type 2 diabetics

Post here about how your health has been improved since eating the LDL way!
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by blessed »

I keep the glucose tablets in my purse and have used them a few times when I was out shopping.  They really come in handy.  I'm glad your mom is doing good eating this way and not having the dips. If the doctor cuts the dosage on my one pill, I don't think I will have that problem either, When does she  get her next A1C?  Before I started eating this way I was usually around 6.4 to 6.5.  I take my diabetes seriously and don't want to leave this world one piece at a time. 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

I'm not familiar with that.  What exactly is A1C?  I just started caring for my mom a little over 1 year ago.  She managed her own care before then.  She has suffered from dementia.  I just posted somewhere else (prayer requests) about the recent breakthrough with Mom -- I started giving her CoQH, the reduced form of CoQ10, about 2 or 3 weeks ago and recently have noticed that she has come out of her over 1 year fog!  I'm so happy about this. 

I guess I should know what A1C is, but I'm embarassed to say I don't.  I've been learning so much in caring for her -- she had a colostomy done in the summer and I've had to learn to care for that.  Anyway, I'm rejoicing over this breakthrough, as you can imagine.  Can you imagine sort of losing someone you loved and thinking they were gone forever, and then they suddenly come back?  That is how it feels.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Hey Crickadoodle, Thanks for sharing that infor about your Mom. We put my Dad in the Alzheimers Unit today. My Mom will stay in the secure assited living facility she was in. She has dementia. I am interested in hearing more about the CoQH. I have not hear anything about that. Do know about the CoQ10. what are the dosages? 
the A1C (actually HbA1c-Hemaglobin A1c) is a blood test which is an index of long-term glucose control. This test reflects the average blood sugar level for the 2-3 month period before the test. It idecates how well the diabetes is being controled, it is also used to determine if someone may be developing diabetes.  :D I looked that upin my handy dandy Manual of Labaratory diagnostic Tests book. LOL

by the way love this thread! It is always so encouraging to read how well people are doing with this WOE.
thanks for all the sharing!
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by blessed »

crickadoodle, I'm not familiar with CoQH, or CoQ10, but I wish I had known about them a few years ago.  Both my father and father-in-law had Alzheimer's.  What a blessing to have your mom "back". 
Thanks hopeful, for explaining the A1C test.  I always shorten it, because that's the way my doctor and I discuss it.  I am interested in your handy dandy lab test book.  Can that be ordered from a bookstore?  If so would you share the exact title and author's name?  I always have to try to find the info on the internet. 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by niki »

blessed wrote:Niki, funny you should say that about eating till full......

A couple of times this past month I didn't catch it till it was in the high 50s.

you should be eating, in the beginning especially, the way you do at a wedding.......totally satisfied...CAN'T eat ANOTHER bite.........that's what really sets you up for success....DON'T eat ANYTHING unless you plan on eating until you're really full..................
that's great that your blood sugars are doing so well and that you're going to be lowering your meds.....
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

Hopefull and Blessed -- I read about the Ubiquinol (CoQH) on the Dr. Mercola website.  (I'm thinking it maybe said something about diabetes too.  I'll need to rewatch it, because I first watched it a month ago, about.)

Here is the link:

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Blessed, My handy dandy lab test book was one that was at the hospital where I work. I would guess you might be able to purchase one online or at any college bookstore where they have nursing, medical and/or lab students. When I get back to work I will get the exact name and author of this book but I would guess anyone would do.
I will be looking up the info on CoQH. Sounds very interesting. My Mom has dementia and my Dad has Alzheimers.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by vleller »

This is an interesting thread.  I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetic and have been for years.  I started LDL last May and have lost almost 50 lbs, though I've been at a slow-down for the last few months.  I just got the results from my bloodwork. .  .compared to last year. . .my triglycerides are down, my cholesterol is down, the HDL/LDL are both up/down or down/up, whichever is the good way (I always get those two mixed up), everything looks great. . EXCEPT my glucose went up 20 pts to 128!!!   :wrong: My doc doesn't know why it went up when everything else went down. She isn't putting me on meds yet since the other numbers look good.  She's going to re-test me in 6 months.  

I eat a lot of fruit and especially a lot of oranges lately.  I eat one banana a day and sometimes not every day as they tend to stop up the personal plumbing.   :shock: I know, TMI there.  My question is. .  Are there particular foods that aren't good to eat for diabetics?  I have ulcerative colitis and thyroid problems, but they're both doing great with LDL eating.  My UC tends to affect me with foods too, so that may be one reason my glucose is funky.  I'm just at a loss in deciding if I need to eliminate oranges or other fruits for awhile as a test.  Any suggestions or ideas?

Thanks for listening.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

how great that you are paying attention to you health and that for the most part everything is going great.
I would say it sure would not hurt to do a little experimenting with how you are eating. cutting back a little on the oranges and see how you do? Sure couldn't hurt.
Best of luck and keep up the good work!
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by MNGirl »

Go online and look up fruits in a glycemic index. You will see which fruits are better for diabetics.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by crickadoodle »

I just read through this on the Mercola website.  It is specifically for type 2 diabetics.  There is a list of fruits and the amount of fructose in them, so would show you which are the best to eat for diabetics, I think.  I'll send the link in a PM to Lynn, since she was wondering about this.

Here is the link for anyone who is interested:

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... sands.aspx
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by vleller »

Thanks Crick & MNGirl, for suggesting and giving me the links to the GI.  I've also cut waaaaay back on my use of Truvia.  I would put it in my hot tea where I hadn't been doing so before.  Maybe it was bothering me too?  I already knew that I couldn't use Splenda ro the other artifical sweeteners as they caused me to bloat.  
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by BMorg »

Being a newbie, and a Type 2 Diabetic, this thread is especially interesting to me, and I've enjoyed reading every post. BUT, it makes me sad that some of the people that started out so strong and excited seemed to have disappeared. John & Robert 42, are you still out there???  :sad:

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by Mary J »

I started on LDL in OCt 09,,, and of course hubby eats what I fix,,, he was borderline diabetic when we started... he eats lunch out everyday, and most of the time its not LDL, but still his last bloodwork showed he was back in the normal range!  YIPPEE, plus he has lost about 15 to 20 lbs...

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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by 2good2btrue »

I am also a person that has Diabetes Type 2 and am on an insulin pump.  I hardly use any insulin at all and my blood sugars are now 5.7 instead of over 8.  Lets do Lunch works.  The fruits are plentiful now and that is what I have been eating.  It is going to take a while before the "medical society" will even acknowledge this way of eating.  This is not a diet but a lifestyle change.  I talked with my Diabetes Educator for my followup and she had me get off the program because it didn't give me enough protein.  I then went back to my Endocrinologist and my sugars went up to 6.7 and my weight was beginning to come back along with the cravings.  I told my doctor what had happened and he said "Go back on the program--I have not seen such dramatic results in any of my patients.  What was the program called?  I then told him about "Let's Do Lunch" and he immediately thought I was talking about a dating service and told him no it is a way of eating and showed him my book.

I am anxiously awaiting my next tests to see what my A1C will be now but I am finally back to no cravings and thank God watermelon is back in season.  Everyone has a stumble here and there but we have to remember we didn't put the weight on overnight but this way of eating is healthy and it is the next best thing of weight falling off rapidly.  I had given up trying to lose the weight and reduce my insulin but it can be done.

This is not a "Fruit Diet" but I sure enjoy eating the fruit.  Almost reminds me of the "Garden of Eden" whereby fruits were plentiful.  God did not put fruits on this earth for us not to enjoy or limit their use.  Sorry my bandbox just fell over.  Got to go but do not get discouraged.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by LINDA RN »

I am not diabetic, nor am I extrememly well read in Diabetes. But I have a suspicion that eating the processed grains in addition to the fruits may be why blood sugars go up eating fruit. I have had some issues with low blood sugars and now that I am off the processed stuff, I can eat fruit alone and not have the spikes in blood sugars.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by LINDA RN »

Just ran across this article.

Diabetics With Poor Blood Sugar Control Often Have Vitamin D Deficiencies
June 25, 2010 by Personal Liberty News Desk

Diabetic patients with low serum levels of vitamin D may have added difficulty controlling their blood sugar, according to a new Johns Hopkins study.

Lead author Esther Krug, an assistant professor of medicine at the university’s School of Medicine, and her colleagues analyzed the blood work of 124 patients with type 2 diabetes who visited their endocrinologist between 2003 and 2008.

They found that 91 percent of patients, aged 36 to 89, were suffering from either a vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. Only 6 percent of respondents were taking nutrient supplements at the time of the study.

Furthermore, patients with the lowest levels of vitamin D had the highest hemoglobin A1c value, a gauge of blood sugar control. African American diabetics, on average, had the lowest serum levels of the nutrient and the poorest blood sugar control.

"This finding supports an active role of vitamin D in the development of type 2 diabetes," said Krug. "Since primary care providers diagnose and treat most patients with type 2 diabetes, screening and vitamin D supplementation as part of routine primary care may improve health outcomes of this highly prevalent condition."
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by niki »

i think in error, my dvr recorded an infomercial on vitamin d and it made me look online for info....needless to say, i ordered from my vitamin place and started taking it yesterday....they are saying that they've been seeing low vitamin d levels in cancer patients.......your body produces vitamin d when your skin is exposed to the sun...but, very few people are out in the sun long enough without stuff on their skin....sun screens impair the body's ability to produce vitamin d....but, it's so easy to take a supplement..
so, the next time i have blood drawn, i'm going to ask my doctor to do a vitamin d level to make sure that the 2,000 units is not too much..... 
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by LINDA RN »

I was also concerned about blood levels. I head a recommendation that cancer patients take 15,000 units a day. Seemed like alot and wondered about toxicity. Did some more research on line and saw one report that toxicity became an issue when patients were taking 100,000 (or was it 150,000?) units/day over a consistent several month period. Of course everyone is different, so blood levels are best to check. I personally feel safe taking 5,000-10,000 units a day. But then again, I am not very good at taking anything consistently every day.
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Re: type 2 diabetics

Post by hopefull »

Great info on the Vitamin D! . I think vitamins deficiencies are at the bottom of many what we call diseases. Anything that is chronic and develops over time. Makes a lot of sense to me. Orthomolecular Medicine has been very successful treating with sometimes mega doses of vitamins.

Niki and LindaRN thanks so much for sharing

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