Job loss

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Job loss

Post by lrainbow2006 »

I am head cook at a Meals on Wheels...I just spent the evening at a legislature meeting where they are thinking of cutting, completely, the entire Office of the Aging program in our county.  Of course it affects the meals on wheels, but so much more.  Please be thinking of our seniors, and my job, that goes with it...NY state is so messed up...

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Re: Job loss

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Did they mention the reasoning behind this?  Are they just talking figuratively that this could happen after the elections last night or is it a for sure thing. 
I volunteer helping disabled and elderly get these programs and they would be in great trouble without some of the help they get.
It seems to me there is alot of areas that need cut that wouldn't include our most vulnerable.
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Re: Job loss

Post by LINDA RN »

The cutbacks are going to be hitting everywhere. We have been spending money that just wasn't there. They are talking a hiring freeze and possible furloughs in Indian Health Service also. Tough times never last but tough people always do. We can make it past this. There is always a rainbow after the storm. The best thing is to stay positive and believe they will find the wasteful spending and stop that drain so they don't have to cut important programs.
Last edited by LINDA RN on November 3rd, 2010, 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Job loss

Post by lrainbow2006 »

Wendy...they call it "trimming the fat"....but feeding the elderly and letting them live independently is sooo much cheaper than putting them in a nursing home, at taxpayers expense...why are they so dense???  Not sure if the elections last night made a difference or not.

Linda...NY is tops at wasteful spending, taxes, and everything else.  These elected officials make ten times more than the average working people in this county... Most of us are at or below the poverty level...and they want to even take that much away from us.  If I could afford to move away...I would...

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Re: Job loss

Post by CodingQueen »

Have you REALLY read the Obama Healthcare Plan in detail regarding the elderly? If not, I suggest you do so. Then, you'll understand why they're doing it and this is just the first step.

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Re: Job loss

Post by Joyful Friend »

The way we care for our elderly tells a lot about our society.  We passed a levy over 3 yrs ago, so our senior center could continue Meals on Wheels.  I am going off the board after being president the last three years.  I agree that we should keep our seniors in the home if we possibly can.  That's a lot what is discussed at our ten county meetings.  We're not going to have enough nursing homes for our baby boomers who are fast becoming senior citizens. Just like CQ said, we need to be concerned about our care.  I'm already there.  Older people do not to be thrown away.  I felt your concern, Irainbow.  I like your name. The rainbow is a promise from God, so rely on Him at this difficult time.  *love* and  *hug* JF
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Re: Job loss

Post by LINDA RN »

I wish you could move to Oklahoma, Lisa, it is a little better here but not sure how long it will last. Moving is expensive too. If the Lord has plans to move you out, then He also has the provisions for you. If you are to stay, He also has provisions for you there. Praying it works out for you. Thank you for caring for our elders for those who can't.
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Re: Job loss

Post by lrainbow2006 »

As far as I know...and I really am clueless as to the workings of politics, they passed a budget.  I'm thinking the budget excluded the new changes of stopping the funding for seniors, vets, and kids.  Our taxes went up, of course, but I'm looking that I at least have a job and these seniors have their food, and Veterens have some of their needs met too.  Best they can do I guess.  Thank you all for your concern and support..  We will all be seniors one day, if we aren't already.  So many of then are alone with no one.  Seniors are not expendable as some people think.  They are the wise we all need to learn from if we just take the time.  Ok...I'm off my high horse now.

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Re: Job loss

Post by LINDA RN »

I agree, our elders need a place of honor. So much we can learn from them. And we need to reverse the bad habits that incapacitated them, so we don't have to follow in the years of disability that they have endured.
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Re: Job loss

Post by crickadoodle »

We were talking about this some just yesterday.  Whenever they talk about the cuts they'll have to make and they want to raise taxes they talk about how teachers, policemen and firemen will be the first to lose their jobs.  They never say the inspectors and people who do all the red tape kind of paperwork will lose their jobs.  Who can we really afford to lose their jobs?  Government has grown so much and then when you think how politicians vote to give themselves these retirement packages that cost us forever until they and their spouses die!  Whatever happened to the idea of them being public servants?  I just find it so wrong that someone who has served as a representative for 1 term (2 years) will get some type of retirement benefit from doing a 2 year job.  All the people losing jobs in our country in the private sector and the government jobs are now making more and getting better raises than in the private sector -- and they have better benefits.  Initially, the good benefits were to make up for the lower salaries that government workers received.  But now the salaries and the benefits are better on average for government workers.  I also heard something yesterday that the retirement age allowed for government workers is lower than for those receiving social security.  They were talking about how the O admin. is talking about raising the retirement age to 69 years.  Wow, were they ever wrong when they decided that there was so much money saved for social security that they'd never spend it -- so they used it for other stuff.  They never stick to what they say when starting these big money programs.  It was only going to be used for when people retired -- lied.  I don't know why anyone would think that the people who work in government on other people's money are more honest than those who work making their own money. 

OK, I'm starting to rant.  Please forgive me.  Oh, how I love the LDL way of eating.  I'm so thankful that I will not need the type of government health care that might be available to me one day, because I'm taking care of my health today!  :D :thumbsup:  Think of all the money we could save if everyone ate the LDL way!  Truly.
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Re: Job loss

Post by LINDA RN »

I have 34 1/2 years in Civil Service and the one thing that really gives me a hoot is when they decide to give Administrative Leave (time off with no charge to your earned leave), all non-essential personnel run for the door! As far as I am concerned, the non-essential jobs should go first! But I also agree with you, Crick. What happened to our forefather patriots who served and refused salary. Granted not everyone, can afford to but I am sure today, the majority sucking up those huge salaries have a nice bankroll already. I am here to say, I am not one of those government employees making more than 150,000/yr. Not even after working for nearly 35 yrs for the government!
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Re: Job loss

Post by crickadoodle »

Mary, I think she was talking about the taxes in New York.  I've heard a lot about that being what is driving lots of people to live with you in Florida.  Though they'd love to stay in New York, it just has gotten impossible financially -- or ridiculous.  So, now New York has lost the people who were paying the most taxes.  Even with the BP oil thing, we tend to be more insulated in the south when the economy takes a down turn.  At least here in Louisiana, it ususally takes a little while to catch up to us -- and that is a good thing.  We don't always feel it as quickly.  Maybe that is the case in Florida too.  Oh, and the taxes in Florida, or lack thereof, is exactly what makes it so business friendly and thus the economy isn't so bad.  Higher taxes actually don't bring in more government revenue.  Lower taxes promote business growth, which actually bring in more revenue to government.  There is balance in everything.  People don't work as hard if they know it'll all be taken away, and why should they?
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