Help!!! encouraging words needed

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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by LINDA RN »

I think I get what Roger is saying.
You can loose weight by eating healthy LDL foods and eliminating all processed foods.
But.....if you want to kick it up a notch and loose only complete protein at lunch (along with the other LDL foods) and do just fruit for breakfast and supper.
I think he is trying to encourage those who feel they cannot do the fast track. They can still loose weight eating LDL foods all 3 meals.
I never believed I could do the fast track. But after 5 months getting the blood sugar stabilized, I can do it now and it does work and it is something I can live with.
Last edited by Anonymous on July 7th, 2010, 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by witheraway1 »

Roger, I am glad the tittle of the book is not changing........

LindaRN, I can see why you like purple one of my favorite colors is purple, I also like black, red of course...........WITHER
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by crickadoodle »

Sweet Rose -- Wendy was the one who ate the beef soup at night, not me.  I agree that salt at night will make your weight register higher on the scale.  I think that is why eating fruit at night works so well.  You aren't retaining fluid.

Roger -- has this new way been tested on anyone?  If it is just an idea that might work, I'm a bit nervous about this, because it also might not work.  I think staying away from the complete protein at night is what sets this way of eating apart from other ways of eating.  I'm not trying to start trouble, just want LDL to continue to be an amazing success.

Niki -- I like how you said you'd suggest it.  I feel I can only confidently share what has worked for me and then I can encourage them to find what works for them, like maybe eating a bit more protein.  I do know that you can up your protein at lunch, if you feel you haven't been getting enough.  I am working on building extra muscle, so I don't want to skimp on protein myself.  One day that I did my free weights, I didn't eat enough protein simply because it slipped my mind.  That night my legs were cramping and really feeling different.  I realized later what I'd done and pay attention now on those weight training days to eat extra protein.  Muscle is protein and we need to give our body the necessary building blocks to keep it healthy.
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by SweetRose »

I like the choice of doing LDL the old way or the new ~ I think faster weight loss would occur with the new way if more fruit and soup flush days were thrown in.

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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by julie409 »

godstemple wrote:Hello everyone.  I have not been on the boards for a while.  I lost 25 lbs and kept if off for a while.  Recently I went on a binge and I feel awful.  I know I have gained about 10 lbs in the last two weeks.  I have been eating everything in sight.  I feel awful  I know LDL works and share it with others.  But right now I am in a slump and need encouragement.  I guess I feel bad because I have allowed myself to slip back into my old habits.  I know this weekend might be hard because of the holiday.  Also, I wonder if everyone is still cooking beans because of the summer.  I stopped eating cooked hot beans.  I just need help and encouragement to get back on board.  Thanks for listening.  I just thought I will turn to the boards for help.  :pouty:  :pouty:

HI Godstemple,
First - let me say CONGRATULATIONS On losing 25 lbs!  That's terrific! :thumbsup:  I have not been on the boards as much lately either but I do check in from time to time. I know just how you feel. It seems to be a little more challenging to get back on track after a stumble --- but you can do it. It is much more horrifying to watch the scales go up rather than go down. You are in control and need to just start over as a newbie. And please remember to drink lots of water - that will keep your system moving.  ;)

To the rest of my friends - As far as what Roger says about eating LDL foods whenever, I can say that I have partially tested that theory from the very beginning. I did eat most LDL foods any time of day when I was hungry but I did not stuff myself at any time. I ate about every 2 to 4 hours. It seemed to be what my body required. Maybe I had watermelon for breakfast and an apple at around 11, then lunch at 1 (always a protein and veggies, applesauce or a salad around 4 ish, and then at night I seemed to graze - veggies, fruit, salad.  I usually only had meat/fish/poultry at lunch but if I was hungry I did have an egg for dinner or bf.  I do have lots of food allergies and so there were a lot of things I could not eat at all or just once in a while like corn in any form (that's right no corn thins, no popcorn, no corn on the cob - no grapes, raisins, no vinegar - sometimes even cantaloupe did not agree with me. But when I started LDL, the weight just kept falling off. I had lost 60 lbs in 6 months. And I felt wonderful - (Thanks again Roger!)

Since Christmas I have gained about 10 lbs back but took hold and did not allow any more.  In the last 6 months other food sensitivities have cropped up and they come and go. I have been gaining and losing the same 3- 4 lbs. I have no tolerance for salt - even Himalayan. Even Lemon is not to be overdone. SO it has been challenging. But I know if I stick with LDL I will at some point shift back into a fat burning machine. I am still exercising - always have but it is not enough to keep my system moving as I sit all day.

So I guess for any of you out there, I would suggest that you keep your animal protein to once per day but shift the rest of the day to any LDL at any time and see how your system and your body reacts - if you need to. If you are doing LDL the way Roger laid it out in the Red book and it is working and you are satisfied then why change it?  

Hope you are all having a wonderful week and are staying cool!

Julie :rose:
Last edited by julie409 on July 7th, 2010, 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by MsHeirloom »

Good to hear from you, Julie.  I miss you being on the board on a regular basis.  I am just getting over a plateau and losing again.  *hug*!  Pam
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by witheraway1 »



Last edited by witheraway1 on July 7th, 2010, 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by Joyful Friend »

Good to hear from you, Julie.  I also have eaten fruit and veggies when I wanted to eat them, but kept my meat protein to one meal.  I like LDL principles and am so grateful to Roger, for it.  :thumbsup: and  :D  Joyful Friend
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by witheraway1 »

Joyful  Friend, you are a great addition to the boards. Would like to see your picture, helps me to know what you look like and who I am talking too. You always seem to have the right words to say. Keep on posting and don't ever sell yourself short. You help so many people, thank you for being who you are.        Wither
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by julie409 »

My Friends  *hug*  *hug*  *hug* Thank you so much!

It feels good to be back here with you guys. I will definitely start posting more. I really could use some support and I know this is the place to get it. I have really missed you all and I am sorry that I was not here to offer support to all of you.

Pam, so glad you have gotten over your plateau. You have done exceptionally well and I am so happy for you!  *love*  Wither, what is the Pink caboose?  I will try to find it later. Thanks for the invite  :D  Joyful, so glad you are here to offer your expertise and support to all of us.  :thumbsup:

I think I will start over on LDL like a newbie, and start posting my results each week. Maybe I will just tuck my 50 lb weight loss in my pocket as ancient history and create a new ticker for short term goals. I remember posting something like that in the past and getting some chastising remarks from someone whose opinion should not have mattered to me.  I will just continue to say "Thank you for your opinion" as I have done in the past and hope that I can get past it. There are certainly some strong minds on the boards now.

Anyway - got to go exercise before it gets any later - see you all tomorrow.

Julie :rose:
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by witheraway1 »

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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by witheraway1 »

Julie, you talked about starting over as a newbe and setting short time goals. Go for it. I am all for you doing whatever you need to do  to lose your weight. Don't forget to be happy and have fun doing it. Keep us posted to the new you!  :rose:  :rose: for you  Wither
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by julie409 »

Thanks so much Wither - for your encouragement and support. It means a lot to me.  *hug*

I think I will keep my name and my sign off and just start a new ticker. I will have to think on it a little more and see if I get some inSPIRation  :angel:

Have a great day!

Julie :rose:
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by MsHeirloom »

Wither- Thanks for the invitation to the Pink Caboose.  I have given it a great deal of thought and consider myself a lurking member.  What I know I can't do is to weigh myself weekly and report it.  It would just be too frustrating.  My weight loss is very slow at this point, and I would be discouraged (my monthly weigh-in is bad enough).  I will continue to rejoice in the progress of all of you and plan to join the train in Key West wearing my pink capris!!  I will be smaller than, but, at this point of the journey, I will be happy with 1-2# per month.  I would, however, be delighted with a higher number :)!!!  Pam
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by witheraway1 »

You have a great attitude and you will succeed I just know it............. :rose:  Wither
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by Karen Weeks »

Hi Godstemple  Just want to let you know I had lost 16# in 3 mo and then went in the hosp. and when I came out it has been awful until just 2 days ago.  I know I am on the right track now, I just think of all I want to accomplish and having to get rid of my smaller clothes,  I still have some to loose,But it took me 6 weeks of doing ldl and then off again.  Have faith  we do it will all be good.  Hugs Karen
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Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by hopefull »

Hi guys, I have been lurking about reading your posts. Thought I would chime in here.
Beating ourselves up, definitely is not LDL. The name of the game is to be kind to yourself and pay attention to what your body is saying to you.
When I went to Japan I could only stick with fruit for breakfast then whatever the rest of the day due to all the sight seeing we were doing. I gained 5#s As soon as I came back I seem to have an appetite that just would not quit. I ate and ate and ate. I wondered at this but my thoughts were I must need the more nurishing foods so I just kept doing what my body said to do. Finally I woke up one morning to no appetite. then all of a sudden I started loosing weight again. I was surprised because I thought I had done loosing weight. 
Go figure. anyway I am thrilled. Thus far I have lost 6#s since May and my return to Japan.
guess I am making alonger story of this than I intended. I just want to encourage everyone. Our bodies truly do know best and as we put in all the healthier foods of LDL it will do what it needs to do.
I am so thankful for you all. You are all an encouragement to me.

Re: Help!!! encouraging words needed

Post by LovinLDL »

Do know that the plan works.  I know I can't trust my appetite if I've gone off plan.  It will take me at least three days to get away from the cravings if I have eaten bread or sweets.  I do trust that and if I do go off plan I know I can hop back on easily but it takes more effort for a few days....I usually spend time on the boards being encouraged through those few days:-)

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