Quorn, Quinoa, Brown Rice?

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Quorn, Quinoa, Brown Rice?

Post by TessTN »

Hi all!

I'm new to LDL, and haven't gotten to order the book yet.  (My library's copy has been stolen, apparently.  :poo:)  I would like to start right away, though.  I was wondering if Quorn products (meat substitutes made from mushrooms) would be acceptable if they contain no wheat or sweetners?  Also, what about quinoa?  Also, is brown rice acceptable? I can't quite figure out from what I've read on the site and searched up here, if it's just polished white rice that's a no-no, or all rice in general.  (Same for sweet vs. white potatoes)

I lost around 60 lbs with exercise, and "cleaning up" my nutrition via Weight Watchers and just good sense.  I went from a tight 18 to a size 2/4.  Now, three years later, I've had some health and life issues that sidelined my exercise.  About 10 lbs have crept back on and I do NOT want to go back to the bad old days!  I know that since I can no longer go all gung-ho on the exercising (I used to do P90X!) that I have to work on the nutrition side of the equation.  Eating 1200 calories for life just ain't gonna happen, at least not with the Standard American Diet.

It's my hope that LDL will prove the key to getting my body fat back down to acceptable levels, along with my gentler exercise routine.  (Walking, mobility exercises, kettlebells)

Thanks for the advice on my questions!

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Re: Quorn, Quinoa, Brown Rice?

Post by LINDA RN »

As Pam would say,Welcome to the best eating plan on the planet.

Rice was eliminated from this plan because as a grian it has to be processed to be eatable.
From the health standpoint you may be better off without it. However, some have found it impossible to stay with any eating plan that eliminated rice, so the least processed (black I think) is OK according to Roger. If you have to use it, don't make it an everyday thing.

I bought some Quinoa. It is still in an unopened package. It may be acceptable.
I would like to be a much smaller size befoe I start experimenting.

Sounds like the mushroom meat substitute may be processed so I would stay away from it at least until you make goal.

The basic concepts of LDL are unbprocessed foods with no (or as little) additives as possible.
No wheat, rice or oats. No potatoes.

If you start with those basics, you can adapt LDL to your body and lifestyle....the real beauty of LDL.
I agree, counting calories doesn't work fo me either.
It is just easier to eliminate certain things altogether and eat until full all the great nutrionally beneficial foods that really feed the body.

Keep us posted on what works and doesn't work for you.
There is always someone here to help.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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