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Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 27th, 2010, 2:03 pm
by daniela

How do you prepare blackened fish or chicken?

The book says to cook fish without any added fat.  I use a non-stick skillet, but I like to use some oil with cooking my meats/fish.  Is this still OK?  A teaspoon of oil say.

Also, I don't fancy bottled dressings at all :(  Can I use some olive oil and balsamic vinegar on my salads?

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 27th, 2010, 3:54 pm
I personally use either Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for cooking. Canola oil can also be used. Just use the least amount needed. Just stay away from hydroginated fats.

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 27th, 2010, 7:09 pm
by niki
marysimmons wrote:If you want to do Let's Do Lunch "according to the book," the only oil Roger recommends is olive oil...  

Many members of these boards have started using Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, and they really like it and say it's fine.  It's not officially "approved," so I'll just leave it at that for you to decide if you want to go by the book or not.  

there comes a time in everyone's life where they have to think outside of the box..........

there's NOTHING magical about olive DOESN'T make you lose weight faster....roger started using it because it was the healthiest oil on the market at the time that he first lost all that weight....NOW, extra virgin coconut oil is available...a lot of people on these boards use is THE HEALTHIEST OIL AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY...and that's NOT just my opinion.....when you heat olive oil, it loses some of it's benefits...NOT coconut oil.............when i first lost the weight i lost on let's do lunch 4 years ago?....i was using extra virgin coconut oil..............if i was still eating popcorn, i would be drizzling olive oil on it because it's not heated and it's at it's best that way......but, i completely gave up corn and popcorn and have upped my ingestion of green leafy vegetables which i eat raw with no dressing while i sip my lime squeezed in filtered water...........
extra virgin coconut oil.........i HIGHLY recommend it.........sincerely, niki

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 27th, 2010, 9:09 pm
by CodingQueen

I totally agree with you. And even if olive oil could stand the high heat I wouldn't use it for everything because there are foods that just don't taste good cooked in olive oil, period.

Also, I won't touch canola oil. It's made from rape seed. Rape seed oil is highly toxic.


Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 27th, 2010, 10:28 pm
I knew I had read something about canola and could not remember what it was. I have never used it. Threw it in because someone else recommended it. I agree with Niki about the use of Olive and coconut oil, but I still use olive oil for sauteeing certain veggies. They just don't taste right in EVCO, but I don't use the EVOO for high temps like broiling.

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 5:44 am
by niki
LINDA RN wrote: I agree with Niki about the use of Olive and coconut oil, but I still use olive oil for sauteeing certain veggies. They just don't taste right in EVCO, but I don't use the EVOO for high temps like broiling.

i used to feel like that...i still used olive oil for certain things.....but, not me, EVERYTHING tastes just fine with coconut oil and i love the clean up....when you cook with olive oil in soups with tomato sauce, there's a film of grease all over the pot...coconut oil doesn't do that....just another reason in a long list.... 

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 6:42 am
hummmm, did have to get used to the taste of cooking ith olive oil when I switched from bacon "grease", LOL. Maybe just need to get used to the taste difference in EVCO? Also found clean-up not so good with EVCO....some foods stuck to non-stick pan....maybe that "film" from olive oil the reason it doesn't stick.

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 9:45 am
by CodingQueen

Here's my two cents for what it's worth.

I use to use olive oil and and canola oil for cooking before 2003. My cholesterol was to the point where I was going to have to use medication. I was totally against it because I knew how damaging those drugs can be for the liver. So, I decided to seek out the help of a naturopathic physician. That's how I met one of the docs I work with now. He's the one that told me to start cooking with ONLY organic, unrefined, cold-pressed, extra-virgin coconut oil and ONLY to use olive oil in my salad dressings.

When I started this program I didn't mention that I used it because it wasn't in the book and I had no proof of how damaging olive oil can be when heated until Dr. Mercola posted his newsletter. That's why I posted it.

Now, my cholesterol runs between 150 -155 and my HDL (good cholesterol) runs between 80-85 even though I'm way overweight. I can only imagine what it would be if I were at goal. So, I guess that blows your "Reality Check" out of the water.


Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 10:13 am
by niki
roger.....this guy that you quoted is a musician who for some reason is in demand to write articles on various subjects...I'M more qualified than he is as an RN to discuss extra virgin coconut oil.......last year, i took a biology course on human nutrition and my professor, without my asking, reiterated what i know... that coconut oil is very healthy for you....i could give you a hundred links to experts in the field....
mary had e-mailed me asking if i'd be a guinea pig for this to prove it's value for let's do lunch....i told her i didn't need to do that because i was already using it...IN FACT, when i first was on let's do lunch 4 years ago, i WAS using extra virgin coconut oil all the time.....
anyway, i don't even understand why this comes up all the time...i see mary respond to people on the subject of artificial sweeteners....she tells them that they aren't healthy, but she leaves it to the discretion of the individual telling them it won't affect their weight loss...well, coconut oil certainly won''s a health issue...olive oil won't make them lose weight faster or, i don't understand why this subject comes up.....if someone wrote in that they wanted to use corn oil or some other oil, what would they be told?....i'm sure there are plenty of people on these boards that don't want or can't spend the money for extra virgin olive oil and use whatever they happen to have around......
ANYONE on these boards who's concerned about their health should investigate for themselves.....i guarantee it'll be a real eye opening experience.....
AND, i'm NOT the food police.....MARY is............I'M the BEAN QUEEN.....aka..niki   

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 10:21 am
by niki
CodingQueen wrote:Now, my cholesterol runs between 150 -155 and my HDL (good cholesterol) runs between 80-85..

that's wonderful, cq.........was coconut oil the only thing you did differently, or did you do other stuff?.....because, that's went from almost needing medication to it being almost too low...... 

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 11:09 am
by CodingQueen
niki wrote:
CodingQueen wrote:Now, my cholesterol runs between 150 -155 and my HDL (good cholesterol) runs between 80-85..

that's wonderful, cq.........was coconut oil the only thing you did differently, or did you do other stuff?.....because, that's went from almost needing medication to it being almost too low...... 

That and a glass of red wine for dinner. Since starting LDL I don't drink any wine and my levels haven't changed. But, I'm not eating my husband's high fat Italian dishes anymore that the red wine probably counteracted.

Roger, when I first started LDL I lost 11 pounds the first month and then went on to lose 8 more for a total of 19 pounds. Then I ended up gaining 10 of it back for personal reasons that I don't care to go into on the boards. I have since lost those 10 pounds and 6 more for a total of 25 pounds. That's really good for me since I usually don't lose very fast and I'm quite happy with the results.


Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 4:18 pm
by niki
Roger Troy Wilson wrote:We want to thank you and our little Bean Queen for taking the forefront in what will hopefully be another health revolution.

thank you, roger, for taking our information and our experiences in the light that they were be helpful.....AND, cq and i won't be really happy about this good outcome until we hear that YOU and anita are using it as well....WE want YOU GUYS to live a LONG time......very sincerely,bq

Re: Blackened fish? Blackened chicken?

Posted: May 31st, 2010, 11:24 am
by daniela
Morning and thanks to everyone who replied.

I grew up using olive oil, and I will continue to do so.  I love it.  I never cook with it on high heat.  Any meats fish or veg I cook, is practially steamed first, I use the littlest amount I can possibly use,  and then I dress the food with olive oil for flavor.  A little really does go a long way.