posting my test results

Post here about how your health has been improved since eating the LDL way!
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posting my test results

Post by Thomas111 »

Hi everyone,

I am going to try this again.  I posted all this last week and somehow lost it, so here we go again.
As I have said before the numbers are the results of my last test done a couple weeks ago now.  At first I was too depressed to post and went through a few days of self doubt and frankly why bother mood.  Snapped out of that with the help of you guys caring for me and Gods help.  I posted everything last week and poof it was gone.
I have known of the Diabetes for I guess 8-10 years now, have gone through times of taking care of it and times of not as well. For the past year I have done almost nothing in the way of care, didn't take my meds or insulin hardly at all, skipped Dr. appointments, and ate fast food pretty much every meal of every day plus all the wrong snacks, potato chips, candy etc.

My Meds are Metformin, Ameryal, and Lantis (Insulin) I also take MS Contin (Morphine Sulfate for chronic back pain after 3 surgeries) Prozac for depression.

My last tests were in June 2009.  And this test was a year later in June 2010.

Date:  6/2009                              Date: 6/2010                    ADA/NCEP GUIDLINES
Total Cholesterol    189                              260                            <200
LDL                    100                              150                            <100
HDL                    36                                31                            >45       
Triglycerides        180                              359                            <150
A1C                    8.5                              14.5                            <6.0
BP                    114/70                          145/86                          120/80
Weight                330                            394                           

Can't believe what I have done to myself my weight is so out of control.  I had no idea it was that much.  Denial is a @#$#^%

So these are the naked numbers and as you can see this past year I really messed up and made this disease worse.  Here is where I am starting from.

Please pray for me to not only get this under control, get my numbers down and lose weight, but that I don't die of a massive heart attack or stroke before I have a chance to do this.  My doctor said that is definite possibility because of the damage done and something I will have to watch out for while doing this.

I have faith that God will give me the strength and will to do this.  He already has lead me here to you wonderful people, I know God is with me and if it is his will I am going to defeat this, and if not then he will welcome me home.

So I am a winner either way!

Thank you all so much for responding as you have and I look forward to seeing what you have to say .  I ordered the book but haven't received it yet.  I am looking on the boards for food ideas.  I have not truly started yet but I am declaring this as my start date June 22 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: posting my test results

Post by MsHeirloom »

It's never too late to do something good for yourself.  Yes, the numbers are alarming, but maybe you had to hit rock bottom to startle yourself into shaping up (pun intended).  Like I told you before, the numbers can only get better on this plan.  My husband's cholesterol is under 200 for the first time since his teens.  I have lost over 50# and cut my blood pressure medication in half and have no chronic pain since starting LDL.  You can do this and won't you and your doctor be impressed!  So, the journey has begun.  Pam
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Re: posting my test results

Post by LINDA RN »

Getting started is not as hard as you might thing. Do a house cleaning. Get rid of anything that contains wheat, rice, oats, potatoes, MSG and corn syrup. Give the stuff to a food bank if you don't know anyone who will take it off your hands. That will leave you with very little to be tempted. Bring in lots of fresh fruit, and the fixin's for a wonderful soup and maybe one other meal suggestion. Try a new dish off the recipe boards each week and then keep your favorite on hand also. You will likely have some pretty dramatic results in just a week. Lookin forward to hearing about it.
Last edited by LINDA RN on June 23rd, 2010, 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: posting my test results

Post by hopefull »

Congradulations Thomas on deciding to do something for yourself Now!!!! Yeah! you have taken the first and hardest step. No beating up on yourself allowed!
Welcome to the LDL gang. You have lots of support here.
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Re: posting my test results

Post by Kathie »

Nice to meet you Thomas and welcome aboard.  You soon will be feeling much better, just hang in there.. and just do it!!
Hugs! Kathie in Fl
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Re: posting my test results

Post by blessed »

Thomas, I am so glad you posted your test results, now I can't wait to see what your new result will be after being on this diet for a couple of months.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised and pleased.  Like someone mentioned get rid of the temptations in the house.  I know if they are in my house, I am going to eat them.  Been praying for you and will continue.  Read the boards a much as you can.  I know that really encourages me.  There are a lot of people on here that don't realize how much they have helped me.  I'm in your corner.  Let's get this diabetes under control. 
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Re: posting my test results

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Praise God you are taking the first steps to health by eating the LDL way.  Do your self a favor and start a journal where you can be accountable to what you are eating.  Add your blood sugars to your post and you will be able to watch it go down as you eat wonderful food. 
I know for me it was hard to think I could actually do this since all the other diets failed in the long run but this is not a diet and that is why it works. It will free you of the awful cravings and change your taste for food and before you know it you will enjoy eating all the healthy food and not even miss the bad foods your body has become accustomed to. 
We are all cheering for you knowing how well it has worked for us it will do the same for you.
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Re: posting my test results

Post by witheraway1 »

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Re: posting my test results

Post by tprouty »

Hi Thomas, and congratulations on deciding to do something good for yourself! I'm glad you had the courage to post the numbers, and now I pray for the strength to do the things that will save your life. Sometimes we need that wake-up call!

Stick to Let's Do Lunch, and make sure you eat until you are FULL so you aren't frustrated and tempted to go off plan. You will be AMAZED at the miracle of beans to lower those dangerous numbers! The fiber and complex carbs will do wonderful things to your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and for your A1Cs, too. You are certainly not a hopeless case, and you can turn it around -- but it has to be YOUR choice to do it. Give it some thought -- why have you ignored your health to this point? You have to reverse those thoughts and feelings about yourself to positive ones in order for ANY plan to be successful, otherwise you will find you are sabotaging yourself at every turn.

Good luck, my friend, and keep coming back here for healthy food ideas, lots of loving support, and best of all, to keep us informed about your success!

Praying for success for you!
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Re: posting my test results

Post by vickiann »

Hello Thomas, hoping you're hanging in there!  Want you to know I'm kinda in the same situation as you; I've known for little over a year that I'm a Type II Diabetic but hadn't done anything to control it. My first A1C was 12.5, and before starting LDL June 14th it was 11.5. I got to a point where I decided I HAD to do something for my health. My blood sugar has dropped from 300+ to as low as 195 since beginning LDL.  This way of eating does not feel like a diet, I eat so much!  If you'd like to chat feel free to contact me. WE can do this!

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Re: posting my test results

Post by Thomas111 »

Vikki & Terri,

Thanks for you response and everyone else for that matter.  All of your words are very comforting and inspiring.

I put up a post a couple days ago and just like the one about posting the numbers the first time it went into hyperspace poof your gone!!!!!!

So I am trying it again, I think I do spell check and hit something and it's gone.  It's totally me I know.

Well it's been 10 days and my Breakfast is mostly fruit, my lunch is mostly turkey, salad, a piece of fruit and dinner is mostly salad.  Lots of water a big change from the diet cokes which weren't a problem with sugar but I know they are not good for other reasons.  Still waiting for the book, I hesitated at first so it's on the way.  I am looking over the food boards for ideas.  I know I need to get the control first then expand my options.

The first few days were real hard and I fell off the wagon a couple times.  I would be doing great and then realize I am sitting in front of the TV with a pizza. Thinking WHAT THE #$@!^% HAPPEND!

But I have been doing much better lately, and I am proud to report I have lost 8lbs (a small drop in the bucket when you need to lose over 100).  But it's a start, also my daily BS readings are going down like a brick, on 6/23 the first day it was 480, then lower each day to 365 4 days later on the 27th and still lower each day since, and this morning 7/3  just 11 days later 195!  My doctor wants me to bring my meter in every week or two to monitor and said we will take a new panel of tests in 30 days or so.

My digestion is changing, my energy is changing.  after 11 days even with the slip ups.  I am going to make some of the smoothies, soups and other dishes.  I am going to start using more beans and white fish like talipa, hope that is good cause I love that fish.

Had a salad with some chick peas over it and it was great.  Later I am going to have some huge strawberries while watching TV instead of a pizza.  (Little victories)

GOD is wonderful to me he has blessed me with you guys, and is taking away the desire for the bad and increasing the desire for the good foods day by day.  His love and mercy are ever abounding and his faithfulness is forever.  I am truly a lucky (Blessed) man.

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Re: posting my test results

Post by MsHeirloom »

Good job, Tom!  It will just get easier and easier  :angel:!  Pam
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Re: posting my test results

Post by Thomas111 »

Thanks Pam,

And congratulations on your impressive progress...........  :thumbsup:
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Re: posting my test results

Post by blessed »

WOW!  Thomas, those blood sugar numbers are doing real good.  I knew they would.  Does your doctor know about this change yet? 
About that drop in the bucket with 8 pound weight loss.  I think that is great.  I too have over 100 pounds to lose and I would love to see an 8 pound loss in that short amount of time. 
Your doing fantastic.  Most everybody slips up now and then, so don't beat yourself up over it.  Just keep on truckin.  I'm praising the Lord that you are doing so well. 
P.S. Remember you inspire me, so keep on posting those good reports. 
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Re: posting my test results

Post by tprouty »

Wow, Thomas!

All that, and you don't even have the book yet! Your blood sugars are telling the story! Way to go!  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

The beautiful thing about LDL is that, if you slip up, you don't have to beat yourself up with guilt. Just decide what you'll do different next time. You just pick yourself up and get right back on the train, looking forward only.

Yes, your favorite white fish is a GREAT choice. There are some really good recipes on the boards here for fish prepared in various ways. Another favorite of mine is mahi mahi. I can get it in packages of about 7 frozen filets at Costco. It doesn't seem to be available all year, but it was in stock last time I was there.

Add beans to everything!  ;D

You've made a great dent already in your goal, so keep up the good work!

God bless,
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Re: posting my test results

Post by LINDA RN »

WOW, Tom, you are making amazing progress and the blood sugars are so impressive. Isn't it great not to be joined at the hip to the antacids and other stomach pills? Gary always had to be sure we had them with us whenever we went anywhere. You and the other successful diabetics here will be pioneering new diabetes management, hopefully without pills for the majority.Keep posting often, you are such an inspiration!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: posting my test results

Post by Thomas111 »

Thanks for the new posts and encouraging words.  I will do my best to keep it up, it is so difficult to make this kind of change after years and years of neglecting my health and not feeling worth the effort to make the change.  I know just about everyone here can relate in some form to the struggle of feeling like you have failed so long, what can I possibly do to get myself back in the right direction.

I still have lots of self doubt and frankly self hatred from years of mental, emotional and some physical abuse causing the letting myself go and not loving myself.

You know the feeling< if I just stuff my feelings down with food I don't have to face them>, then it goes on and on and you gain weight and the food becomes that companion that makes everything better for the time you are eating at least.  Then the guilt and self lothing come in and the cycle goes round and round. Then if I don't let you in you can't hurt me, the weight becomes a buffer between you and the pain of rejection and before long no one wants to be near you and that just feeds the cycle.

It's only been recent that I have realized and accepted the fact that God loves and accepts me just as I am.  In accepting his love and forgiveness I have received the strength to start this and see Doctors about my feelings and depression and now have the desire to feel better and get healthy and yes even get myself back into the world.  One step at a time, one day at a time, I turn it all over to Jesus, with his guidance and help along with the support of the wonderful "friends" here I am making the first steps in the right direction.

Thank you all so very much and may God bless each and everyone of you.
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Re: posting my test results

Post by julie409 »

Hi Tom,

Sounds like you are off to a really great start.  :thumbsup:  What's happening?  Are you doing well?

I know that looking at a 100 lb target can seem daunting but perhaps you can post a target of 10 lbs at a time. Do you think you would find reaching smaller goals more motivating?  When I began LDL I had 100 lbs to lose as well and at 5'3" that's a whole lotta woman!  :laughing:  In fact Pam and I began on the same day with the same goal (Hi Pam  *hug* )

I have lost and kept off over 50 lbs and feel so much better that I know I will never go back to eating the way I did before. It is a lifestyle change for me. The will power of LDL is built right in.

So please let us know how you are doing ---- we would love to hear from you!

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Re: posting my test results

Post by Thomas111 »

Hi Julie, and everyone

Well it's been just over 30 day's (34) but who's counting?

I have been doing the best I can with this a slip up here and there.  I have become better acquainted with this WOE.  My results to date are:

Lost 25 lbs!!!  BS is avg around the 120-150 range.  Energy is high and getting better.  Sleep like a baby. Bowel problems are clearing up, the proboitics take a little time but I can tell the difference.  I don't know yet the other numbers due to Diabetes Dr hasn't taken the next set of tests yet.  Scheduled for mid August.

I have seen her twice to let her get my numbers off the meter and she is amazed and we both can't wait to see the other numbers in a few weeks.

GOD is so wonderful, he led me here to you blessed people, I could not do this without him, and the support of you kind people.  Thanks for your support and I wish only good things and success for all of you.  I read your posts all the time (not just mine) and I laugh, I cry, and I mostly get great encouragement from them because I can see the hand of GOD in your lives.  Helping one another.

And Roger, if you see this let me say thank you for sharing this.  The day I saw you on 700 club was a changing day in my life.............I can't thank you enough, it's very possible you saved my life!

Thanks, and GOD bless you
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