (I ran out of skim)
Lunch: beans, carrots, Salmon, broccoli w/ a little dip (combination of no-fat yogurt and low fat mayo.)
(oops .... :stop: shouldn't have had that Salmon .... I'll learn from it and be more careful next time). - too much going on here today.
Supper: turkey, carrots, corn, salad w/ a little dressing.
Snack: grapes, beans.
Last edited by Bethann on September 21st, 2009, 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Cyndy »

HI Bethann! You're doing great! Keep up the good work and great work on journaling!  :thumbsup:  This is a great WOE!  :laughing:

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thanks Cyndy!

I think I forgot to record a day!
It's too late to figure it out completely!
Very busy with company but this is the last day!

Breakfast: grapes, beans, raspberries, (with a little no-fat yogurt), banana, blueberries. coffee with my usual in it.
Lunch: beans (Chilli), Salmon, chicken (a taste of Imitation Crab - too much stuff in it), stir fry  w/olive oil, Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and banana. Diet Pop.
Supper: beans and grapes.

Then ....
Breakfast: grapes and refried beans, 2 coffee with my usual in it. (So tired from company)
Lunch: chicken, Imitation Crab (I don't think this was a good choice as it has wheat, potato starch .... in it), broccoli, corn on the cob, I can't believe it's not butter spray, olive oil, Butter buds.
Supper: grapefruit.
Snack: Beans.

I think I remembered this correctly! Time to crash!  :sleep:  :) Many prayers answered: Thankful for company and seeing that God is working and healing happening in her life and in her family!  :happy:
Last edited by Bethann on September 22nd, 2009, 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Company left this morning! I'm exhausted! Too little sleep! It was wonderful though!
I tried to keep track of my food the last days. I know I did have small amount of no-fat yogurt, berries and 3/4 of a scoop of Soy Protein. My company thought I shouldn't cut it out so maybe I was influenced. It does sound healthy. I have to go out soon but I will get into this more later ....  ;)
Breakfast: grapefruit, beans, coffee and the usual in it.
Lunch: fish, onions, garlic cooked in Olive Oil, a taste of chicken, beans, cabbage salad with beans added to it. Could be a bit questionable because there was Xylitol sweetener in it and a bit of Canola Oil but also Olive Oil, apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar. I tried to serve myself from the top mostly (to avoid the bad stuff  :wrong: , corn on the cob, stir fry vegetables.
Supper: fruit and beans.
I have to run now but have a great evening and night!  *love*
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

It is a relief to get back into schedule and being able to have more time to learn how to do LDL. Considering how busy I was Friday through Monday I don't think I did too bad!  :angel: ;)

Breakfast: 1/2 orange, grapes, Smoothie (with Lima Beans pureed into it), frozen banana and frozen berries. I like it better this way. Better the other time when I used frozen raspberries., coffee with my usual.
Lunch: Yerba Mate with stevia, 15 bean soup with the last of the lean ham (from now on I want to use a healthier lean meat), froz. mixed veggies with the no calorie "I can't believe it's butter spray", McCormick spice mixture and Mrs. Dash, 2 eggs, Wasa Light Crisp with No Fat cheese.
Snack: Coffee with the usual. (I have to work again on getting down to one cup a day).
Supper: grapes, apple, 1/2 an orange, refried beans.

Snack: I think I will likely have to have a snack tonight!  :happy: God bless... have a great night!

Church meeting .... got to run again!  :rose:
Last edited by Bethann on April 23rd, 2010, 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Weary today! ....and so hungry!
I had a difficult time settling down last night and I did sleep in {is that why I am so hungry?}... slept in but still tired.
With company this last weekend I ended up adding my second cup of coffee again into my day. I will try to eliminate it again and hopefully some day eliminate coffee altogether, replacing it with green tea, Yerba Mate tea etc.

grapes, banana, Smoothie with lima beans blended with raspberries, freshly squeezed orange juice... 1/2 a scoop of Fermented Soy Protein Blend (Non-GMO), natural,sweetened with Stevia.(Ingredients: Soy Protein Powder, natural French vanilla flavour, fermented soy powder, enzyme powder (protease, papain, lipase), natural pina colada flavour, stevia powder. Fermented Soy Protein Blend: Webber naturals Fermented Soy Protein Blend etc. amino acids etc...
(I know this powdered soy is questionable and actually I started using this the last year for the health benefits. I have spent a little time in Japan and South Korea and have noticed how they eat differently then we do.... etc.  [side note: When I spent the 10 days in Japan I actually lost more then 10 lbs due to the diet changes and of course walking].)

Also for breakfast of course I had my organic coffee with its usual (skim milk, Stevia and Splenda with fibre).
{Additional note: Japan uses Stevia in 40% of their products (for over 25 years) is what I understand (with no side effects) and use it for their Pop but the only Pop I can remember seeing was Coke. I tried one and it tasted great (and no different) to me! :shocked: }

SO HUNGRY! orange, banana, popcorn sprayed with Olive Oil and"I can't believe it's butter" no cal. spray, bean soup with ham and added pinto spiced Mexican beans (rinsed and drained) (last of ham and then no more ham) and then had organic chicken with some broth and carrots. popcorn with no-fat cheese melted on it. one corn on the cob with Olive Oil and ICBIB spray.
I know I am running around too much while eating! I have to slow down and sit through my whole meal!! I do feel better now! Not hungy but still tired!

Snack: Popcorn

Supper: frozen grapes, apple, beans (Bill's Mashed Potatoes).
Evening snack: beans.
Last edited by Bethann on September 24th, 2009, 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by tprouty »

Hi Bethann!

You are doing great, really! You've only been doing Let's Do Lunch for a couple of weeks, so it's okay -- and you shouldn't be surprised or disappointed -- if you have some really hungry days, and still some cravings. I can see from your menus that you've been nourishing your body, so things should gradually level out.

You've also, all by yourself, hit on some possible issues that might cause problems. Most recently, not getting enough sleep, for one! Life happens! You'll feel better once you have a chance to catch up. Also, right before that, possibly the ham, the imitation crab, food sweetened with xylitol, and perhaps even the dairy foods.

You know one of the things I really like about LDL? I can learn what works and doesn't work for my individual body, and go on from here! This isn't a diet. I haven't totally blown it if I eat protein twice in one day (when you're first starting, you SHOULD be eating from any and all LDL approved foods when you're hungry, until you're not hungry and not craving, and your body doesn't want so much food). If I eat something questionable, and it gives me cravings, then I know in future I shouldn't eat that. I learn how to do it better each and every day.

This is a lifetime journey. Our merciful God doesn't overwhelm us completely by laying on us everything we need to change at once! He lets us discover things as we go along, and as we get stronger, we learn more. If your body is hungry, you should feed it. As you get to know each other better and communicate better, you'll learn to read the signals better, too.

You can do this, I know you can. You are doing GREAT at journaling. You'll learn a lot from your own posts, and get lots of good help along the way from the rest of the family.

Enjoy the journey!
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thank you Terri!
I see what you mean!
I'm still hungry so I guess I will eat something else (legal of course) before I go to sleep.
I hope tomorrow (Friday) is an easier day!
Another wedding but I'll do the best I can! (Save my heavy [protein] meal for supper).
It is great that you folks are there to encourage me! I really need it and appreciate it! Thank you very much! :rose:
Beth  :thumbsup:
Last edited by Bethann on September 24th, 2009, 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

It was another busy day with another wedding!
I had fruit for breakfast (and my coffee... and lunch though I was rushed and didn't get much to eat at Lunch.
After the ceremony there was refreshments so I had some of their refried beans (they said there was no sugar in them and it tasted healthy) and a little salsa.
Came home briefly and had more fruit (grapes and Yerba Mate Herbal tea).
Supper at the reception: orange slice, grapes, salad, Turkey, vegetables, decaf. coffee with splenda and creamer, and more Turkey.
Evening snack: lima beans, grapes and I might have had a banana? - Yerba Mate.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

I was glad for the time today to try some of the LDL recipes.

I am fighting a cold/cough so I started out with an orange, grapes and extra Vit.C, garlic/onion egg omelette (Olive Oil), Mashed Lima Beans with a little Olive Oil.
1 corn on the cob, Turkey, Denita's Salsa, and Dianes Curried Chicken Salad, mixed vegetables.

Lunch ended up late and I was busy so I didn't end up eating again until just before I went to bed. I had a smoothie (raspberries, banana, blueberries and lime beans) and then more lima beans.
Goodnight!  :sleep:
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